Search results for: The SELECT would examine

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Fixed or Bogus Bugs / Maintenence mode BUG
April 26, 2004, 02:29:35 AM by edi67
......  with admin panel i have this error back:  The SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. ............  Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok  ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / Problem with BAN
October 04, 2010, 12:44:21 AM by GMCbris
......   And I have this error when I ban someone  Code Select Expand The SELECT would examine more than  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  at line 1149  this is what it says   Code Select Expand // Find members that haven't been marked  ............  'banned'...yet.  $request = db_query("  SELECT mem.ID_MEMBER, mem.is_activated + 10 AS new_value  ............  AND mem.is_activated < 10", __FILE__, __LINE__); the last line is 1149   Does anyone have some  ............  have had this for a while and have ignored it, as the member shows as banned any way I have run all  ......
......  in Arcade which is like this: -  Database Error: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  host says this: -  MySQL will refuse to execute select statements that process a very large number of  ............ . You should either adjust your select statement to make it more  ............ , or set SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 in the session before executing the large  ............  to do that ..  $db->sql_query("SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1");   If I put SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1; in  ............  of the 'offending' query I get the 'Hacking Attempt'  ............ . Is there any way to do this?   ......
phpBB / a couple of small glitches
July 04, 2010, 08:09:35 AM by timwilkey
......  members, I got an error message, but went back to the activation screen & they'd been activated, but it  ............  error message, but sure enough, if I go back, the members are gone. Just a little annoying getting  ............  have 2 members to approve, which I don't. This is the message I'm getting:  Code Select Expand The  ............  would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your  ............  and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / error message
September 14, 2009, 12:36:27 AM by bbmtalk
......  as a regular member and later when I deleted the account, I got the following error message. Any  ............ ?  The username still stays in the forum but the profile  ............ ---------------------------------  Database Error: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
......  happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow.   ............  administrator for more information. I also get the next error when I try to mass delete attachment  ............  in the admin centerThe SELECT would examine more than  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ : 571 Right now I have no limits on anything in the attachment settings area. Everything is set to 0   ......
......  from phpbb2, I can't open forums : Code Select Expand The SELECT would examine more than  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
...... , i've 2 clean installation of smf 1.1.7. In the first installation i can't see visual  ............  a red X) and management attach works fine. In the second installation i see visual verification  ............  but in management attach i get the following error: The SELECT would examine more  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
......  host, I elected to not use any prefix for the SMF forum tables, and instead use a dedicated  ............  only allows 1 mysql database, and I anticipate other database applications. With 64 tables or so, it  ............  to execute 64 seperate SQL statements to get the desired effect.  I don't know PHP, but I used to  ............  that can be executed in phpMyAdmin or any other database front end that allows you to execute  ............  statements.  This specific example is for the case where all the tables in the database are  ............  can be altered to convert from one prefix to another, ignore tables that match a pattern (tables for  ............  applications), etc.  THE STEPS.  1. Connect to your database in phpMyAdmin. ............  2. Click the "SQL" tab. 3. Paste the following into the input  ............ : Code Select Expand SELECT CONCAT( 'RENAME TABLE ',  ............  ', ' ) , ';' ) AS sql_statement FROM (  SELECT CONCAT( TABLE_NAME, ' TO smf_', TABLE_NAME ) AS  ............  AS tbl;4. Change "insert_database_name_here" with the name of your database. 5. Execute the query. 6.  ............  column and one row, although it is truncated on the screen. 7. Click the link for to print with all  ............  (and cancel the print dialog). 8. The page opened by clicking  ............  shows the complete result of the query. 9. Examine the  ............  appear to be truncated in any way. 10. Highlight the SQL statement from the print window and hit copy.  ............ . Notice on the left sidebar list of tables that PhpMyAdmin has  ............  databases to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. 12. Navigate back to  ............  your forum tables. 13. Click SQL. 14. Paste in the SQL statement you acquired from steps 3-10. 15.  ............  a quick check that it pasted correctly, and then execute the query. 16. A batch of 20 tables  ............ ! 17. Repeat from step 3 onwards until all the tables are renamed (for 61-80 tables this would  ............ , you need to fix your SMF setup to acknowledge the change. 19. To do that, you can upload  ............  repair_settings.php in your browser and change the table prefix setting. 21. Make sure to delete  ............ !  YOU'RE DONE.   Possible improvements to the above:  1. Figure out how to do all tables at  ............  limited to 1,024 bytes on most servers, and the result of the query would otherwise be truncated.  ............  be overriding that default with a statement along the lines of: Code Select Expand SET {GLOBAL|SESSION}  ............  briefly, but without success. trying to change the setting globally failed because I didn't have  ............  effect. I submitted that statement right before the above query in the directions (minus the LIMIT),  ............  submitted them together, in phpMyAdmin. But perhaps phpMyAdmin  ............  step.  4. Use more imagination than me in some other way!   I hope this helps someone.   ......
Install and Upgrade Help / Database Update
July 06, 2005, 12:24:33 PM by robertwatcher
...... ) - just upgraded to SMF 1.0.5 last week through the package manager - have uninstalled and  ............  all mods:  QuoteDatabase Error  The SELECT would examine too many records and  ............  time. Check your WHERE and use SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 if the SELECT is ok File: /mnt/web_g/d01/s24/ ............  SMF 1.0.2. It is recommended that you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.  Not sure just  ............  by using "upgrade.php" - or for that matter why the upgrade didn't take place with the upgrade  ......
......  from: Arantor on November 09, 2016, 06:13:40 PMThe things in Settings.php are not considered user  ............  be listed somewhere so SMF knows how to deal with the things going on because SMF cannot just magically  ............  before connecting to the database whether to use UTF-8 or not. Something  ............  to tell it, and this is the safest place to do that. It's only a user option  ............  because a) not all hosts could support it for the longest time and b) there used to be performance  ............  and slower than ISO anything. Of course, in the last decade advancements in computing have  ............  made this problem go away but the fact remains it used to be a viable proposition  ............  though you lost me a little, is it right there is more to it then Latin1 and UTF-8 for SMF and  ............  you please explain to me, why SMF or any other application that talks to a MySQL database has  ............  which isn't Latin1, > UTF-8 that I miss to see the technical background on how SMF has to interpret  ............  is trusted to the database by it's users [from all over the world],  ............ .1, SMF will be UTF-8 by itself? Because, I am in the process of installing SMF 2.0.12 from scratch,  ............  I noticed that it, indeed, is the checkbox UTF-8 being responsible for the '$ ............  = 'utf8';' and, the language the original SMF package comes with is  ............  ë ï'.  Switching back to Latin1 did also revert the testing message, so I'm guessing a little, since  ............  are Latin15 characters, Latin1 encoded, right? Then, I asked myself, then there is no reason for an  ............  to be aware of the encoding set trough MySQL [the settings that the  ............  if I let something talk UTF-8 to it, MySQL accept the data sent to it and will talk back UTF-8 [if  ............  changed collation, so internally it still talks the way it was installed a long time ago. And the  ............  this.  Now I wonder, why is it possible to select UTF-8, if SMF comes with Latin1 only? Shouldn't  ............  come with two language templates and switch to the language template that UTF-8 checkbox, checked,  ............  this to work, and, to be not set correctly by the Site Admin of that forum? Isn't that a pitfall  ............  back in 2013 to Google or use SMF search, to find the required part of the manual or a support topic  ............  waypointers for me to be able to continue without the need for help? I also preferably don't post a  ............  true that checking a UTF-8 checkbox and keeping the old database, which obviously can't be UTF-8,  ............ ? I know this is possible. I do not know if there can be reasons why it isn't this way. I only  ............  with a running SMF forum [and a lot of history in the form of a database], see this checkbox, and that  ............  has learned people in general that UTF-8 is the future and that it is safe. <- I wonder, where,  ............  character, should be converted back?  I did use the convert database to UTF-8 with SMF, of course I  ............ . Though, I can't remember what that was.  And then, I found a UTF-8 decoder, 'https://software. ............  go up one directory on that site, it comes with the Perl script. With the UTF-8 library and a linux  ............ , and not everything was properly decoded by the decoder link I posted. Again a lot of time spent,  ............  to me. Also, finding a proper hex editor to learn the byte encoding wasn't easy, anyhow, I just gave it  ............  try [though I not agree on the naming gremlin's but there are more converter  ............  that I had reduced 'Ã''s by two thirds, and, then, I saw, double encodings, for example;  variÃÆ' ............ ,«teit variëteit variëteit variëteit  The above example is a three step double encoding-[ ............  'ë'.  In my case, I had to de-gremlin, six times. Then I had a couple of thousand 'Ã' in the database,  ............  all of them couldn't be converted back to proper characters  ............  the UTF-8 decoder link I wrote.  Here I used sed and  ............ ¢ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¯Â/,"België",$0)}1' < foo > bar  [In the awk example, I left the disturbance that was left  ............  the database after de-gremlin six times, so I figure  ............  the UTF-8 decoder read the above as proper. It didn't  ............  shorter. Similar disturbances in the database [most of them] converted back, see ' ............ 'Ã,«teit' example, it halfed the 'Mojibake' with every pass.  Since it was taking  ............  -f iso-8859-15 foo > bar  This gave error at the first non-convertible character. On a 60Mb  ............ , that was at first at 6Mb and there it stuck about twenty times and then it went up  ............  40Mb and then it was a cakewalk to fix everything.  A sidenote, ............  the output 'bar' of iconv is not usable. But opening ' ............ ', scrolling to the last line + END, showed something similar to ' ............  thirty to fourty sed /awk replacements by me on the original database, so replacement 1 = foo > foo-2, ............  a proper UTF-8 encoded database.   And now I use the '$db_character_set = 'utf8';' with the UTF-8  ............  database suffered win-1252 encoding, besides that the users used Windows. And they used Windows 7 a lot. ............  And Windows 7 has the 'chcp' tool and it reported codepage 850. For the  ............ . chcp /? also gave a '?' for 'ï' with Windows. On the other hand Grub for Linux with a UTF-8 fresh  ............  to see why this is so. I always had respect for the way Microsoft translated their English versions  ............  all other languages and now this '?', that not many people  ............  about.  But to get back to the subject, can you tell me where the win-1252  ............  I know is that our users are mostly Dutch and use the American International keyboard [there is a Dutch  ............  Belgium, and those people use accents more often then Dutch people. Also, I used iconv and told it to  ............  it's Latin1 counterpart and sed /awk'd that after the thirty to fourty runs. In other words, Japanese  ............  Russian people would probably need to find another decoding strategy.   ............ , I converted the win-1252 encoded file back to UTF-8 with iconv,  ............  noticed that it's byte-length, was exact the byte-length of my thirty to fourty sed/ awk file.  ............ , I knew then almost for sure that I had repaired correct.  ............ , I searched for 'Ã' in the database file and there where zero. Then I knew  ............  was right again, so I replaced the Japanese and Russian to it's UTF-8 [because the  ............  used there wasn't accepted by iconv since I asked it to  ............  And this is where my story stops. I'm still under the impression that SMF can know by it's own if it  ............  check the UTF-8 box at installing and the only caveat I see  ............  that there mus be a language that requires 'Ã'. I'm lost  ............ , or for nine out of ten, shouldnt it be in the installer. Also, the installer could ask to copy  ............  tables to another three letter + underscore and give a revert  ............ ? That way the people have a a way to try things without knowing  ............  what I read here most people do, and I don't read the manual indeed.   QuoteI think you misunderstood  ............  I said, that SMF put UTF-8 characters into the database and everything else is really treating  ............  as ISO-8859-1 (which is not the same as Win-1252 though in most cases it's 'close  ............  understand, but I fail to understand this. What other encoding to expect then win-* with so many  ............  is me and one Mac. And chcp didn't come with another codepage then 850 somehow. I've read on the  ............  people I feel are biased that Microsoft has been the culprit but I view their encoding scheme just as  ............ / or bad, then another one. Also I read UTF-8 can make error, I  ............ , everything converts to UTF-8 I learned, but the result can be that you are 'further away from  ............  house' [dutch expression]   QuoteSee above. There was a time during SMF's history when not going  ............ -8 was a viable choice. There is also the reason we (I, personally, in fact)  ............  the choice to not do that in 2.1, such that 2.1 only  ............  UTF-8. Can you tell me how the pre-UTF-8 SMF forum posts with non-ascii will  ............  really simple. You have to know how to talk to the database from the off. As in, literally, the  ............  command issued to the server after connecting is 'use UTF-8'. You need  ............  know that pretty much immediately and the best place to put that is in Settings.php. I  ............ , it really, really isn't that simple. When the ISO encodings first came out, space was tight. I' ............  talking back in the 1980s when individual bytes were a concern. Which  ............  why all the ISO encodings are single bytes per character.   ............ -2 (two bytes per character, as used throughout the internals of Windows NT) and UCS-4 which later  ............  more complex to process because you don't know at the start how many bytes per character. You can't  ............  until you start to examine the characters how many characters there are.   ............  how many bytes make up that character, based on the arrangement of the first three bits of the number. ............  Because this is massively more complex (and they trimmed it down, UTF-8 was originally supposed  ............  and your third is unclear to me.  QuoteAll of the ISO encodings, plus Win-1251 through Win-1253 are  ............  of Extended ASCII. Officially, ASCII denotes the values for 0 to 127. Everything above that is  ............  code pages like CP 437 which defined most of the higher characters to be text characters for  ............  boxes on the screen, or 850 which covered most of the things  ............  by France and Germany (and is much the same as ISO-8859-1 is today). Or how we have ISO- ............ -6 which defines the top 128 values as a subset of Arabic.  UTF-8 is  ............  a different kind of encoding which specifies that the top set of values indicate continuation. Values 0  ............  127 remain the same as ASCII, with all the values above  ............  that they are parts of larger characters - the first byte  ............  you how many bytes follow for the rest of the character (with values 0-127 always  ............  a one byte character)  The real problem can come in with Win-1251 and Win- ............  has a habit of using quote symbols that tie into the range above 128 (in such a way that they are the  ............  block of bytes forming one character), but since they don't have a correct preceding character, they  ............  you had or what repairs are being done but all the issues sound like there was a mismatch between  ............  the database was using and what SMF thought the  ............  was using - and this can happen if the language packs mismatch since the language packs  ............  for ISO which codepoints mean what. It is the language pack that knows to differentiate between  ............ -8859-1 and ISO-8859-6 for example - because they're single byte encoded, the database does not  ............  to care so it leaves it to the language pack to make the decision. But for ISO- ............  vs UTF-anything, you need to get it right otherwise it's going to cause you trouble.  I  ............  third paragraph, you are probably right, that there can be damage with win-* encoding, but, can you  ............  what you mean by 'quote symbols that tie into the range above 128' this didn't translate very well  ............  I didn't tell yet I found some control codes, but the UTF-8 decoded converted this back properly. Also  ............  had some unreadable [dropped by the UTF-8 decoder] characters appearing to meant to  ............  'space', so I let sed/ awk replace it with '' and there also was some garbled encoding that I could  ............  SMF was in Latin1? Can you explain to me how SMF then was able to store a 'ë' for example not being  ............  for that, if it is true that what you send to the database also comes back in the same byte  ............ ? Because I know that my six conversion step is the repair of the result I had by trying 'the two  ............ ' and for the others, I am also wondering if my ISP upgraded  ............  ISP tend to upgrade without notice and that wouldn't be the first time something that was running  ............  somewhere. And I asked them to notify us before they upgrade, but they just  ............ 't. And finally there is php7 appearing, and they decided to leave  ............  and I respect this forum for it's knowledge.  There is one thing I want to let you know.  I talked  ............  the test message and what came back;  'à á ä ò ó ö è  ............  ë ï' <> 'à á ä ò ó ö è é ë ï'  Using the UTF-8 decoder, the first accented character, 'à'  ............  error. I failed to investigate this, but I have the old database so I am able to reproduce, that is.  ............  the mangled database I've had and for the loss of the  ......
Install and Upgrade Help / 1.06 to 1.1 RC2 - Getting Error
February 01, 2006, 09:02:53 AM by FTF
......  have now reached this poiint  At the end of sorting out the log tables I get this   ............  log system... Unsuccessful!  This query:  SELECT b.ID_BOARD, IF(b.lastUpdated = 0, 0, IFNULL(MIN(m. ............  >= b.lastUpdated) GROUP BY b.ID_BOARD; Caused the error:  The SELECT would examine more rows than  ............ . Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok  ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / Member list not working
August 06, 2004, 01:32:32 AM by dilaca
......  had an e-mail asking why the member list on my site wasn't working so I tried  ............  ok for me.  I've just tried it again and get the following message.  QuoteDatabase Error  The  ............  would examine too many records and probably take a very  ............  time. Check your WHERE and use SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 if the SELECT is ok File: /mnt/web_j/d15/s15/ ......
MyBB / error when Trying to convert from Mybb
June 04, 2009, 07:20:05 PM by gatorbowls
......  to convert from Mybb I get this error: Code Select Expand Converting members... Successful.  ............  topics... Unsuccessful! This query:   SELECT  t.tid AS ID_TOPIC, t.fid AS ID_BOARD, t. ............  AND ID_LAST_MSG != 0  LIMIT 0, 500;  Caused the error:   The SELECT would examine more than  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
Español (Spanish) / Error Extraño en el foro.
August 10, 2008, 02:32:22 PM by Sergioropase
......  del foro y creo que a raiz de eso me sale esto  The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / Attachment problems
July 03, 2007, 05:30:47 PM by loudog
......  in. I ended up having to run ugrade and bypass "the strict mysql..." and "update table width to  ............  complete it.   For one I'm getting this error   The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ .php Line: 571   In addition, I'm curious if there is a way to run strict mysql and accomodate  ............  portion of upgrade manually through the MYSQL administration section. If so what would be  ............  commands I would need to run.   Thanks much in advance for any  ......
......  people  I'm facing these problems in my Forum Error Logs, how could i go  ............  solving them?   QuoteDatabase Error: The SELECT would examine  ............ . Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok  ............ : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server  ............  for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY mem.lngfile  ............ .array-unique'>function.array-unique</a>]: The argument should be an array File: /customers/ ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / Find and Repair
October 18, 2006, 01:50:38 PM by mattstewart
......  Version: SMF 1.1 RC3 i'm getting this error:  The SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. ............  Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok  ............  i've tried setting SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 at command line in Mysql, but to no avail -  ............  do i find out what the current settings are for these Dynamic System  ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / Error during Riparation Forum
March 31, 2004, 12:10:08 PM by edi67
......  but i had returned back this error why ?  QuoteThe SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. ............  Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok  ......
IPB / Re: [SMF Converter] IPB 2.2.x
May 05, 2008, 04:35:31 PM by JohnH
...... , However it would seem that I need to add the user for the smf  ............  database, and my CP is not able to do this, is there any way to do this in phpMyAdmin? or shall I  ............  error when converting:  QuoteConverting topics...The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......