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Contributions in Boards

Started by M-DVD, January 16, 2009, 10:46:57 AM

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It worked :D

Great Mod & Thanks a lot M-DVD  ;D


if you choose the parent board for x,y,z should it be valid to the child boards or do you have to insert all board by number ?

Quote from: M-DVD on March 13, 2009, 09:00:47 PM
ok  :)

search: $context['current_board'] == X

replace: in_array($context['current_board'], array(X, Y, Z))


// Show Minilist of Contributions
      if (isset($context['contributions'][$message['member']['id']]) && in_array($context['current_board'], array(5, 7, 8)))


I haven't tried that yet but I don't think It's valid since child boards have their own ID's like:

Board (id 1)
------Child Board (id 2)

So, I suppose, you have to insert all boards by number.


Quote from: DeviDarkL on March 11, 2009, 05:26:56 PM
Portuguese_PT translations ;)



Your translations have been uploaded :D


Regards nice mod.
why the posts/replies in a contribution board are shown in the profile?
It should be only topics or then have a option to show both or only one like in the minilist


Quote from: perro88 on March 28, 2009, 04:40:01 PM
Regards nice mod.
why the posts/replies in a contribution board are shown in the profile?
It should be only topics or then have a option to show both or only one like in the minilist

Thanks :)

What version MOD's are you using? A link to see the problem?


Quote from: M-DVD on March 28, 2009, 10:08:46 PM
Quote from: perro88 on March 28, 2009, 04:40:01 PM
Regards nice mod.
why the posts/replies in a contribution board are shown in the profile?
It should be only topics or then have a option to show both or only one like in the minilist

Thanks :)

What version MOD's are you using? A link to see the problem?

well it's the latest version of the mod in a smf 1.1.8.
What I mean is that the post or replies in a topic that belongs to a contribution board appears at the profile option to see the member's contribution.
For example, there's a tutorial board and the admin activate the contribution option in this board. Then a user make a topic with a tutorial in that board. That topic will count to the contributions of this user not only in the minilist but also in the profile as it normally should, but then, if some other guy post a reply to the tutorial(for example a simple "thanks") that post will show up at the profile contributions list and odviously it shouldn't. This only happens in the profile "show contributions" option, in the minilist everything it's fine ;)


Sorry, I cannot reproduce this error.

Have you installed manually? ::)


oops sorry seems I made a mistake xD. sorry mate the mod is working fine I tested it in a new forum. A bit strange though that is giving that error in my other forum, well I'll give a look at the code when I get some spare time. thanks anyway and sorry for the mistake :P

Edit: Working now... a little conflict with the show topics in profile mod :P. the code that should go to the showPosts function went to the showTopics function that was before the other one and had a similar comment line   >:(   Thanks again for the mod, very useful



MOD Contributions in Boards v1.3

New features:

  • The Setting have been moved to Admin > Posts and Topics > Contributions Settings
  • Now you can enable the minilist only in Contributions Boards
  • You can enable show the Count Contributions in display message
  • All languajes to date in the pack

How do I upgrade?

  • Uninstall the previous version
  • Install the new


Características Nuevas:

  • La configuración ha sido movida a Administracion > Mensajes y Temas > Configuracion de Aportes
  • Puedes activar que la minilista se muestre solo en los Foros de Aportes
  • Puedes activar el Contador de Aportes en el perfil de mensajes.
  • Todas las traducciones a la fecha, incluidas

¿Como actualizar?

  • Desinstalar la anterior versión
  • Instalar la nueva


ohh contador de aportes ... gracias


Everything seems fine.

One error in the install: load.php. I did manual updates for this

-I can see the enable button in the boards as well as the admin > posts section

Nothing happens when enabled. :/
The BuyPoe Network! Forum Styles for vBulletin and SMF


Quote from: minos on April 09, 2009, 01:05:51 PM
ohh contador de aportes ... gracias

Your welcome :)

Quote from: daveaite on April 10, 2009, 11:58:57 PM
Everything seems fine.

One error in the install: load.php. I did manual updates for this

-I can see the enable button in the boards as well as the admin > posts section

Nothing happens when enabled. :/

1.- Uninstall and reinstall.

2.- Check if the installation has changed all files. :)


I found a nice way to make the forum show the mini-list only once per page. It's based on the 'Show signature only once' mod. Here are the steps:


// Show Minilist of Contributions
if (isset($context['contributions']['topics'][$message['member']['id']]))
echo '
<div class="contributions">
<div style="padding: 4px" class="titlebg2"><b>', $txt['my_contributions'], '</b></div>';
foreach ($context['contributions']['topics'][$message['member']['id']] as $contri)
echo '
<p>', $contri['board'], ' &gt; ', $contri['topic'], '</p>';
echo '

Replace with:

// Show Minilist of Contributions only once per page
        $IDAlreadyDisplayed = 0;
if (!empty($MemberIDList)) {
if (in_array($message['member']['id'], $MemberIDList))
$IDAlreadyDisplayed = 1;

// Show Minilist of Contributions
if (isset($context['contributions']['topics'][$message['member']['id']]))
if (!empty($message['member']['signature']) && empty($options['show_no_signatures']) && !$IDAlreadyDisplayed)
echo '
<div class="contributions">
<div style="padding: 4px" class="titlebg2"><b>', $txt['my_contributions'], '</b></div>';
foreach ($context['contributions']['topics'][$message['member']['id']] as $contri)
echo '
<p>', $contri['board'], ' &gt; ', $contri['topic'], '</p>';
echo '

I hope you like this modification and you add it to a newer version.
Thank you for this mod!

Encontré una manera para hacer que el foro muestre la mini-lista solo una vez por página. Está basado en el mod 'Show signature only once'. Aquí dejo los pasos a seguir:


// Show Minilist of Contributions
if (isset($context['contributions']['topics'][$message['member']['id']]))
echo '
<div class="contributions">
<div style="padding: 4px" class="titlebg2"><b>', $txt['my_contributions'], '</b></div>';
foreach ($context['contributions']['topics'][$message['member']['id']] as $contri)
echo '
<p>', $contri['board'], ' &gt; ', $contri['topic'], '</p>';
echo '

Reemplazar por:

// Show Minilist of Contributions only once per page
        $IDAlreadyDisplayed = 0;
if (!empty($MemberIDList)) {
if (in_array($message['member']['id'], $MemberIDList))
$IDAlreadyDisplayed = 1;

// Show Minilist of Contributions
if (isset($context['contributions']['topics'][$message['member']['id']]))
if (!empty($message['member']['signature']) && empty($options['show_no_signatures']) && !$IDAlreadyDisplayed)
echo '
<div class="contributions">
<div style="padding: 4px" class="titlebg2"><b>', $txt['my_contributions'], '</b></div>';
foreach ($context['contributions']['topics'][$message['member']['id']] as $contri)
echo '
<p>', $contri['board'], ' &gt; ', $contri['topic'], '</p>';
echo '

Espero que te guste la modificación y que lo agregues a una nueva versión.
¡Gracias por el mod!



Quote from: KameL on April 24, 2009, 08:57:14 PM
I found a nice way to make the forum show the mini-list only once per page. It's based on the 'Show signature only once' mod. Here are the steps:

I don't understand (ni en inglés ni en español :P) but I will check more later.

(no entiendo que es exactamente lo que se busca, es decir, ¿que significa en la práctica "Mostrar una sola vez"? ¿mostrar solo a un usuario?)

Thanks :)


Quote from: M-DVD on April 25, 2009, 12:59:09 PM
Quote from: KameL on April 24, 2009, 08:57:14 PM
I found a nice way to make the forum show the mini-list only once per page. It's based on the 'Show signature only once' mod. Here are the steps:

I don't understand (ni en inglés ni en español :P) but I will check more later.

(no entiendo que es exactamente lo que se busca, es decir, ¿que significa en la práctica "Mostrar una sola vez"? ¿mostrar solo a un usuario?)

Thanks :)
Sorry for this post writed on spanish.

Cuando se instala el mod y se aplica la función de mostrar la minilista sobre la firma de la persona que realizó el tópico, esta minilista se muestra absolutamente en todos los post de este usuario dentro del mismo tópico. Te doy un ejemplo:

-El usuario 'A' crea el tópico -> Se muestra la minilista en ese mensaje
-El usuario 'B' responde al tópico
-El usuario 'A' le responde al 'B' -> Se vuelve a mostrar la minilista
-El usuario 'C' responde al tópico
-El usuario 'A' le responde al 'C' -> una vez mas, aparece la minilista

El tema en cuestión es que puede resultar un tanto pesado ver tantas veces dicha lista, por lo que se me ocurrió implementar la función que agrega el mod "Show signatures only once" (no recuerdo quien es el creador) en tu mod. A mi me gusta el resultado, y quise compartirlo con los demás... espero no te moleste, y si te interesa, podrías incluirlo en la próxima versión del mod (obviamente dando créditos al creador del mod nombrado anteriormente y a mi por la idea y la implementación :P )
Espero se haya entendido.
Saludos ;)


nice mod, thanks, working perfect for me on smf 2.0 RC1 :)

SMF 2.0 RC5

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I love this modification!

I was wondering if you have considered having a summary list for the contributions instead of the full list?  What I'm thinking is the format of the last contributions (basically the one line title with link for each), but have it summarize everything that appears in the "Show Contributions".

What I'm looking toward is having a "My Contributions" link right under the avatar area of a poster.  I think that would be a pretty nice addition to your system.

In any event, great modification!
