Mini Admins

Started by Valconeye, December 23, 2003, 05:56:33 PM

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I guess this coud fall under a modification, but it would be a nice feature.
The admin of the forums could designate who he wants to be a  "mini admin" over a member group.
This "mini admin" could perform functions like email/im members under that member group, modify the peoples profiles under that member group so he could remove them from the member group,  modify/add boards under their group (like a category restricted to their member group) if we could set templates for a member group, then they could modify thier template, etc.. The only reason why i ask this is because i run a clan/guild based forums, and it would be neat to let the leaders of these clans/guilds to do things on thier own.


Should be possible with the permissions system.

