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Notify Default On

Started by LDeeJay, August 06, 2008, 11:19:51 PM

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That's funny, it has nothing to do with the theme. Can you send me register.php?

To change the content, search for PersonalMessage.english.php in either Themes\default\languages or in your themes folder.

Inside you may find the text you want. Removing the variables starting with a $ will remove the links from your message.
Ultimate Game Solutions - 'cause there's a solution for everything



¡¡NEW MOD: Sparkles User Names!!!


Allright, that one looks fine. Similar to what I've got, so...
And do you see the new memberID and auto_notify and value 1 in smf_themes?
Ultimate Game Solutions - 'cause there's a solution for everything


Yes. OHH, I know. It says "More replies may be posted, but you won't receive any more notifications until you read the topic." so that's why. But how do I make it everytime someone posts, they user will get it?

Thanks. :)


Is there a way in php or sql to set existing members to auto reply? This is a new forum and I hope I don't have to go into each profile and set this up.

Using 1.1.7 Using Classic theme modified by me. Everything seems to be working fine.



You could do that with an SQL statement if you have (direct) access to the db:

UPDATE smf_themes SET auto_notify = 1;

Otherwise you might want to put this into a php-file and execute it from there.
Make sure you are admin and have a backup.

Was a bit too quick and got two subjects mixed up now... hold on, correct answer in a minute.
The correct statement would be:

UPDATE smf_themes SET value = 1 WHERE variable = 'auto_notify';

Make sure you are admin and have a backup.
Ultimate Game Solutions - 'cause there's a solution for everything


Is this mod compatible with SMF 1.1.9 ?


I doesn't appear to work.

I installed the mod, and double checked the source files on my server to make sure that the changes were actually made.  I registered a new test user.

I expect to see a new auto_notify entry in the smf_themes table for this user, but it was not created.

Going into the user preferences for this new user, "Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic." is unchecked.

Has there been a change to Register.php between 1.1.6 and 1.1.9 that would prevent the modification from working?

Is it possible that reCAPTCHA conflicts with this mod?

shane is my name

Hi I Love this mod, BUt once I changed my registration method to "Member Activation"  (via email), then the new members are not set up with the default notify ON anymore.

The code is still in the register file.  Im guessing that it just skips that section now that its using member activation? HAs anyone found a way to still use this NOTIFY ON mod even when they use Member Activation?

shane is my name

I thought I read somewhere that this was included with smf 2.0...  But I just installed a 2.0 rc2 forum and I can not find this feature anywhere.

Do I still need to use this mod in 2.0?


Quote from: shane is my name on November 29, 2009, 09:27:40 PM
Do I still need to use this mod in 2.0?

Dont remember where I read about it but that function is included in SMF 2.0 for sure....

I just installed it on 1.1.11 and is working fine.
SMF, other software developing and some other stuff on my website, you can also hire someone at myFreelancing website . xD


Quote from: shane is my name on November 26, 2009, 12:35:58 AM
Hi I Love this mod, BUt once I changed my registration method to "Member Activation"  (via email), then the new members are not set up with the default notify ON anymore.

The code is still in the register file.  Im guessing that it just skips that section now that its using member activation? HAs anyone found a way to still use this NOTIFY ON mod even when they use Member Activation?

Hi shane

I just had the same problem, and I found the solution  :)

When the email member activation is used, the following code is within a "else" :

// Set notifications on by default.... the user can change this later.
      $request = db_query("
         INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}themes
            (ID_MEMBER, variable, value)
         VALUES (" . $memberID . ", 'auto_notify', 1)", __FILE__, __LINE__);

The content of this "else" is not executed. So you need to move this code in the "elseif" just above. I did it and it works fine now, with email member activation  8) [nofollow] - 1001Forums - The Forum Directory

shane is my name

hey thanks for that info.  I had given up on the issue thinking it was a lost cause.  but im glad you found the solution, Im gonna do what you said.  :)  thanks again!


Newbie here.....just come to look for this particular info. Can you please elaborate on this? which file this is in and what to move and where to exactly ... thanks for any help.


Scratch that.... sorted now ;)


I'd love to have this mod for 2.0 RC3


So would I!!  Why isn't notify default anyway?!
