SESSION return url when posting topics from outside forum?

Started by jbeezer, July 29, 2006, 09:37:17 PM

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I have created a simple hack so i can post topics (with a predetermined title) to the forum.  I've just created a form in my page that POSTs to index.php?action=post2;start=0;board=2 with the necessary variables.  But the problem is that after that form is submitted it takes you to the post in the forum, when i want it to just refresh the current page that it was posted from.  Is this possible by setting a SESSION variable, or by some other means?

Heres the page that im talking about:


It'll be a bit more complicated than that.  Take a look at the end of the post2() function in the file Post.php.  Setting a SESSION variable will be a good start, but you'll also need it to redirectexit() to the right location.


Thx unrelenting, i just photoshopped a pic and filtered it till it looked right :P

Orstio:  I've been looking at that function, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  Where would i go about creating a new SESSION variable for that function?  Or could i do it with an additional POST var, that the post2 function would read?  Would it be possible to just submit this form in the background somehow?  maybe with XMLhttprequest or passing the form vars to another php page in the background, and having that background page submit it?  or maybe a hidden frame or something...  Thanks for the help

Also where could i find this redirectexit() function?
