Simple Machines Community Forum

Customizing SMF => Modifications and Packages => Topic started by: M-DVD on April 21, 2009, 12:07:34 PM

Title: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: M-DVD on April 21, 2009, 12:07:34 PM
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MOD Weighted Votes in Polls v1.0

  • Autor:
M-DVD (;u=148997)
  • Version:
  • Release:
08th April 2009
  • Languages:
( ( ( (
  • Compatible With:
SMF 1.1.1 - 1.1.8
SMF 2 Beta 3 & 4 & RC1

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IMPORTANT RECOMENDATION: You shouldn't change the "weight vote" while a poll is active (no finished). The weighted result will be "false".
Example: before use this MOD, you should close and finish all the poll (old poll) in your forum.

Thanks to donjoe (;u=110975).


In Board 1: Senator (7), Secretary (5), Normal (1)
In Board 2: Senator (2), Secretary (2), Normal (7)
In Board 3: Senator (1), Secretary (5), Normal (7)

MemberGroupBoard 1Board 2Board 3
x 7
x 2
x 1
x 2
x 2
x 5
x 1
x 7
x 7

Languages (normal & utf-8)

$txt['mboards_weight_groups'] = 'Weighted Vote in Polls';
$txt['mboards_weight_groups_desc'] = 'Each vote will have worth by <i>Weight</i> voter group.<br />
<i>Note: Weight = 1 by default</i>';

$txt['show_title'] = 'Results Normal';
$txt['show_title_weighted'] = 'Results Weighted';
$txt['votes_weighted'] = 'weighted votes';

$txt['weightedvotes_mode'] = 'Poll Results mode';
$txt['weightedvotes_mode01'] = 'Show Results Normal';
$txt['weightedvotes_mode02'] = 'Show Results Weighted';
$txt['weightedvotes_mode03'] = 'Show Both Results';

I welcome new translations here (;topic=305945.0)



RECOMENDACIÓN IMPORTANTE: No debes cambiar los pesos de los votos mientras una encuesta esté activa. El Resultado Ponderado será "falso".
Ejemplo: antes de usar el MOD, debes cerrar y finalizar todas las encuestas existentes.

Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: Sudhakar Arjunan on April 23, 2009, 03:17:15 PM
Good Mod M-DVD.
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: M-DVD on April 25, 2009, 12:50:12 PM
Thanks for your comment :D
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: shanksta13 on April 25, 2009, 01:44:53 PM
Looks like a great mod, I just installed it.  One small problem, I'd like to weight the results based on post-count groups, but most of my members are also members of other groups.  I left the "other groups" set to 1, and increased the post-count groups to more weight as the post-count group increased.  However, the weighted poll seems to be using the other groups as an overwrite for the post-count groups.  Any way to solve this?  If it's not clear what I'm saying, I can probably explain it a little better.
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: M-DVD on April 25, 2009, 02:14:11 PM
Quote from: shanksta13 on April 25, 2009, 01:44:53 PMI can probably explain it a little better.

Yes :P

But maybe this answer your question.

The Weigth Vote is decided as:

    If the user is Moderator Local
          Use this weight.
          If the user have Primary Group
                    Use this weight.
                    Use the weigth for Group Post Count.
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: shanksta13 on April 25, 2009, 02:19:26 PM
Quote from: M-DVD on April 25, 2009, 02:14:11 PM
Quote from: shanksta13 on April 25, 2009, 01:44:53 PMI can probably explain it a little better.

Yes :P

But maybe this answer your question.

The Weigth Vote is decided as:

    If the user is Moderator Local
          Use this weight.
          If the user have Primary Group
                    Use this weight.
                    Use the weigth for Group Post Count.

Perfect, now is there any way I can make a custom modification to make Post-Count group the first option?  Or can you add this setting into the admin panel?  It sounds like maybe it's just a matter of switching that last else statement into the first if statement.
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: M-DVD on April 25, 2009, 09:11:17 PM
Quote from: shanksta13 on April 25, 2009, 02:19:26 PM
Perfect, now is there any way I can make a custom modification to make Post-Count group the first option?  Or can you add this setting into the admin panel?  It sounds like maybe it's just a matter of switching that last else statement into the first if statement.

I feel the current way is the most correct. A user can be "group charter" (example) and he can vote as a "charter" in all the forum. But he is a 'Moderator Local' in a Board. Then his vote would weigh as a Moderator Local here.

But, it's your decision. No problem :)

Seach in Sources/Poll.php

$ind = empty($user_info['is_mod']) ? (empty($user_settings['id_group']) ? $user_info['groups'][1] : $user_settings['id_group']) : '3';


$ind = empty($user_settings['id_group']) ? (empty($user_info['is_mod']) ? $user_info['groups'][1] : '3') : $user_settings['id_group'];
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: shanksta13 on April 26, 2009, 04:11:30 PM
Quote from: M-DVD on April 25, 2009, 09:11:17 PM
Quote from: shanksta13 on April 25, 2009, 02:19:26 PM
Perfect, now is there any way I can make a custom modification to make Post-Count group the first option?  Or can you add this setting into the admin panel?  It sounds like maybe it's just a matter of switching that last else statement into the first if statement.

I feel the current way is the most correct. A user can be "group charter" (example) and he can vote as a "charter" in all the forum. But he is a 'Moderator Local' in a Board. Then his vote would weigh as a Moderator Local here.

But, it's your decision. No problem :)

Seach in Sources/Poll.php

$ind = empty($user_info['is_mod']) ? (empty($user_settings['id_group']) ? $user_info['groups'][1] : $user_settings['id_group']) : '3';


$ind = empty($user_settings['id_group']) ? (empty($user_info['is_mod']) ? $user_info['groups'][1] : '3') : $user_settings['id_group'];

That didn't seem to have any effect.  I think that's the right line of code, but just to clarify in case, I want the order to be:

1. Post-Count Group
2. Member Group
3. Local Moderator
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: M-DVD on April 26, 2009, 05:09:01 PM
Quote from: shanksta13 on April 26, 2009, 04:11:30 PM
That didn't seem to have any effect.  I think that's the right line of code, but just to clarify in case, I want the order to be:

1. Post-Count Group
2. Member Group
3. Local Moderator

Ok, I thought you wanted:
1. Primary Group
2. Local Moderator
3. Post-Count Group

In your case:
1. Post-Count Group
2. Member Group
3. Local Moderator

All member has a Post-Count Group, then never will be use the Weight primary group/moderator local.
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: shanksta13 on April 27, 2009, 01:36:51 AM
Quote from: M-DVD on April 26, 2009, 05:09:01 PM
Quote from: shanksta13 on April 26, 2009, 04:11:30 PM
That didn't seem to have any effect.  I think that's the right line of code, but just to clarify in case, I want the order to be:

1. Post-Count Group
2. Member Group
3. Local Moderator

Ok, I thought you wanted:
1. Primary Group
2. Local Moderator
3. Post-Count Group

In your case:
1. Post-Count Group
2. Member Group
3. Local Moderator

All member has a Post-Count Group, then never will be use the Weight primary group/moderator local.

Okay, so is there any easy way to modify the code then to get this effect?
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: M-DVD on May 02, 2009, 07:01:14 PM
Quote from: shanksta13 on April 27, 2009, 01:36:51 AM
Okay, so is there any easy way to modify the code then to get this effect?

Ok, in this case, only use it:

$ind = $user_info['groups'][1]
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: emanuele on September 12, 2009, 08:56:44 AM
Quote from: M-DVD on April 21, 2009, 12:07:34 PM
IMPORTANT RECOMENDATION: You shouldn't change the "weight vote" while a poll is active (no finished). The weighted result will be "false".
Example: before use this MOD, you should close and finish all the poll (old poll) in your forum.
Hi, I would like to use this mod on my forum, just one question to have everything clear in my mind.

I would like to weight the votes in only one board.
Should I close anyway all the current polls in the entire forum?
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: shadowfax82 on January 26, 2010, 05:17:24 PM
Hello everybody,

I'm the admin of  I have a secondary group (members of the club).  What I want to do is to asign weight "2" to the members of the club, and weight "1" to the non-members.

I have just changed the weights in the desired board (previously, I did close all the polls inside it!), but the mod doesn't respond as required.

I need some help to put weighted polls in my forum.

Thanks to everybody :)
Title: Re: Weighted Votes in Polls
Post by: Sapinho® on July 18, 2011, 04:20:59 AM
*-* this is the mod i remember... u are the man, m-dvd, i hope u update son this :) congrantz