Post and PM Inline Attachments

Started by dougiefresh, July 26, 2014, 09:14:08 PM

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I seem to be getting it to work: uninstall old, install current version (v5.6)
But, as others have said, the "insert attachment" does not work in WYSIWYG mode.


Quote from: RGMears on March 19, 2017, 09:37:56 AM
I seem to be getting it to work: uninstall old, install current version (v5.6)
Sortable Packages (and Installed Time) helps when uninstalling/upgrading mods....

Quote from: RGMears on March 19, 2017, 09:37:56 AM
But, as others have said, the "insert attachment" does not work in WYSIWYG mode.
It's a known issue....  It's one that I'm not sure I can fix....


Thanks for the link to the uninstall mod.

For whatever reason, attachments (images) inserted inline are still showing after the Message.


Fixed it. This line was missing from the alternate theme's Display.template.php:
if ($attachment['is_image'] && !empty($modSettings['attachmentShowImages']))


Hello Doug,

I have an idea for your mod, and semplify usage for user...

Look the attach

You can post me the code-modify and I put it in post.template.php



After a bit of copy and paste (I do not know to program  ::) ) almost I managed to get what I wanted.

I can not bring up "float right" from the second attachment onwards....

look attach and test here

This is the part where I modified (start row 437 post.template.php)

//Start LG965 modify
// If this post already has attachments on it - give information about them.
if (!empty($context['current_attachments']))
echo '
<dl id="postAttachment">
', $txt['attached'], ':
<dd class="smalltext">
<input type="hidden" name="attach_del[]" value="0" />
', $txt['uncheck_unwatchd_attach'], ':
foreach ($context['current_attachments'] as $attid => $attachment)
echo '
<dd class="smalltext">
<label for="attachment_', $attachment['id'], '"><input type="checkbox" id="attachment_', $attachment['id'], '" name="attach_del[]" value="', $attachment['id'], '"', empty($attachment['unchecked']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" /> ', $attachment['name'], ' <a onclick="insertAttachment(', ($attid + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">(', sprintf($txt['ila_insert'], ($attid  + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))), ')</a> <a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right(', ($attid + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">(', sprintf($txt['ila_insert_float_right'], ($attid  + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))), ')</a></label>

echo '

// Is the user allowed to post any additional ones? If so give them the boxes to do it! 
if ($context['can_post_attachment'])
echo '
<dl id="postAttachment2">
', $txt['attach'], ':
<dd class="smalltext">
<input type="file" size="60" name="attachment[]" id="attachment1" class="input_file" /> (<a onclick="insertAttachment(', ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">', sprintf($txt['ila_insert'], ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))),'</a>)
(<a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right(', ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">', sprintf($txt['ila_insert_float_right'], ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))),'</a>)
(<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="cleanFileInput(\'attachment1\');">', $txt['clean_attach'], '</a>) <a href="javascript:;" onClick="\'\', \'titolo\', \'width=500, height=500, resizable=yes, status=yes, scrollbars=1, location=yes\');">(info dim. pos.)</a>';

// Show more boxes only if they aren't approaching their limit.
if ($context['num_allowed_attachments'] > 1)
echo '
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
var allowed_attachments = ', $context['num_allowed_attachments'], ';
var current_attachment = ', (count($context['current_attachments']) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), ';

function addAttachment()
allowed_attachments = allowed_attachments - 1;
current_attachment = current_attachment + 1;
if (allowed_attachments <= 0)
return alert("', $txt['more_attachments_error'], '");

var temp = "', $txt['ila_insert'], '";

temp = temp.replace("\%d", current_attachment);

setOuterHTML(document.getElementById("moreAttachments"), \'<dd class="smalltext"><input type="file" size="60" name="attachment[]" id="attachment\' + current_attachment + \'" class="input_file" /> (<a onclick="insertAttachment(\' + current_attachment + \'); return false;">\' + temp + \'</a>) (<a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right (\' + current_attachment + \'); return false;">\' + temp + \'</a>) (<a onclick="cleanFileInput(\\\'attachment\' + current_attachment + \'\\\');">', $txt['clean_attach'], '</a>)\' + \'</dd><dd class="smalltext" id="moreAttachments"><a onclick="addAttachment(); return false;">(' . $txt['more_attachments'] . ')<\' + \'/a><\' + \'/dd>\');

return true;
// ]]></script>
<dd class="smalltext" id="moreAttachments"><a href="#" onclick="addAttachment(); return false;">(', $txt['more_attachments'], ')</a></dd>';

$ila_tag = (isset($modSettings['ila_insert_tag']) ? $modSettings['ila_insert_tag'] : 'attachment');
$ila_tag .= (empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) ? '=' : ' id=') . '\' + id + \'';
$ila_tag .= (!empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) && $modSettings['ila_insert_format'] == 2 ? ' msg=' . (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 'new') : '');

$ila_tag2 = (isset($modSettings['ila_insert_tag']) ? $modSettings['ila_insert_tag'] : 'attachment');
$ila_tag2 .= (empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) ? '=' : ' id=') . '\' + id + \'';
$ila_tag2 .= (!empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) && $modSettings['ila_insert_format'] == 2 ? ' width=250 float=right margin=20 msg=' . (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 'new') : '');

echo '
<dd class="smalltext">
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
function insertAttachment(id)
{', (file_exists($sourcedir . '/Subs-SCEditor.php') ? '
$(smfmod_editor).data(\'sceditor\').insertText(\'[' . $ila_tag . ']\');' : '
replaceText(\'[' . $ila_tag . ']\', document.forms.postmodify.' . $context['post_box_name'] . ');'), '

function insertAttachment_float_right(id)
{', (file_exists($sourcedir . '/Subs-SCEditor.php') ? '
$(smfmod_editor).data(\'sceditor\').insertText(\'[' . $ila_tag2 . ']\');' : '
replaceText(\'[' . $ila_tag2 . ']\', document.forms.postmodify.' . $context['post_box_name'] . ');'), '

// ]]></script>';
//End LG965 Modify

and a new row in InlineAttachment.english.php

$txt['ila_insert_float_right'] = 'float right';

The code that does work the first line is different from the next, and I can not do better.  :-\


OK work!  :)

if you like you can put in the next release.

//Start LG965 modify
// If this post already has attachments on it - give information about them.
if (!empty($context['current_attachments']))
echo '
<dl id="postAttachment">
', $txt['attached'], ':
<dd class="smalltext">
<input type="hidden" name="attach_del[]" value="0" />
', $txt['uncheck_unwatchd_attach'], ':
foreach ($context['current_attachments'] as $attid => $attachment)
echo '
<dd class="smalltext">
<label for="attachment_', $attachment['id'], '"><input type="checkbox" id="attachment_', $attachment['id'], '" name="attach_del[]" value="', $attachment['id'], '"', empty($attachment['unchecked']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" /> ', $attachment['name'], ' <a onclick="insertAttachment(', ($attid + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">(', sprintf($txt['ila_insert'], ($attid  + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))), ')</a> <a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right(', ($attid + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">(', sprintf($txt['ila_insert_float_right'], ($attid  + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))), ')</a></label>

echo '

// Is the user allowed to post any additional ones? If so give them the boxes to do it! 
if ($context['can_post_attachment'])
echo '
<dl id="postAttachment2">
' , $txt['attach'], ': ' ,'<a href="javascript:;" onClick="\'\', \'titolo\', \'width=500, height=500, resizable=yes, status=yes, scrollbars=1, location=yes\')">', $txt['ila_insert_info'] ,'</a></dd>
<dd class="smalltext">
<input type="file" size="60" name="attachment[]" id="attachment1" class="input_file" /> (<a onclick="insertAttachment(', ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">', sprintf($txt['ila_insert'], ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))),'</a>)
(<a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right(', ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">', sprintf($txt['ila_insert_float_right'], ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))),'</a>)
(<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="cleanFileInput(\'attachment1\');">', $txt['clean_attach'], '</a>) ';

// Show more boxes only if they aren't approaching their limit.
if ($context['num_allowed_attachments'] > 1)
echo '
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
var allowed_attachments = ', $context['num_allowed_attachments'], ';
var current_attachment = ', (count($context['current_attachments']) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), ';

function addAttachment()
allowed_attachments = allowed_attachments - 1;
current_attachment = current_attachment + 1;
if (allowed_attachments <= 0)
return alert("', $txt['more_attachments_error'], '");

var temp = "', $txt['ila_insert'], '";
var temp2 = "', $txt['ila_insert_float_right'], '";

temp = temp.replace("\%d", current_attachment);

setOuterHTML(document.getElementById("moreAttachments"), \'<dd class="smalltext"><input type="file" size="60" name="attachment[]" id="attachment\' + current_attachment + \'" class="input_file" /> (<a onclick="insertAttachment(\' + current_attachment + \'); return false;">\' + temp + \'</a>) (<a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right (\' + current_attachment + \'); return false;">\' + temp2 + \'</a>) (<a onclick="cleanFileInput(\\\'attachment\' + current_attachment + \'\\\');">', $txt['clean_attach'], '</a>)\' + \'</dd><dd class="smalltext" id="moreAttachments"><a onclick="addAttachment(); return false;">(' . $txt['more_attachments'] . ')<\' + \'/a><\' + \'/dd>\');

return true;
// ]]></script>
<dd class="smalltext" id="moreAttachments"><a href="#" onclick="addAttachment(); return false;">(', $txt['more_attachments'], ')</a></dd>';

$ila_tag = (isset($modSettings['ila_insert_tag']) ? $modSettings['ila_insert_tag'] : 'attachment');
$ila_tag .= (empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) ? '=' : ' id=') . '\' + id + \'';
$ila_tag .= (!empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) && $modSettings['ila_insert_format'] == 2 ? ' msg=' . (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 'new') : '');

$ila_tag2 = (isset($modSettings['ila_insert_tag']) ? $modSettings['ila_insert_tag'] : 'attachment');
$ila_tag2 .= (empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) ? '=' : ' id=') . '\' + id + \'';
$ila_tag2 .= (!empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) && $modSettings['ila_insert_format'] == 2 ? ' width=250 float=right margin=20 msg=' . (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 'new') : '');

echo '
<dd class="smalltext">
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
function insertAttachment(id)
{', (file_exists($sourcedir . '/Subs-SCEditor.php') ? '
$(smfmod_editor).data(\'sceditor\').insertText(\'[' . $ila_tag . ']\');' : '
replaceText(\'[' . $ila_tag . ']\', document.forms.postmodify.' . $context['post_box_name'] . ');'), '

function insertAttachment_float_right(id)
{', (file_exists($sourcedir . '/Subs-SCEditor.php') ? '
$(smfmod_editor).data(\'sceditor\').insertText(\'[' . $ila_tag2 . ']\');' : '
replaceText(\'[' . $ila_tag2 . ']\', document.forms.postmodify.' . $context['post_box_name'] . ');'), '

// ]]></script>';
//End LG965 Modify
// Show some useful information such as allowed extensions, maximum size and amount of attachments allowed.

two new row in InlineAttachment.english.php

$txt['ila_insert_float_right'] = 'float right';
$txt['ila_insert_info'] = 'read option info for inline post insert attachment';


I made small corrections to improve the code

//Start LG965 modify
// If this post already has attachments on it - give information about them.
if (!empty($context['current_attachments']))
echo '
<dl id="postAttachment">
', $txt['attached'], ':
<dd class="smalltext">
<input type="hidden" name="attach_del[]" value="0" />
', $txt['uncheck_unwatchd_attach'], ':
foreach ($context['current_attachments'] as $attid => $attachment)
echo '
<dd class="smalltext">
<label for="attachment_', $attachment['id'], '"><input type="checkbox" id="attachment_', $attachment['id'], '" name="attach_del[]" value="', $attachment['id'], '"', empty($attachment['unchecked']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="input_check" /> ', $attachment['name'], ' <a onclick="insertAttachment(', ($attid + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">(', sprintf($txt['ila_insert'], ($attid  + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))), ')</a> <a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right(', ($attid + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">(', sprintf($txt['ila_insert_float_right'], ($attid  + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))), ')</a></label>

echo '

// Is the user allowed to post any additional ones? If so give them the boxes to do it! 
if ($context['can_post_attachment'])
echo '
<dl id="postAttachment2">
' , $txt['attach'], ': ' ,'<font class="smalltext"><a href="javascript:;" onClick="\'/Themes/default/post_info_inserisci_allegato.html\', \'titolo\', \'width=500, height=500, resizable=yes, status=yes, scrollbars=1, location=yes\')">', $txt['ila_insert_info'] ,'</a></font>
<dd class="smalltext">
<input type="file" size="60" name="attachment[]" id="attachment1" class="input_file" /> (<a onclick="insertAttachment(', ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">', sprintf($txt['ila_insert'], ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))),'</a>)
(<a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right(', ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), '); return false;">', sprintf($txt['ila_insert_float_right'], ((empty($context['current_attachments']) ? 0 : count($context['current_attachments'])) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering']))),'</a>)
(<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="cleanFileInput(\'attachment1\');">', $txt['clean_attach'], '</a>)</dd> ';

// Show more boxes only if they aren't approaching their limit.
if ($context['num_allowed_attachments'] > 1)
echo '
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
var allowed_attachments = ', $context['num_allowed_attachments'], ';
var current_attachment = ', (count($context['current_attachments']) + !empty($modSettings['ila_one_based_numbering'])), ';

function addAttachment()
allowed_attachments = allowed_attachments - 1;
current_attachment = current_attachment + 1;
if (allowed_attachments <= 0)
return alert("', $txt['more_attachments_error'], '");

var temp = "', $txt['ila_insert'], '";
var temp2 = "', $txt['ila_insert_float_right'], '";

temp = temp.replace("\%d", current_attachment);

setOuterHTML(document.getElementById("moreAttachments"), \'<dd class="smalltext"><input type="file" size="60" name="attachment[]" id="attachment\' + current_attachment + \'" class="input_file" /> (<a onclick="insertAttachment(\' + current_attachment + \'); return false;">\' + temp + \'</a>) (<a onclick="insertAttachment_float_right (\' + current_attachment + \'); return false;">\' + temp2 + \'</a>) (<a onclick="cleanFileInput(\\\'attachment\' + current_attachment + \'\\\');">', $txt['clean_attach'], '</a>)\' + \'</dd><dd class="smalltext" id="moreAttachments"><a onclick="addAttachment(); return false;">(' . $txt['more_attachments'] . ')<\' + \'/a><\' + \'/dd>\');

return true;
// ]]></script>
<dd class="smalltext" id="moreAttachments"><a href="#" onclick="addAttachment(); return false;">(', $txt['more_attachments'], ')</a></dd>';

$ila_tag = (isset($modSettings['ila_insert_tag']) ? $modSettings['ila_insert_tag'] : 'attachment');
$ila_tag .= (empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) ? '=' : ' id=') . '\' + id + \'';
$ila_tag .= (!empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) && $modSettings['ila_insert_format'] == 2 ? ' msg=' . (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 'new') : '');

$ila_tag2 = (isset($modSettings['ila_insert_tag']) ? $modSettings['ila_insert_tag'] : 'attachment');
$ila_tag2 .= (empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) ? '=' : ' id=') . '\' + id + \'';
$ila_tag2 .= (!empty($modSettings['ila_insert_format']) && $modSettings['ila_insert_format'] == 2 ? ' width=250 float=right margin=20 msg=' . (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 'new') : '');

echo '
<dd class="smalltext">
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
function insertAttachment(id)
{', (file_exists($sourcedir . '/Subs-SCEditor.php') ? '
$(smfmod_editor).data(\'sceditor\').insertText(\'[' . $ila_tag . ']\');' : '
replaceText(\'[' . $ila_tag . ']\', document.forms.postmodify.' . $context['post_box_name'] . ');'), '

function insertAttachment_float_right(id)
{', (file_exists($sourcedir . '/Subs-SCEditor.php') ? '
$(smfmod_editor).data(\'sceditor\').insertText(\'[' . $ila_tag2 . ']\');' : '
replaceText(\'[' . $ila_tag2 . ']\', document.forms.postmodify.' . $context['post_box_name'] . ');'), '

// ]]></script>';
//End LG965 Modify
// Show some useful information such as allowed extensions, maximum size and amount of attachments allowed.


@LG965:  I'm going to go a different route with the inline attachment GUI....  Unfortunately, the new stuff will be quite a bit more complicated than the current methodology....  Thanks for sharing, though! 


Encountered a couple of 'undefined index' errors when using this mod with Highslide 4 SMF (v 0.8.1) - fixes as follows:

In Subs-InlineAttachments.php:

global $sourcedir, $settings, $modSettings, $context;

Replace with
global $sourcedir, $settings, $modSettings, $context, $msg;

if (!isset($settings['hs4smf_slideshow']) && $settings['hs4smf_img_count'] > 1)

Replace with
if (!isset($settings['hs4smf_slideshow']) && $context['hs4smf_img_count'] > 1)
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


@GL700Wing: Those fixes have been added for the next version.  Thank you for the fixes!


Quote from: dougiefresh on March 29, 2017, 12:32:50 PM
@GL700Wing: Those fixes have been added for the next version.  Thank you for the fixes!
You're welcome - any update on getting this mod to work with your Automatic Attachment Rotation mod?
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Quote from: GL700Wing on March 29, 2017, 05:46:02 PM
You're welcome - any update on getting this mod to work with your Automatic Attachment Rotation mod?
No, I haven't worked on it.  Sorry....


Quote from: dougiefresh on March 30, 2017, 09:40:11 AM
Quote from: GL700Wing on March 29, 2017, 05:46:02 PM
You're welcome - any update on getting this mod to work with your Automatic Attachment Rotation mod?
No, I haven't worked on it.  Sorry....
No worries - I can see you've been busy with your other mods.
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Quote from: GL700Wing on March 14, 2017, 06:46:05 AM
This mod and v3.3 of your Automatic Attachment Rotation mod won't play happily together.

I've got them both installed on a 2.0.13 system with no other mods and whenever I view posts with images I get lots of 'Undefined index' errors for thumb_hash, thumb_folder, thumb_name on line 1578 in ./Sources/Display.php

Line 1578:  $thumb_realname = getAttachmentFilename($attachment['thumb_name'], $attachment['id_thumb'], $attachment['thumb_folder'], false, $attachment['thumb_hash']);
I decided today that I really do need this mod and the Automatic Attachment Rotation mod to work together without generating three 'Undefined index' errors every time an image is viewed so I've spent some time troubleshooting this issue and, thankfully, found the fix!

In ./Sources/Subs-InlineAttachments.php
thumb.width AS thumb_width, thumb.height AS thumb_height, m.id_topic
Add After:
, thumb.id_folder AS thumb_folder, thumb.file_hash AS thumb_hash, thumb.filename AS thumb_name

Happy days!!

Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


@GL700Wing:  I apologize for my disappearance from the forum.  Other projects (and life itself) have conspired to keep me away....  The code change you suggested has been integrated into the next version....


Quote from: dougiefresh on June 17, 2017, 10:37:43 AM
@GL700Wing:  I apologize for my disappearance from the forum.  Other projects (and life itself) have conspired to keep me away....  The code change you suggested has been integrated into the next version....
Not a problem - fortunately I had some spare time - and a spare forum - to spend investigating the problem.
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Whilst your mod is working,

It has completely and utterly borked the pm template

[photobucket thumbnails, please click to enlarge]

Not only has it put the pm send button right up there, the entire pm template is half the screen it should be, and it's just a mess

I'm hoping that someone can help me fix it because it looks utterly horrible. :'(

(I would prefer that I didn't receive any negative comments about the content and amount of smilies on the posting template, thank you)

Thank you in advance
"Them as can do has to do for them as can't. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices."


I think I'm finally back....  I'm looking into this bug report!


Uploaded v5.7 - July 5th, 2017
o Fixed 2 undefined index errors found by GL700Wing.  Thanks, GL700Wing!
o Resolved undefined array element errors coming from Automatic Attachment Rotation mod.  Thanks, GL700Wing!!

@GL700Wing:  Thank you for the bug reports!  I apologize for taking so long in order to make them public, but public they are now!

@Beowulf1976:  I just got back from a movie and dinner with the wife, and I installed both mods on a clean 2.0.14 forum.  I'm not seeing the issue you are.  (Image attached is what I'm seeing)  The fact that you appear to have a portal and/or chatbox installed makes me suspect it as the cause of your issue(s) that you are reporting....  Can you uninstall the portal/chatbox and see if that either of those are the source of your issue?
