Simple Machines Community Forum

SMF Support => SMF 2.0.x Support => Topic started by: exilianer on January 19, 2022, 03:26:09 PM

Title: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: exilianer on January 19, 2022, 03:26:09 PM
Hi, we have a big problem. Yesterday I changed the registration agreement and now all members are forced to agree to this agreement- btw, it's still the old agreement, even if the new text is in the text space, but that's not the problem now- now people can not login because they can not agree to this forced new (old, as said they are not updated, but thats an other problem) rules.

Only if I disable the registration agreement for the registration of new members in the option settings, only then people can login without problems- but thats not the solution, because new member wont see the (old) registration rules at the registration ... I did a backup yesterday before doing this, because I upgraded to 2.0.19 ... so before updating the software, I went to "maintance" --> "databse" and backed up- one backup compressed with gzip, one without. NOW I'm reading, that this seems to be the wrong way to backup, oh nooooo ... -.- if I read FAQ correctly, I had to backup this with phpadmin or the cpanel ... we always backuped with the board-panel ... oh no ...
in the FAQ there is the board panel also mentioned and how to restore the content of the board.
But if I'm in the cPanel and try to restore "Restore a Home Directory Backup", this message appear:

"Fehler (error, german): Failed to restore files to the home directory. The provided file is not an archive, or the archive is empty"

This error appears with .gz backup and the raw .sql Backup ...
Or should I restore the .sql backup with the topic "restore a mysql database" in cPanel?

I try to stay cool, but I'm freaking nervous right now ... I hope you have an idea, I wouldn't like to keep the board running without any registration agreement for at least new members :(

P.S: I've already read this but it seems to be something different and ... I absolutely don't know how to edit the database without destroying it ... :/
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: shadav on January 19, 2022, 03:37:21 PM
what actually happens when they try to log in?

do you use pretty urls by chance? if so in your admin in the pretty urls settings under skip action list add this

if not, please explain what actually happens when someone tries to log in
what mods do you have installed
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: exilianer on January 19, 2022, 03:42:51 PM
I have an older, normal-user account. Me as admin, I didn't see the "new registration rules"-to-accept-message. But if I login with my normal-user account, I see instantly the registration-agreement- with no possibility to accept. If you want, I can send you a link to the board with a testuser.

where do I can find the "pretty url" topic? I coulnd't find under skip .. action or some part of the administration panel^^
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: shadav on January 19, 2022, 03:53:23 PM
you can send me a test account and i'll try to see what I can see

do you use/install the pretty urls mod? if so in your admin under configuration go to pretty urls, click on the little cog icon for pretty urls
I had an issue with pretty urls redirecting the agreement so that users couldn't actually agree to it  :P
so I had to add to the skip action list for users to be able to actually agree to registration and policies

I was just taking a guess at your issue, without knowing what the issue actually is

but i see in your title you say there is no button displaying....are you using a custom theme? does this do this with the default (curve) theme?
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: a10 on January 19, 2022, 04:02:08 PM
Do not (re)attempt any restore with any backup from 'maintenance'.
That dangerous backup thing from within smf should have been nuked long ago.

Probably big luck the restore attempt failed :O) Could have resulted in corrupting the working db = forum lost.
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: exilianer on January 19, 2022, 04:04:16 PM
I've just sent you a private message :)
no, "pretty urls" mod is not installed :)

@a10 oh my f... fricking god. I thought something like this ... oh my god :( thanks for the info <3
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: shadav on January 19, 2022, 04:29:15 PM
ok so yes this is a custom theme
though i just tried with the default theme and it has the same issue as well

can you please upload and attach your Register.template.php here

Themes > default > Register.template.php
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: exilianer on January 19, 2022, 04:46:35 PM
so I clicked to the topic "theme settings", and see some theme types.
I looked at the first default theme "SMF Default Theme - Curve (2.0.19)" and saw the path to the file.
I checked the filemanager of the server and get to the path. So this should be the file:!ZvGbiZywQl5Xa5Xoyhmr39hY7m4T6kNX

Unfortunately I can not attach files here :/
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: shadav on January 19, 2022, 07:17:18 PM
hm well the only thing I see different in your file from the default is this little bit

// Invite Key Input
if ($modSettings['invite_enabled'])
echo '
<dl class="register_form">
<strong>', $txt['invite_reg_page'], '</strong>
<input type="text" name="invite" size="30" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" value="" class="input_text" />

what mod is this from? make sure that it was installed correctly
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: shadav on January 20, 2022, 11:53:42 AM
actually i lied need to see your Agreement.template.php not the Register.template.php
well both i guess, if you could upload your Agreement.template.php I'll take a look

either way, it's a mod or an edit that you have done somewhere that broke the button
if you could list what modifications you have installed can try to narrow it down and then you'll need to double check that it installed correctly
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: exilianer on January 20, 2022, 01:31:03 PM
thank you sooo much <3 for your support, this is insane!!!m6AwfaiqXg2cCc8pWYYupECTldLNhW7X

I'll send you via personal message two screenshots of all mods that are currently active :)
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: shadav on January 20, 2022, 01:57:04 PM
ok so it's not the agreement file as it's the same as the default

looking at the list of mods installed I'm going to guess either
Invitation System
Arantor Captcha

make sure that these mods installed correctly and/or work with smf 2.0.x
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: exilianer on January 20, 2022, 02:04:44 PM
 :o ok, interesting :) invitation system is not active :/ (the mod, yes, but not the function itself)

anyway ... thanks for your quick response! :)
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: exilianer on January 20, 2022, 03:27:07 PM
I uninstalled both mods, because we don't need them (or never needed them?) but the problem is still there :|  ???
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: shadav on January 20, 2022, 04:36:52 PM
with only having a handful of mods installed
honestly I would just upload clean 2.0.19 files
no need to upload any of the install files

nor the Settings.php

but upload all other files overwriting your current ones

make sure that everything is working correctly

find the theme(s) you are using and download their updated versions and upload them, overwriting your current ones

make sure that everything is working correctly

download updated versions of the mods you use and install them one by one, make sure that everything is working correctly before installing the next one
Title: Re: New registration agreement- but no button to agree!
Post by: Illori on January 20, 2022, 04:45:54 PM