Mark as Read Functionality

Started by Boskonovic, September 15, 2016, 01:50:37 PM

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I am looking for some information on the "Mark as Read" topic, since i haven't found any useful discussion in the forums..

Let me explain my situation: I have created a notification system to alert users of new replies to Topics (if they are the author or they have activated the forum notifications for the Topic/Board) and of mentions (@).
As part of this enhancement i also added a "Mark all notifications as read" button, which at the moment has a problem --> If the user clicks on it, all my custom notifications are marked as read, but a reload of the page mark them as unread again, since the Posts related to them are still unread.

I would like to be able to mark the Topics/Boards as read at the same time, but i am having difficulties to understand how the SMF system works.
We have 3 Tables (log_boards, log_topics and log_mark_read), but how they work?

It could be also useful if you can tell me where in the source files the "Mark as Read" is performed, to check the code...

Thank You
