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Adding chat button to chinese language?

Started by wdrx02, July 29, 2005, 12:56:41 AM

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Ok I have the chat buttom for the default and classic template.
I installed the Chinese language as well; however, when my friend use the chinese language... he doesn't see the Chat button like if you were using english...

I know how to add for the english "index_template.php"
but how do you add it so it shows up for the Chinese language also?

I know the code is this

"// Integrated Chat Mod Icon
   if (!$context['user']['is_guest'])
      echo '
            <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=chat" target="_blank">', ($settings['use_image_buttons'] ? ' <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/chat.gif" alt="' . $txt['chatAlt'] . '" target="_blank" style="margin: 2px 0;" border="0" />' : $txt['chatAlt']), '</a>', $context['menu_separator'];

But there is not index_template.php for the chinese...
Where or how do I add one for the Chinese langauge?



does that mod add new strings to the language at all? maybe Modifications.english.php?
if so you'll have to add the strings in Modifications.chinese.php.


ok you lost me...

I see the modification.chinese.php in the languages folder; however... there is barley anything....

all it has is this

// Version: 1.0; Modifications



then what's in Modification.english.php?
if a mod uses new language strings, they will usually be added into Modification.english.php
all you need to do is make sure strings are being added in Modification.chinese.php also


In my Modification.english.php

it has:

// Version: 1.0; Modifications

$txt['vCal_title'] = 'vCal/iCal';
$txt['vCal_remove'] = 'Remove this event';
$txt['vCal_add'] = 'Add this event';
$txt['vCal_view'] = 'View List';
$txt['vCal_download'] = 'Download List';
$txt['vCal_empty'] = 'You have no events in your ' . $txt['vCal_title'] . ' list.';

$txt['cal_attendee_title'] = 'Attendees';
$txt['cal_attendees_no'] = 'No one is attending this event yet.';
$txt['cal_attendees_yes'] = 'Members planning to attend';
$txt['cal_attend_no'] = 'I\'ve changed my mind';
$txt['cal_attend_yes'] = 'I plan to attend this event';

$txt['enable_vCal'] = 'Enable vCal/iCal Downloads';
$txt['enable_attendees'] = 'Enable Attendee List';
$txt['cal_force_default'] = 'Force Default Board';
$txt['cal_allow_no_post'] = 'Allow Post No Topic';

$txt['cal_no_post'] = 'Post No Topic';

$txt['vCal_style'] = 'vCal/iCal download style:';
$txt['vCal_style1'] = 'Disable';
$txt['vCal_style2'] = 'vCal';
$txt['vCal_style3'] = 'iCal';


in my Modification.Chinese.php

it has:

// Version: 1.0; ModSettings

$txt['smf3'] = '這裡可以讓您改變外掛模組的設定, 及其他的功能. 請到 <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=theme;sa=settings;id=' . $settings['theme_id'] . ';sesc=' . $context['session_id'] . '">佈景設定</a> 改變佈景的設定.';
$txt['mods_cat_expand_all'] = '(全部展開)';

$txt['mods_cat_features'] = '基本論壇功能';
$txt['pollMode'] = '投票模式';
$txt['smf34'] = '關閉投票';
$txt['smf32'] = '開啟投票';
$txt['smf33'] = '顯示投票為主題';
$txt['enableStickyTopics'] = '開啟頂置主題';
$txt['allow_guestAccess'] = '允許訪客進入論壇';
$txt['userLanguage'] = '允許會員選擇的語系';
$txt['allow_editDisplayName'] = '允許會員改變暱稱?';
$txt['allow_hideOnline'] = '允許會員隱藏上線狀態?';
$txt['allow_hideEmail'] = '允許會員隱藏電子郵件 (只有版主看的到)?';
$txt['guest_hideContacts'] = '對訪客隱藏會員的聯絡資料';
$txt['titlesEnable'] = '允許自訂頭銜';
$txt['default_personalText'] = '預設的自訂文字';
$txt['max_signatureLength'] = '簽名檔的允許文字<div class="smalltext">(0 為無限制.)</div>';
$txt['removeNestedQuotes'] = '發表文章時移除套疊的引言?';
$txt['enableEmbeddedFlash'] = '允許加入 FLASH 到文章內<div class="smalltext"><b>(注意安全問題!)</b></div>';
$txt['enablePostHTML'] = '文章內允許 <i>基本</i> 的 HTML';
$txt['disabledBBC'] = '禁止 BBC Code (用逗點分開代碼)';
$txt['enableBBC'] = '允許 BBC 代碼';
$txt['enableNewReplyWarning'] = '告知會員在回覆文章時有新回覆的文章?';
$txt['max_messageLength'] = '文章內允許的文字<div class="smalltext">(0 為無限制.)</div>';
$txt['number_format'] = '預設的數字格式';
$txt['time_format'] = '預設的時間格式';
$txt['time_offset'] = '時區設定<div class="smalltext">(加入到特定的會員選項.)</div>';
$txt['spamWaitTime'] = '回覆文章時該等的時間 (秒)';
$txt['edit_wait_time'] = '顯示最後編輯的時間 (秒)';
$txt['failed_login_threshold'] = '錯誤登入的次數';
$txt['lastActive'] = '時間內出現過的會員 (分鐘)';
$txt['enableSpellChecking'] = '開啟拼字檢查<div class="smalltext">(有些主機可能無法使用!)</div>';
$txt['trackStats'] = '紀錄每天的統計資料';
$txt['hitStats'] = '紀錄每天的點擊 (必須允許統計資料)';
$txt['enableCompressedOutput'] = '開啟壓縮的輸出';
$txt['databaseSession_enable'] = '用資料庫紀錄工作階段';
$txt['databaseSession_loose'] = '允許瀏覽器回到記憶裡的前頁';
$txt['databaseSession_lifetime'] = '工作階段過期的秒數';
$txt['enableErrorLogging'] = '開啟錯誤紀錄';
$txt['cookieTime'] = '預設的登入時間 (分鐘)';
$txt['localCookies'] = '區域性儲存 cookies<div class="smalltext">(SSI 可能會出現問題.)</div>';
$txt['globalCookies'] = '使用副屬網址的 cookies<div class="smalltext">(必須先關掉區域性的 cookies!)</div>';
$txt['redirectMetaRefresh'] = '使用 META 轉址 代替 HTTP<div class="smalltext">(給 IIS 4.0 及有些的 Apache 版本.)</div>';
$txt['securityDisable'] = '關閉管理安全措施';
$txt['registration_method'] = '會員註冊的方法';
$txt['registration_disabled'] = '關閉註冊';
$txt['registration_standard'] = '會員不需啟用帳號';
$txt['registration_activate'] = '會員需啟用帳號';
$txt['registration_approval'] = '管理員需審核帳號';
$txt['notify_on_new_registration'] = '會員註冊時通知管理員';
$txt['send_validation_onChange'] = 'EMAIL改變時提供新密碼';
$txt['send_welcomeEmail'] = '傳送歡迎郵件給新會員';
$txt['autoOptDatabase'] = '優化資料表的天數<div class="smalltext">(0 為不優化.)</div>';
$txt['autoOptMaxOnline'] = '優化資料庫時允許上線的會員數<div class="smalltext">(0 為不設定.)</div>';
$txt['autoFixDatabase'] = '自動修復資料表';
$txt['notifyAnncmnts_UserDisable'] = '允許會員關閉公告通知';
$txt['modlog_enabled'] = '紀錄管理動作';
$txt['queryless_urls'] = '顯示沒 ?\'s 的網址<div class="smalltext"><b>Apache 才能用!</b></div>';
$txt['maxwidth'] = '發佈的圖片寬度 (0 = 不設定)';
$txt['maxheight'] = '發佈的圖片高度 (0 = 不設定)';
$txt['mail_type'] = '電子郵件類型';
$txt['smtp_host'] = 'SMTP 伺服器';
$txt['smtp_port'] = 'SMTP 連接埠';
$txt['smtp_username'] = 'SMTP 帳號';
$txt['smtp_password'] = 'SMTP 密碼';
$txt['xmlnews_enable'] = '允許 XML/RSS 新聞';
$txt['xmlnews_maxlen'] = 'XML 新聞的長度:<div class="smalltext">(0 為不設定, 但是最好提供預設值.)</div>';
$txt['recycle_enable'] = '允許回收主題';
$txt['recycle_board'] = '回收主題使用的版面';

$txt['mods_cat_layout'] = '外觀及選項';
$txt['compactTopicPagesEnable'] = '顯示的頁數格式';
$txt['smf235'] = '連續的顯示頁數:';
$txt['smf236'] = '顯示';
$txt['todayMod'] = '開啟 &quot;今天&quot; 功能';
$txt['smf290'] = '關閉';
$txt['smf291'] = '只顯示今天';
$txt['smf292'] = '今天 &amp; 昨天';
$txt['topbottomEnable'] = '開啟 向上/向下 按鈕';
$txt['onlineEnable'] = '顯示 在線/離線 到文章內及私人訊息';
$txt['enableVBStyleLogin'] = '在每頁顯示快速登入';
$txt['autoLinkUrls'] = '自動顯示網址連結';
$txt['fixLongWords'] = '縮短過長的文字長度:<div class="smalltext">(0 為不設定)</div>';
$txt['defaultMaxTopics'] = '版面裡顯示的主題數';
$txt['defaultMaxMessages'] = '主題內顯示的文章數';
$txt['defaultMaxMembers'] = '會員名單內顯示的會員數';
$txt['topicSummaryPosts'] = '在主題統計裡顯示的文章數';
$txt['enableAllMessages'] = '顯示全部文章如果主題的回覆文章數多於:<div class="smalltext">(0 為不顯示全部文章)</div>';
$txt['hotTopicPosts'] = '熱門的文章數';
$txt['hotTopicVeryPosts'] = '超熱門的文章數';
$txt['enableParticipation'] = '開啟參與圖示';
$txt['enablePreviousNext'] = '開啟 上一篇主題/下一篇主題 連結';
$txt['timeLoadPageEnable'] = '顯示開啟網頁的時間';
$txt['disableHostnameLookup'] = '關閉主機名搜尋?';
$txt['who_enabled'] = '開啟線上會員名單';

$txt['mods_cat_search'] = '搜尋';
$txt['simpleSearch'] = '允許普通搜尋';
$txt['search_match_complete_words'] = '只搜尋包含完整的字詞';
$txt['disableTemporaryTables'] = '禁止暫時的資料表 <div class="smalltext">(最好是在不能增加暫時的資料表時使用)</div>';
$txt['search_results_per_page'] = '每頁顯示的搜尋結果';
$txt['search_cache_size'] = '快取記憶的搜尋結果<div class="smalltext">(0 為關閉快取記憶)</div>';

$txt['search_weight_frequency'] = '相對的主題搜尋數目';
$txt['search_weight_age'] = '相對的文章時間搜尋數目';
$txt['search_weight_length'] = '相對的主題搜尋長度數目';
$txt['search_weight_subject'] = '相對的主題搜尋標題數目';
$txt['search_weight_first_message'] = '相對的第一篇文章搜尋';

$txt['mods_cat_avatars'] = '個人頭像';
$txt['avatar_allow_server_stored'] = '允許會員使用主機儲存的頭像';
$txt['avatar_directory'] = '頭像檔案夾';
$txt['avatar_url'] = '頭像網址';
$txt['avatar_allow_external_url'] = '允許會員使用遠端主機的頭像';
$txt['avatar_max_width_external'] = '遠端頭像的寬度 (0 = 不限制)';
$txt['avatar_max_height_external'] = '遠端頭像的高度 (0 = 不限制)';
$txt['avatar_check_size'] = '每次顯示頭像時檢查尺寸';
$txt['avatar_action_too_large'] = '如果頭像太大...';
$txt['option_refuse'] = '將不顯示';
$txt['option_html_resize'] = '讓 HTML 重新改變尺寸';
$txt['option_download_and_resize'] = '下載和改變尺寸 (需要 GD 模組)';
$txt['avatar_allow_upload'] = '允許會員上傳個人頭像';
$txt['avatar_max_width_upload'] = '上傳頭像的寬度 (0 = 不限制)';
$txt['avatar_max_height_upload'] = '上傳頭像的高度 (0 = 不限制)';
$txt['avatar_resize_upload'] = '改變頭像的尺寸 (需要 GD 模組)';
$txt['avatar_download_png'] = '使用 PNG 給改變的頭像?';

$txt['smf294'] = '附件檔案';
$txt['attachmentEnable'] = '附件模式';
$txt['smf111'] = '關閉附件|開啟附件|關閉新附件';
$txt['attachmentCheckExtensions'] = '檢查附件的副檔名';
$txt['attachmentExtensions'] = '允許附件的副檔名';
$txt['attachmentShowImages'] = '在文章內顯示連結和上傳的圖像';
$txt['attachmentEncryptFilenames'] = '加密儲存的檔案名';
$txt['attachmentUploadDir'] = '附件檔案夾';
$txt['attachmentDirSizeLimit'] = '檔案夾的最大值 (KB)';
$txt['attachmentPostLimit'] = '文章內允許的檔案大小 (KB)';
$txt['attachmentSizeLimit'] = '附件檔案的大小 (KB)';
$txt['attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] = '文章內允許的檔案數';

$txt['smf293'] = '評價';
$txt['karmaMode'] = '評價模式';
$txt['smf64'] = '關閉評價|開啟評價|允許正評價及負評價';
$txt['karmaMinPosts'] = '文章數必須大於多少才能修改評價';
$txt['karmaWaitTime'] = '評價等待時間 (小時)';
$txt['karmaTimeRestrictAdmins'] = '對版主限制等待時間';
$txt['karmaLabel'] = '評價標籤';
$txt['karmaApplaudLabel'] = '評價讚賞標籤';
$txt['karmaSmiteLabel'] = '評價懲罰標籤';

$txt['mods_cat_calendar'] = '日曆';
$txt['cal_enabled'] = '開啟日曆';
$txt['cal_daysaslink'] = '在發表事件顯示日子連結';
$txt['cal_showweeknum'] = '顯示週數';
$txt['cal_days_for_index'] = '論壇首頁顯示的日數';
$txt['cal_showholidaysonindex'] = '論壇首頁顯示假日';
$txt['cal_showbdaysonindex'] = '論壇首頁顯示壽星';
$txt['cal_showeventsonindex'] = '論壇首頁顯示事件';
$txt['cal_defaultboard'] = '事件的版面';
$txt['cal_minyear'] = '年份的最小值';
$txt['cal_maxyear'] = '年份的最大值';
$txt['cal_bdaycolor'] = '生日顏色';
$txt['cal_eventcolor'] = '事件顏色';
$txt['cal_holidaycolor'] = '假期顏色';
$txt['cal_allowspan'] = '允許事件維持數日';
$txt['cal_maxspan'] = '允許事件維持的天數';


All I want to do is add the "Chat button" to the chinese language so people switching to chinese language on my site can still chat...
Right now people that are switched to Chinese language.... does not see the chat button like the default "English" language.


is that chat button an image? if so is it in Themes/default/images/english?
if so add that image to /chinese


finally does anybody could resolve this problem? (I have same problem with my language)
