Merge Double Posts By Same Member

Started by ディン1031, June 11, 2005, 04:54:02 PM

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Look if this change are made (one of them should be made twice, sometimes the parse did not do it... and i don't know why...).

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
'layout' => array(
'title' => $txt['mods_cat_layout'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=layout;sesc=' . $context['session_id'],
</search for>

'layout' => array(
'title' => $txt['mods_cat_layout'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=layout;sesc=' . $context['session_id'],
'MergePosts' => array(
'title' => $txt['MergePost_Headline'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=MergePosts;sesc=' . $context['session_id'],

<search for>
'layout' => 'ModifyLayoutSettings',
</search for>

'layout' => 'ModifyLayoutSettings',
'MergePosts' => 'ModifyMergePostsSettings',

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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
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Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


working now. I had to copy the modsettings.english.php from my default theme to my customized theme.

very nice mod ;)

thank you! :D


great mod. works fine on 1.1.3, thanks mate


I just installed it flawlessly on 1.1.3, but I'd suggest you add an extra
 before the "Posted on..." text, for clarity purposes.


You can add there any text in there in the
Admin -> Features and Settings -> Doublepost

I hope i understand that what you want ;)

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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


I get the following error:  Please help
Installing this package will perform the following actions:    Type   Action   Description
1.   Extract File   ./Themes/default/images/english/mergeposts.gif   
2.   Execute Modification   ./index.php   Test successful
3.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/Display.php   Test failed
4.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/SplitTopics.php   Test successful
5.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/ModSettings.php   Test successful
6.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/Subs-Post.php   Test successful
7.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/Display.template.php   Test successful
8.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/languages/index.english.php   Test successful
9.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/languages/ModSettings.english.php   Test successful

Using the SMF package parser doesnt give any details.  I'm using SMF 1.1.2 and the current version of this mod 108.  Please help and thank you!
If you ride on two wheels you need to!


Shaiss - If you have any other mods installed, you might be hitting that error in the display.php .  What I'd do is just manually mod the file for display.php, as it seems that's your only problem.

If you're not sure how to mod it, or what needs to be changed/put where, etc, lemme know, and I'll be  more than happy to help.


Quote from: jkrlvgn on August 01, 2007, 07:20:46 PM
Shaiss - If you have any other mods installed, you might be hitting that error in the display.php .  What I'd do is just manually mod the file for display.php, as it seems that's your only problem.

If you're not sure how to mod it, or what needs to be changed/put where, etc, lemme know, and I'll be  more than happy to help.

yeah, I have no idea what to change, please advise and many thanks!!!
If you ride on two wheels you need to!


Hmmm the changes in the Display.php

There are the Changes that my mod make, search for $sourcedir/Display.php to know the changes you need.

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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x



I use a slightly modfied version of the latest wow template (i don't know the exact name).

Will this mod work with it? Do I have to be afraid, that installing this mod will mess up my theme?

How do I install it for the custom theme instead of the default?

I would like to use this, but I don't dare to install it.


I don't know if it work :x.
Normal you can install it over the package Manger.
But you can first look if the install of the themechanges are possible for your theme :x before installing it.

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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


I installed this mod on a modified WoW theme manually, but the button doesn't show up and the posts don't automerge even if I check this option in the admin section.

What do I do wrong?

In the theme there were some differences to the "search for" lines. I don't know if this was the problem. For example there were no "array(rule)" text originally, which I added somewhere I thought it would e appropriate.

Does somebody have an idea, what can be done to get it work?



There are some reasons why it could not work ;).

If you not enable that Admin posts also be merged it will not merge the posts of Admins.
And the Automerge Option will only work if the user is allowed to edit own or any post, if not than the merge are not allowed ;) and will not be done.

For the not appearing button there are many reasons :x. Can i've a small look in you current Display.template.php, did you made the language specific changes?

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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


Thanks for reply!

Editing posts are enabled for regular users. I also checked the admin-merge.

I uploaded the image file into the images folder and made the language changes. The textes appear in the admin section in every language.

The display.template is downloadable under

I got it! I stupid c*nt didn't edit the ModSettings.php, only the ModSettings.english.php

Now the automerge works!

I think, I did the changes from the 1.0.xx mod version, that was the problem. Still no button.
Edited the Sub-Posts.php too. Now I get the following error if I try to send a post:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare splittopics() (previously declared in /home/magicbox/public_html/forum/Sources/SplitTopics.php:122) in /home/magicbox/public_html/forum/Sources/SplitTopics.php on line 149

I reedited a fresh Sub-Post.php and re-uploaded. Automerge works now.


Did the button work now, too?

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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


No. Still no button.

I think, the problem is that in the wow template the following line is missing, so I can't change it:

$split_button = create_button('split.gif', 'smf251', 'smf251', 'align="middle"');


I looked into your display.template.php and see that it look good what you changed :x.

But did you upload the mergeposts.gif in the images/yourlanguage in the theme that you use?

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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x



Just wanted to say, good work! Thanks a lot!

I had to modify it a bit after the installation to support French and add it in the admin panel, but except of that, it was perfect :)

Maybe a french package for further users could be interesting (don't it need personally because I did it manually, but I'm a lazy guy and so I would have been happy to find a "automatic install" french package".

So if it can help, here the translations I did for mine :

In "index.french.php" of the selected/in use template :

$txt['merge_doublepost'] = 'Double Posts';
$txt['merge_error_dbpo'] = 'Vous n\'&ecirc;tes pas autoris&eacute; &agrave; faire cela !';
$txt['merge_error_notf'] = 'Erreur aucun post &agrave; fusionner n\'a &eacute;t&eacute; trouv&eacute;.';
$txt['merge_error_noid'] = 'Aucun ID de message ou topic trouv&eacute; !';
$txt['search_date_posted'] = 'Post&eacute; le ';
$txt['merge_error_lenth'] = 'Le post fusionn&eacute; a atteint la taille maximale d\'un post !';

And in "ModSettings.french.php" of the selected/in use template :

$txt['MergePost_Headline'] = 'Double Post';
$txt['MergePost_Automatic'] = 'Fusionner automatiquement les nouveaux double posts';
$txt['MergePost_AutomaticTime'] = 'Temps limite entre deux posts pour la fusion automatique, en secondes.<font size=1> (<b>0 = infini</b>)</font>';
$txt['MergePost_AdminDoublePost'] = 'Fusionner les nouveaux double posts des "Admins"';
$txt['MergePost_OldTimeAdd'] = 'Ne pas afficher l\'heure de l\'ancien post, avant la ligne [hr] du nouveau post';
$txt['MergePost_NoHR'] = 'Ne pas afficher de ligne s&eacute;paratrice, ni l\'heure, sur le post fusionn&eacute;';
$txt['MergePost_IgnorePostLenth'] = 'Ignorer la limite de taille maximum des posts';
$txt['MergePost_Sepperator'] = 'S&eacute;parateur entre les posts (activer le en dessus)<br /><span class="smalltext">Vous pouvez utiliser les BBC pour cela. Pour l\'ancienne date du post fusionn&eacute;, utiliser la variable <strong>$date</strong> dans le champ de texte.<br />Exemple : [br][size=1]$date[/size][hr][br] (Version standard)</span>';
$txt['MergePost_OwnSepperator'] = 'Utiliser un s&eacute;parateur &agrave; part pour la s&eacute;paration des posts fusionn&eacute;s.<br /><span class="smalltext">Les options au-dessus seront d&eacute;sactiv&eacute;es</span>';

Edit : I also have a question.

Just after the "doublepost" gif button, on the right, there was a "Double Post" text which can get a click (like the button but a link). I wanted to remove the text link and just keep the .gif button as the link so I looked a bit in the Display.template.php file and I founded this line :

$MergePosts_button = create_button('doublepost.gif', 'merge_doublepost', 'merge_doublepost', 'align="middle"');

I tried to change the two "merge_doublepost" values randomly with "a", like that :

$MergePosts_button = create_button('doublepost.gif', 'a', 'a', 'align="middle"');

And here we go, it worked (the text link dissapeared, there's only the gif button link now, which is was I wanted.

However, as my modifications was a complete random act, I just wonder, it is safe to keep the "a" values instead of the "merge_doublepost" values. And if it's not, which values do I need to put to be able to keep the text links hidden/removed ?

Thanks a lot.

Edit 2 : It seems not to be safe, even if it's not a big problem. I just found that with the images disabled, the gif button dissapear, but contrary to the others, there's no text links to replace it (when images are disabled) with my modification.


Quote from: Hiei- on September 17, 2007, 02:39:16 AM
Edit : I also have a question.

Just after the "doublepost" gif button, on the right, there was a "Double Post" text which can get a click (like the button but a link). I wanted to remove the text link and just keep the .gif button as the link so I looked a bit in the Display.template.php file and I founded this line :

$MergePosts_button = create_button('doublepost.gif', 'merge_doublepost', 'merge_doublepost', 'align="middle"');

I tried to change the two "merge_doublepost" values randomly with "a", like that :

$MergePosts_button = create_button('doublepost.gif', 'a', 'a', 'align="middle"');

And here we go, it worked (the text link dissapeared, there's only the gif button link now, which is was I wanted.

However, as my modifications was a complete random act, I just wonder, it is safe to keep the "a" values instead of the "merge_doublepost" values. And if it's not, which values do I need to put to be able to keep the text links hidden/removed ?

Thanks a lot.

Edit 2 : It seems not to be safe, even if it's not a big problem. I just found that with the images disabled, the gif button dissapear, but contrary to the others, there's no text links to replace it (when images are disabled) with my modification.
Is this solved now or not? ;)

Other question can you attach you button that you use for your french translation, than i would like to add this to the Translation package :).

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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x
