Upgraded from 2.07 to 2.08, Detailed Version Check Showing 2.04 and 2.07?

Started by rapture333, July 16, 2014, 09:26:30 PM

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Hey guys, I just checked my version of SMF and both sources and language files showed version 2.07, so I decided to upgrade. I downloaded the 2.07 to 2.08 patch and installed it. On the footer of my forum it says version 2.08, but when I run the detailed version check it shows 2.04 for Sources and 2.07 for Language Files. Why would this be happening?


Your files are fine. It's a long story but the short version is your files are fine and everything works the way it's supposed to, except the numbers are wrong in some packages.

Burke ♞ Knight

Files only get new version put into them, if they get updated.
So it is normal to have some files show older versions.

It is done, to keep updates as small as possible.
If every file was changed, then updates would take longer, and be slower to do.


No, BK, please don't confuse the issue. The master packages are wrong, and have been wrong for weeks or months depending on the update you look at.

Burke ♞ Knight

Okay, I had thought the OP was meaning the usual, where some files are not updated and still will show the old version numbers...lol


No, he's quite correct, the version numbers are not updated properly between what his files are and what his version check says. And short of manually fixing it there's not a lot he can do about it.
