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Topics Filter v3.0

Started by M-DVD, October 10, 2007, 06:57:55 PM

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ok I think I got it fixed now..hehe. putting a copy of the default messageindex file into my custom theme didnt work (I assumed they would be the same but their not) - it caused a bunch of errors with some other mods so I put the original version back on, and used a program called ExamDiff to compare them. It showed they were indeed in seperate places in the file but they were both still above that same line of code. (atleast it looked the same to At any rate, I moved the filter mod code down to where it was on the defaut file and that seems to have fixed it.

Sheesh.. this mod stuff is


Quote from: Alpay on July 08, 2008, 07:58:22 AM
do you thinkin adaptation for modification on smf version 2.0 beta 3.1 ?

Quote from: karlbenson on July 08, 2008, 10:08:55 AM
Eventually yes when i get the time.
But at the moment i'm too busy.

Up karlbenson =)
uP1 :P


This mod is sick man thanks, just wat i was lookin for, works perfectly too :) big thanks



A lot of my topics have a non-numeric or alphabetic key as the starting name ie; [title] and I would request help with adjusting the code slightly, so that if the starting keystroke isn't a letter or number, it skips it and moves to the second.

Second Pass Weyr<br />An AU Pernse RPG<br /><br />SMF 2.0.6 with SP 2.3.5


I am moving to 1.1.8 tomorrow. Are there any specific changes that need to be made in order for this to be compatible with 1.1.8? (other than changing the package-xml file so that it will install/uninstall)?

Thanks :)


This mod is no longer supported by its author and is looking for someone to take over development (including making it 2.x compatible)

If you would like to take over development please send a Pm and request to the customization team.;sa=send;u=1


I wasnt asking about taking it I just wanted to know if there are any specific changes that needed to be made to make it compatible with 1.1.8.  Surely someone has used it on 1.1.8. I assume you do not know the answer to my question?


It should work on any 1.1.x version.


M-DVD welcome =)

do you thinkin adaptation for modification on smf version 2.0 rc1 ?


Quote from: Alpay on April 10, 2009, 02:45:21 PM
M-DVD welcome =)

do you thinkin adaptation for modification on smf version 2.0 rc1 ?

Thank you.

I'm working on that. I release all the same day. :)


please M-DVD to do it 1.1.8


Quote from: Milo_link on April 10, 2009, 08:47:07 PM
please M-DVD to do it 1.1.8

Yes, also :)

But already this MOD should be work for SMF 1.1.8

I have done a installation in a SMF 1.1.8 fresh install without problem. ::)



nice mod

Arabic-utf8 :

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.arabic-utf8.php" error="skip">
<!--// Adds the language strings used by this modification //-->
      <search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['filter_saved'] = '(تم الحفظ)';
$txt['filter_date_title'] = '=مرشح المشاركات-التاريح=';
$txt['filter_date_0'] = 'غير معروف';
$txt['filter_date_1'] = 'اليوم';
$txt['filter_date_2'] = 'منذ أمس';
$txt['filter_date_7'] = 'آخر 7 أيام';
$txt['filter_date_30'] = 'آخر 30 يوم';
$txt['filter_date_60'] = 'آخر 60 يوم';
$txt['filter_date_90'] = 'آخر 90 يوم';
$txt['filter_date_180'] = 'آخر 180 يوم';
$txt['filter_date_270'] = 'آخر 270 يوم';
$txt['filter_date_365'] = 'آخر 365 يوم';
$txt['filter_date_366'] = 'أكثر من 365 يوم';
$txt['filter_topics_title'] = '=مرشح المواضيع/المشاركات=';
$txt['filter_topics_0'] = 'غير معروف';
$txt['filter_topics_1'] = 'المواضيع التى لا يوجد بها ردود';
$txt['filter_topics_2'] = 'المواضيع الساخنة';
$txt['filter_topics_3'] = 'المواضيع الشعبية';
$txt['filter_topics_4'] = 'الإستفتاءات';
$txt['filter_topics_5'] = 'المواضيع المغلقة';
$txt['filter_topics_6'] = 'مواضيعى';
$txt['filter_paginate_title'] = '=عدد المواضيع لكل صفحة=';
$txt['filter_paginate_10'] = 10 ;
$txt['filter_paginate_20'] = 20 ;
$txt['filter_paginate_30'] = 30 ;
$txt['filter_paginate_40'] = 40 ;
$txt['filter_paginate_50'] = 50 ;
$txt['filter_paginate_forumdefault'] = 'إفتراضى المنتدى';
$txt['filter_paginate_perpage'] = 'لكل صفحة';
$txt['filter_alphanum'] = 'تفعيل شريط ترشيح المواضيع';
$txt['filter_alphanum_desc'] = 'لترشيح المواضيع';
$txt['filter_alphanum_all'] = 'الكل';

please before put the translation in the file be sure that the file encode is UTF-8

Arabic Translator - Web Designer
My Mods / My Themes  //  GfxLand


Hi :D

I have finished the update for this MOD.

Have new code, and new settings.

Also have (some) new text string. If somebody would like translate, these are the texts:

$txt['filter_Reset'] = 'Reset';
$txt['filter_Off'] = 'Topics Filter Off: You Need Javascript Enable';

$txt['filter_letter_title'] = 'Letter Filter';
$txt['filter_letter_values'][0] = 'All';

$txt['filter_date_title'] = 'Post/Date Filter';
$txt['filter_date_values'][0] = 'None';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Today';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Since Yesterday';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Last 7 Days';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Last 30 Days';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Last 60 Days';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Last 90 Days';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Last 180 Days';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Last 270 Days';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Last 365 Days';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Over a year ago';

$txt['filter_replies_title'] = 'Topic/Post Replies Filter';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][0] = 'None';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Topics Without Replies';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Hot Topics';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Very Hot Topics';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Polls';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Locked Topics';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Own Topics';

$txt['filter_pages_title'] = 'Topic Per Page';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][0] = 'Number by Default';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '10 Per Page';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '20 Per Page';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '30 Per Page';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '40 Per Page';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '50 Per Page';

$txt['topicsfilter_enable'] = 'Enable Topics Filter MOD';
$txt['topicsfilter_date'] = 'Enable Filter by Date';
$txt['topicsfilter_replies'] = 'Enable Filter by Replies';
$txt['topicsfilter_pages'] = 'Enable Filter Topic per Page';
$txt['topicsfilter_letter'] = 'Enable Filter by Letter';

Quote from: islam2hamy on April 13, 2009, 02:43:33 PM
nice mod

Arabic-utf8 :

please before put the translation in the file be sure that the file encode is UTF-8

Thanks :)


Quote from: M-DVD on April 25, 2009, 11:56:14 AM
Hi :D

I have finished the update for this MOD.

Rc 1 ?
I am very happy if rc1 ;D


Quote from: Alpay on April 25, 2009, 12:53:33 PM
Quote from: M-DVD on April 25, 2009, 11:56:14 AM
Hi :D

I have finished the update for this MOD.

Rc 1 ?
I am very happy if rc1 ;D

Yes, but, yet i haven't uploaded the package.  :P

Only I have notified, if someone would like translate, to upload the translations included in the package.


MOD Topics Filter v3.0

From now on I take the development of this MOD :)


New features:

  • Now work in SMF 1.1.X and SMF Beta & 2RC1.
  • The Setting have been move to
    Admin > Posts and Topics > Topics Settings
  • Now you can enable and disable each filters (per post-date, per replies, quick change pagination or per letter).
  • You can enable and disable this MOD
  • The visual aspect have been changed:
    - The default choice is the first option.
    - The actual choise is showed in bold.
    - The letter filters, now also is dropdown.
  • The filters letter now have "#" option (no alfanumeric character).
  • The XHTML is more lighter.
  • The code have been redone.

How do I upgrade?

  • Uninstall the previous version
  • Install the new


Características Nuevas:

  • Funciona en SMF 1.1.X y SMF 2RC1.
  • Las configuraciones ha sido movidas a:
    Administración > Mensajes y Temas > Configuración de Temas
  • Ahora puedes activar y desactivar cada uno de los filtros (por fecha, por respuestas, por letra, o número de paginación).
  • También puedes activar y desactivar el MOD.
  • El aspecto visual ha sido cambiado:
    - La opción por defecto será la primera opción.
    - La función actual (tu opción salvada) se mostrará en negrita.
    - El filtro por letras ahora también es en campo desplegable.
  • El filtro por letra ahora tiene la opción "#" (para caracteres no alfanuméricos).
  • El XHTML ahora es más ligero.
  • El código fue rehecho.

¿Como actualizar?

  • Desinstalar la anterior versión
  • Instalar la nueva


Awesome MOD! Installed fine in my website -

Here is Brazilian (UTF-8) language (Modifications.brazilian-utf8.php)

// MOD Topics Filter
$txt['filter_Reset'] = 'Limpar';
$txt['filter_Off'] = 'Filtro de t&oacute;picos desativado: Ligue o Javascript';

$txt['filter_letter_title'] = 'Filtrar por ordem alfab&eacute;tica';
$txt['filter_letter_values'][0] = 'Mostrar tudo';

$txt['filter_date_title'] = 'Data';
$txt['filter_date_values'][0] = 'Desativar';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Hoje';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Desde ontem';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = '&Uacute;ltima semana';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = '&Uacute;ltimo m&ecirc;s';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = '&Uacute;ltimos 60 dias';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = '&Uacute;ltimos 90 dias';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = '&Uacute;ltimos 180 dias';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = '&Uacute;ltimos 270 dias';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = '&Uacute;ltimos 365 dias';
$txt['filter_date_values'][] = 'Mais de um ano';

$txt['filter_replies_title'] = 'Respostas';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][0] = 'Desativar';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Sem respostas';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'T&oacute;picos quentes';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'T&oacute;picos super quentes';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Com enquetes';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'T&oacute;picos trancados';
$txt['filter_replies_values'][] = 'Seus t&oacute;picos';

$txt['filter_pages_title'] = 'T&oacute;picos por p&aacute;gina';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][0] = 'Desativar';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '10';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '20';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '30';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '40';
$txt['filter_pages_values'][] = '50';

$txt['topicsfilter_enable'] = 'Ligar filtro de t&oacute;picos';
$txt['topicsfilter_date'] = 'Ligar filtro por data';
$txt['topicsfilter_replies'] = 'Ligar filtro por respostas';
$txt['topicsfilter_pages'] = 'Ligar filtro de t&oacute;picos por p&aacute;gina';
$txt['topicsfilter_letter'] = 'Ligar filtro por ordem alfab&eacute;tica';
l: simple p: machines


Quote from: softcore on April 26, 2009, 05:28:11 PM
Awesome MOD! Installed fine in my website -

Here is Brazilian (UTF-8) language (Modifications.brazilian-utf8.php)

Thanks, only one person had downloaded the package, then I've re uploaded the packages and i have included your translation :)
