My forum randomly (but rarely) redirect to 18+ site. Server issue?

Started by PokémonS, September 17, 2014, 09:54:08 AM

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Looks like... this problem was solved. :D


  • 3 days ago, forum already migrated to new server, but some staff still reported the 18+ site redirection. Then I tell to the staff: "After migrated, there are DNS Propagation, generally called "forum in double server". So, looks like you randomly accessed one of two server of the forum. The redirection still exist 'cuz you're accessed the old server. <solutionparagraphhere>"
  • One of our members said that she didn't got the redirection anymore for everyday for every morning login on her mobile with Safari browser since 2 days ago til now.
  • One of our members said that he didn't got the redirection anymore for every restarting modem + clear cache on his PC with random browser since 1 day ago til now.
  • DNS Propagation was all cleared hours ago. All members should accessed to the new server and no more redirection.

This could be server issue (maybe? ofc but idk).

Thanks all~
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