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Theme : Red it Random

Started by Ricky., September 08, 2011, 10:55:22 AM

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Alright looks like I need to fix small issue regarding text box going out of bounds.

Regarding your smileys, you may have turned them off from
Admin --> Configuration --> Current theme
There you have drop down menu to disable or choose preferred smiley set.


Quote from: Ricky. on February 01, 2012, 04:21:50 AM
Alright looks like I need to fix small issue regarding text box going out of bounds.

Regarding your smileys, you may have turned them off from
Admin --> Configuration --> Current theme
There you have drop down menu to disable or choose preferred smiley set.

OK. Thank very much.

Michael Pfaff


I'm wondering if you can help me out here. I'm trying to use an HTML header on my forum, which is using the Red It Random (awesome) theme.

When I require the html header in the theme, it seems to pull up, put it's pushing the older header down and mucking everything up.

Can you explain to me how to remove the old header for this theme, and just keep the login and menu information?

Here's my test site:
The actual HTML header is here:

Here's the code I'm using in index.template.php:

require( '/home/content/62/8427762/html/michaelpfaff/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1.html' );

Right before:

// The main sub template above the content.
function template_html_above()
   global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings;

For some reason, it's also adding the red curved background image to the HTML header I'm using... Not sure why it would do that. Maybe a css edit needs to happen?

Any help would be great!




Looks like you are trying to include your WP buttons in theme, you are including an html page, that is not the proper way, you should rather edit header part of red it random theme and include your buttons html code there along with required css.
It is because the way you are doing it is creating two <header section and hence you are seeing the problem.
