Limit Admin rigths on specific boards

Started by Azashub, February 16, 2007, 07:56:56 AM

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I'm looking for a special mod, and I don't think it exists.
I'm sure you'll find my request a bit strange, but let me explain my case.

I manage a small forum, with something like 10 active users (it's a gaming clan forum). My users would like to own a "personal board", this means 1 board for 1 user. Each board can only be accessible for a specific user (only him can read, write, delete...), it's a "personal space" if you prefer.
So, you'll have a "John's space" (only accessible for John), a "Peter's space" (only accessible for Peter)....

What is it used for? They want to use this personal boards to create topics with personnal informations, ideas, a ToDo list, interesting urls, or even to prepare some huge posts (with pics, HTML tables...) before release them into the public boards.

I can create that, no problem, but, since I am the admin, I can read and manage those personal boards... so... they're not really glad :p They can't post their true personal infos they wanted to store.

So, what I'm looking for is a mod that could "limit" the admin rights on specific boards.
The only rights the admin could have:
- able to create the board (name and place)
- able to grant the autorisation and moderation
- able to update the board's name, place and autorisations
- able to delete the board (and all its content)
- not able to read posts in this boards (nore read the titles...)

Like this, the admin, can see the personal boards, but can't read the posts.
Do you think such a mod exists?

Thank you :)


As far as I know it doesn't exist.
And personally I think it doesn't make any sense.
You're the admin, don't you want to have full control over everything, be able to monitor everything?

But you can create a second account though. And use an "Admin" account to do administrative tasks.
And make your second account only a moderator for the boards that you want to acces (so you can still delete spam, edit posts,...), but don't allow access to those personal boards.
