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Started by StormLrd, October 19, 2007, 08:02:35 PM

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Link to the theme

Aswesome Gaming theme Designed for Both SMF and SMF/TP same files used.

Support for Installed Modifications by Bloc & StormLrd

PLEASE TAKE NOTE! This theme only Supports already installed Modifications to your Forum, It does NOT install them. Bugs inherit in any modifications are not corrected by theme, ONLY Template files in Theme are bug free.
(If error log has bugs on default theme they will still be present in this theme if that modification is enabled!)

Support for TinyPortal 0.9.8 mod?
If TP installed and enabled use Top Downloads in bottom left block?
Recent Posts will be shown otherwise.
Support for SMF Arcade 2.0.9 mod? Modified Versions of Arcade
Support for Fel's Blog mod(FelBlog for SMF, Version: 0.940)? {9.2alpha not supported}
If enabled, show Blog stats on Board Index.
Support for SMF Bookmarks mod?
Support for SMF User Email System mod?
Support for SMF Contact Page mod?
Support for MemberGroup Color Legend Mod?
Support for PayPal Donations mod?
Support for Ultimate Shoutbox 1.40 mod?
Support for Ad Management 2.3 mod?
Support for Users Online Today mod?
Support for Googlebots & Spiders 2.0.3 mod?
Support for Global Announcements 1.0 mod?
Support for SMF Shop 3.0 mod?
Support for SMF Links mod?
Support for SMF Staff mod?
Support for Visual Warning mod?

Store Mod installed?

Support for SMF Store mod?
What Store Items Do you want to show?
What Location do you wish them placed.
How many Store Items do you want to show?
Set to zero to not show any.

Gallery Mod installed?

Support for SMF Gallery Lite 1.7.x mod or SMF Gallery Pro 1.3?
Support for SMF Gallery Titles on Board Index Add-on (titles)? Warning: Does not work on Lite version!
Support for SMF Gallery Recent Comments Board Index Add-on? Warning: Does not work on Lite version!
Show user gallery link in posts? Warning: Does not work on Lite version!

Theme Specific Gallery Settings

Will not work without Gallery Mod installed.
Number of recent gallery image titles to display on board index:
To disable the recent gallery titles bar set this value to zero.
Will not display if no pics uploaded, recent pics mod on boardindex addon must be installed.
Number of recent gallery comments to display on board index:
To disable the recent gallery comments bar set this value to zero.
Will not display if no comments have been made, recent comments mod on boardindex addon must be installed.
Which Images do you want to display? (will not work with Lite version!)
What Location do you wish them placed.
How many Gallery Images do you want to show?
How many Gallery Images do you want to show?
Set the max width of thumbnails to be displayed.
Default max-width is 70px the px suffix is auto added please post number only.
Set the max height of thumbnails to be displayed.
Default max-height is 75px the px suffix is auto added please post number only.

Custom Pages by Bloc

Enable Custom Pages?
Custom pages
use the form: file[.template],title,type where type can be 1.) page or 2.) link. Use "link" for a regualr link, "page" for a custom template file.

Demo of SMF and TP:

Zero Errors with all mods properly installed!

Tested in: FireFox, IE7, Advant, Opera, Netscape, and Safari, compatibility 100%

Support Given at:

Minor error found and replaced dealing with missing function opentable() - its recommended you update your theme with this update especially if your using TinyPortal


I couldn't see the demo, but display picture shows it is fantastic, and gorgeous. I like your themes. To install this theme, we need to install a lot of mods. However, it deserves. Thank you again, and hope you to continue releasing more themes.


Its not that you NEED to have the mods. Its that, if you have them you CAN enable it. Its not important to install them if you don't want


Most of the mods are necessary. I am using most of the mods. I think you misundestood me, or I couldn't express my-self. For example, SMF store mod can be nice and usefull to have. However, I don't think I will use it. Theme has already had it. I thought that if I don't install that mod, theme may occur some errors. If I download all the mods above, the script can be a little complicated with my other applications. Anyway, sorry if I misunderstood the message above.
By the way, I saw the demo, after choosing the theme from drop down menu. Yes, it is perfect as in the display image. Thank you, Dragoon for clearing the mods issue.


Thanks and yes, the point is that current theme settings enables you to check each box for each mod you already have installed so that you dont have to have the theme templates customized to support your mods. Ive already done it for you all you have to do is turn it on if you have it installed. If you don't, than leave it unchecked and thats all there is too it :)


Now updated to work with TinyPortal v1.0.5 beta 1

Included now an extra goodies file for editables



I have just put this theme on my website and I love it.I am just having alot of problems trying to get my own banner on it,would someone be able to give me a clue as to how I take the tpm off and add my own banner thanks


Quote from: callteg4 on July 11, 2008, 03:00:46 PM
I have just put this theme on my website and I love it.I am just having alot of problems trying to get my own banner on it,would someone be able to give me a clue as to how I take the tpm off and add my own banner thanks

If you would goto and join the forum if you have not already. Than create a post in support titled zeda banner help and either one of my staff or I will see what we can do to help you out on this ma'am and glad you like the theme :D


I loved the theme however my members where not to fussed on it  :( so I just stuck with the one theme thanks again


If you get a error with a uncapsed string, try this fix:


echo '
<div class="buttonlist', $direction != 'top' ? '_bottom' : '', '"', (empty($buttons) ? ' style="display: none;"' : ''), (!empty($strip_options['id']) ? ' id="' . $strip_options['id'] . '"': ''), '>
<ul class="reset clearfix">
implode('', $buttons), '

Replace With:

echo '
<div class="buttonlist', $direction != 'top' ? '_bottom' : '', '"', (empty($buttons) ? ' style="display: none;"' : ''), (!empty($strip_options['id']) ? ' id="' . $strip_options['id'] . '"': ''), '>
<ul class="reset clearfix">
'.implode('', $buttons).',

* Kcmartz knows this is a old topic, sorry to bring it up again, he is using the theme for making a Gaming forum for a friend of his.

Owner of Mesozoic Haven


Sorry to bumb this old topic, but i think this theme would be cool on SMF 2.0 :)
Wish i had the skills to convert it hmmmz :-\
I'm using SMF 2.0.2 and SimplePortal 2.3.4


First off i'd like to say i love your theme! But i do have a few questions for you how do i change the images to my websites images and put my website name on it the addy to my site is [nofollow] and the forums link is on there but the url to the actual forums is [nofollow] i would really like to make it fit more to my site of medieval/fantasy and add more buttons as well. Basically customize it to match my website if you could please help me figure this out i would owe you big time and could pay u as well i am the opposite of tech-savvy and the only coding i know is Qbasic LOL and thats not used anymore so if you could hlp me out or lead me in the right directions that would be awesome!!!

Sysop of BigMommasBackDoor BBS
Admin Of MajorMud HQ [nofollow] and
BMud MajorMud Forums [nofollow]
