After failing to upload an attatchment, unable to create post (Firefox Only?)

Started by aRadiatedN00dle, February 12, 2014, 04:53:02 PM

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I found that the same exact thing can be replicated on this forum as well, so I'd imagine that the majority of the info is already available. I may just be stupid, though, so if that isn't the case, let me know and I'll add needed info  :)

SMF version: 2.0.7

Problem description + Reproduction meathod:

When I try and upload a file to my forum, but I exceed the maximum file-size limit, I get the expected error:

"An Error Has Occurred!
Your file is too large. The maximum attachment size allowed is 192 KB."

After clicking the "back" link that's displayed right beneath that message, I am brought back to the post I was making. However, I am now unable to create the post via the "Post" button. When I click it, nothing happens, and what's also odd is that after clicking it, I'm unable to write anything in the post (though when clicking things like smiley faces or the italic,bold, underline and strike buttons, the expected text appears in the window). The only way to create it is to refresh the page.

Additional information:

Originally it seemed like this was happening only on Firefox, as Chrome didn't have the issue... but then I decided to try Internet Explorer 10, and it reacted as Firefox did...
