converting kunena 1.6.3 to smf

Started by losthillsguy, February 08, 2012, 10:55:11 AM

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I am running the Kunena converter and get this error message...

Converting members... Unsuccessful!
This query:
SELECT AS id_member, SUBSTRING(m.username, 1, 80) AS member_name,
SUBSTRING(m.username, 1, 255) AS real_name,
SUBSTRING(fb.signature, 1, 65534) AS signature,
IF(ISNULL(fb.posts), 0, fb.posts) AS posts,
SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(m.password, ':', 1), 1, 64) AS passwd, SUBSTRING_INDEX(m.password, ':', -1) AS password_salt,
IF(ISNULL(fb.karma), 0, fb.karma) AS karma_good, SUBSTRING(, 1, 255) AS email_address,
SUBSTRING(, 1, 255) AS location,
IF(m.activation = 1, 0, 1) AS is_activated,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.registerDate) AS date_registered,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.lastvisitDate) AS last_login,
IF(cd.params LIKE '%email=0%', 1, 0) AS hide_email,
IF(m.usertype = 'superadministrator' OR m.usertype = 'administrator'OR m.usertype = 'Super Administrator', 1, 0) AS id_group,
'' AS lngfile, '' AS buddy_list, '' AS pm_ignore_list, '' AS message_labels,
'' AS personal_text, '' AS website_title, '' AS website_url, '' AS icq,
'' AS aim, '' AS yim, '' AS msn, '' AS time_format, '' AS avatar,
'' AS usertitle, '' AS member_ip, '' AS secret_question, '' AS secret_answer,
'' AS validation_code, '' AS additional_groups, '' AS smiley_set, '' AS member_ip2
FROM `centr77_joomla`.jos_users AS m
LEFT JOIN `centr77_joomla`.jos_fb_users AS fb ON (fb.userid = [nonactive])
LEFT JOIN `centr77_joomla`.jos_contact_details AS cd ON (cd.user_id = [nonactive])
LIMIT 0, 500;
Caused the error:
Table 'centr77_joomla.jos_fb_users' doesn't exist

Any ideas on how to proceed?


What table is used for the forum's users?
Michael Eshom
Christian Metal Fans
