
Started by Snrj, July 15, 2014, 09:01:48 PM

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Link to the theme

responsive theme mobile Google PageSpeed Insights

Admin panel settings
English current theme
Site background color:
Site font:
Header background color:
Header margin bottom:
Header border radius:
Category background color:
Category border radius:
Category font color:
Category font size:
Board font size:
Board font color:
titlebar background color:
titlebar border radius:
titlebar font color:
contect background color:
contect border radius:
Menu background color:
Menu border radius:
4px & 1em vs...
Menu margin bottom:
4px & 1em vs...
Menu font color:
Menu li hover background:
Menu submenu background color:
submenu border radius:
Forum title font color:
Forum title font size:
Forum title font:
windowbg background color:
windowbg font color:
windowbg2 background color:
windowbg2 font color:
windowbg3 background color:
windowbg3 font color:

Türkçe kullanılan tema
Site arkaplan rengi:
Site fontu:
üst kısım arkaplan rengi:
üst taraf mesafesi:
kenarları kavislendirme:
kategori arkaplan rengi:
kategori kenarları kavislendirme:
kategori yazısı rengi:
kategori yazısı büyüklüğü:
Bölüm yazısı büyüklüğü:
Bölüm yazısı rengi:
titlebar arkaplan rengi:
titlebar kısım kenarları kavislendirme:
titlebar yazı rengi:
orta kısım arkaplan rengi:
orta kısım kenarları kavislendirme:
Menü arkaplan rengi:
Menü kenarları kavislendirme:
Menü Alt taraf mesafesi:
Menü yazısı rengi:
Menü yazısının üstüne gelince arka plan:
Menü altmenü arkaplan rengi:
altmenü kenarları kavislendirme:
Forum başlığı yazısı rengi:
Forum başlığı yazısı büyüklüğü:
Forum başlığı fontu:
windowbg arkaplan rengi:
windowbg yazı rengi:
windowbg2 arkaplan rengi:
windowbg2 yazı rengi:
windowbg3 arkaplan rengi:
windowbg3 yazı rengi:


video link

background:$1;   =   black #000 or linear-gradient(to bottom,  #1e5799 0%,#2989d8 50%,#207cca 51%,#7db9e8 100%)

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

Molten Bear

How / Why did this developer get banned?

Should I be removing this theme?

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

He did not. He changed his displayname to it, may be for fun.


Hi, I have the mobile desktop theme running on my website and I was wondering if someone could tell me how to center my url defined logo and my navigation buttons.  By default they are all the way to the left hand side of the forums.  I tried accessing css and couldn't get it to respond to any changes that I made.  Thanks


Figured out the logo centering.

Find in index.css:

h1.forumtitle{line-height:45px;margin:0;padding:0;float: left;}

and change it to:

h1.forumtitle{line-height:45px;margin:0;padding:0;text-align: center;}

Still need help with centering Menu / Navigation.  Thanks



Hi, thanks for the reply.  Unfortunately, that mod will not work with this theme.  It tests unsuccessful in all areas and does not center nav area.  it does work fine with the curve theme though.  I did find in the css where to move the nav buttons to the right and can then move it back to the left, but when I do a text-align: center, it puts the nav in the center but then stacks the buttons one on top the other instead of horizontally as they should be. 



This is an wonderful theme, working well at the moment.

This is what SMF was missing...

I was just wondering how do i update the theme from the previous version. Should i remove the older version and add the new one. Wouldn't that remove all the modifications made by other packages and such?




Thanks for being so generous with your skills and sharing the various themes. 

I use this theme and have a quick question.  When using simple portal, I would like to see a padding space here. (see mark up below)  I don't know if I would change the simple portal or this theme?  I suspect either may work, but uncertain exactly what the area is called.  Or what line in the css sheet to change?  It looks like it would be "category margin bottom?"

Or is this a question better posed on a "Simple Portal" board?   

Thank you in advance.   

-Rock Lee-

The subject seems very good but with its flaws it's time to see if I can take some time to play with it, each time my list gets longer :'( I wish I had more time to have fun with the codes!

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!
