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SMF SQLite3 Wrapper

Started by tinoest, August 12, 2012, 11:24:04 AM

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Quote from: nend on August 17, 2012, 12:55:39 PM
I am thinking of making a class so anybody that is on SQLite2 can use it to. I am going to make the SQLite3 class that is found on all newer PHP versions if it is not found, but need some help making the class.

if (!class_exists('SQLite3')) {
class SQLite3 {
var $handle;
function SQLite3($data) {
$this->handle = sqlite_open($data);
public function exec($data) {
return sqlite_exec($this->handle, $data);
public function querySingle($data, $type = false) {
if ($type == true) {$type = false;} else {$type = true;}
return sqlite_single_query($this->handle, $data, $type);
public function escapeString($data) {
return sqlite_escape_string($data);
public function lastErrorCode() {
return sqlite_last_error();

Some of the problems I am facing is finding the SQLite3 alternative like for sqlite_udf_encode_binary().

Just tested and it sort of works

Do you know that you can invoke the SQLite as an object like you can in SQLite3 ( well you don't have a choice in that function )

So you can SQLite->queryExec for example.

Methods are at the top , although they are all mentioned in the procedural counterparts.


Yeah, already knew that. When I first started missing with SQLite I used to use those statements. Then I moved to SQLite3. I don't think I will use PDO though, don't like how it is set up for SQLite.


Its not actually the PDO , that's something entirely different.

Although I have to admit , I prefer the procedural way for DB connections over the objects.

You probably need to add a check to ensure $this->handle still exists in your quoted code btw , atleast that was a problem I had with the SQLite3 and SMF 2.0


Quote from: tinoest on August 13, 2012, 04:32:43 PM
Although by default , if you are using sqlite_ then I would hazard a guess at you know something about databases as MySQL if by far the norm in the open source environment , especially with php.
There are two kind of people that could use SQLite:
1) those who know what they are doing,
2) those that don't even know what a database is.
There is also a third category: those that did a mistake while installing and didn't notice until later, but that is rather small group.

Considering the timing (well...yeah...I know), I think that for 2.1 we will be still stuck with SQLite 2.8. The idea of a mod or seems the way to for now, that way there will be enough time to test different cases and include the support in 2.2. :)

I feel support the two versions in parallel could be a nightmare the moment we decide to drop 2.8 in favour of 3.x...

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


FWIW: today did a fresh install of latest SMF 2.0.4 on PHP 5.3.22 using SQLite 3.7.3 and above wrapper with edit to Subs-Db-sqlite.php as in first post before running install.php.

As far as I can tell it all works flawlessly - may fall over it host upgrades PHP of course. Just for feedback and thanks very much for the wrapper (only SQLite available for free hosting).


Original code for non registrered users: <?php
if (!defined('SMF'))
'Hacking attempt...');

defined('SQLITE_NUM')) define 'SQLITE_NUM' SQLITE3_NUM);

// Included by default from php 5.3.x 
if(phpversion() < '5.3.0') return;

class_exists("SQLite3")) return;

function_exists('sqlite_open')) {
sqlite_open($location,$mode,$error) {
// Error and Mode not used     
$dB = new SQLite3($location);

function_exists('sqlite_popen')) {
sqlite_popen($location,$mode,$error) {    
// Error and Mode not used     
$dB = new SQLite3($location);

function_exists('sqlite_query')) {
sqlite_query($query$dB $result FALSE , &$errmsg FALSE ) {

$created FALSE;
is_object($dB)) { 
      if (
substr($db_name, -3) != '.db')
$db_name .= '.db';

$dB = new SQLite3($db_name);
$created TRUE;
stristr($query,'SELECT'/*|| stristr($query,'INSERT') || stristr($query,'UPDATE') */) {
$result $dB->query($query);
    } else {  
$result $dB->exec($query); 

$created === TRUE

$result === FALSE

function_exists('sqlite_fetch_array')) {
sqlite_fetch_array(&$result,$type SQLITE3_BOTH ) {
is_object($result)) {
$resx $result->fetchArray$type );

function_exists('sqlite_create_function')) {
sqlite_create_function $dB $funcname $callback $args '-1' ) {
$ret $dB->createFunction $funcname $callback $args);

function_exists('sqlite_escape_string')) {
sqlite_escape_string $query ) {
$db_connection $db_name;

$created FALSE;
is_object($db_connection)) { 
      if (
substr($db_name, -3) != '.db')
$db_name .= '.db';

$dB = new SQLite3($db_name);
$created TRUE;
    } else {
$dB $db_connection;

$esql $dB->escapeString($query);

$created === TRUE


function_exists('sqlite_changes')) {
sqlite_changes () {
$db_connection $db_name;

$created FALSE;
is_object($db_connection)) { 
      if (
substr($db_name, -3) != '.db')
$db_name .= '.db';

$dB = new SQLite3($db_name);
$created TRUE;
    } else {
$dB $db_connection;
$changes $dB->changes();
$created === TRUE


function_exists('sqlite_num_rows')) {
sqlite_num_rows $result ) {
$numRows 0
    while (
$numRows ++; 
    return (


function_exists('sqlite_libversion')) {
sqlite_libversion () {
$db_connection $db_name;

$created FALSE;
is_object($db_connection)) { 
      if (
substr($db_name, -3) != '.db')
$db_name .= '.db';

$dB = new SQLite3($db_name);
$created TRUE;
    } else {
$dB $db_connection;
$version $dB->version();
$created === TRUE


function_exists('sqlite_last_insert_rowid' )) {
sqlite_last_insert_rowid $dB ) {

function_exists('sqlite_last_error')) {
sqlite_last_error $dB ) {

$created FALSE;
is_object($dB)) {
      if (
substr($db_name, -3) != '.db')
$db_name .= '.db';

$dB = new SQLite3($db_name);
$created TRUE;
$errCode $dB->lastErrorCode();

$created === TRUE)


function_exists('sqlite_error_string')) {
sqlite_error_string ($errno) {    
$db_connection $db_name;

$created FALSE;
is_object($db_connection)) {
      if (
substr($db_name, -3) != '.db')
$db_name .= '.db';

$dB = new SQLite3($db_name);
$created TRUE;
    } else {
$dB $db_connection;
$lastError $dB->lastErrorMsg();

$created === TRUE)


