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SMF 1.1 Release Candidate 3 is available!

Started by Thantos, August 19, 2006, 04:12:52 PM

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Quote from: Jay The Code Monkey on August 26, 2006, 03:00:52 AM
matjazz seems like you might have an outdated theme.

Yes it is true  >:(

With Babilon theme is working fine  ::)


Thanks, upgraded three forums without any problems. Also thanks to the mod writers for updating their mods so quickly.


"Enable inline links" doesn't work in 1.1RC2 and still doesn't work in 1.1RC3.

Hope this will be fixed in the next release.

Many thanks to the team for making such a great forum software.



Quote from: Ben_S on August 25, 2006, 08:41:21 PM
Try reuploading the default theme.

After doing that and doing the hard refresh I still get this

Thats the same at the Stats Center with that green bar

J. Williams

Try reuploading your sources directory, that could be the culprit :D
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.


For those with karma problems, try testing it with the defult theme.  I had the same problem and I realized it was a problem in all of the themes I had installed before the upgrade. 

Now I think I may have found a security issue  I have been having a lot of trouble with people joining my site just to post porn so after the upgrade I changed the registration so that I must approve all accounts before they can post.  I enabled the Visual safety thing.  I also placed a Custom Profile field that was mandatory at registration asking why they wanted to join.  I tried registering several times and all worked well.  If you miss any one it would not let you register.

This morning I found that someone had been able to register to full access without my approval and without filling in the required fields. Thankfully they didn't post any porn but judging from the IP and the email address I feel sure it is either an email collector or a spamer.  How are they getting in???

By the way you can see my registration screen here:  They are certainly not coming in that way because the only thing they were apparently having to give was their email address!!


File a Security Report at remembering to provide a link to a PHPInfo file and access logs if you think you've found a security issue.

Gary M. Gadsdon
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I use MKportal with SMF 1.1 RC2 with several mods + some additional registration fields and the necessary display customization.
Please advise me

          Do I have to upgrade to SMF 1.1 RC3 anyway, before geting to the SMF final release
          I may apply the security update only and wait for the SMF final release ?

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Quote from: Yiorgos on August 26, 2006, 10:03:27 AM
          Do I have to upgrade to SMF 1.1 RC3 anyway, before geting to the SMF final release
          I may apply the security update only and wait for the SMF final release ?
Yes, applying the security update should be sufficient to keep your forum secure. Be aware however that the security patch for 1.1 RC2 was a one time courtesy and in case there's a new security update, the 1.1 RC2 version might no longer be supported.
Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


Quote from: J J Williams on August 26, 2006, 06:51:30 AM
Try reuploading your sources directory, that could be the culprit :D

I dont know what the problem is but still not working ....  :o


marvelous! good job. now i can integrate smf with xoops  :P

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QuoteThe upgrader found some old or outdated language files.

Please make certain you uploaded the new versions of all the files included in the package, even the theme and language files for the default theme.

Click here to try again.

I guess i don't have any old file right now, but this message still shows up..

The idea of the upgrade is errase all old files and upload de new ones? or  I must only overwrite the same files the upgrade pack?



Quote from: fritpa on August 26, 2006, 02:41:25 PM
QuoteThe upgrader found some old or outdated language files.

Please make certain you uploaded the new versions of all the files included in the package, even the theme and language files for the default theme.

Click here to try again.

I guess i don't have any old file right now, but this message still shows up..

The idea of the upgrade is errase all old files and upload de new ones? or  I must only overwrite the same files the upgrade pack?


I also had that error,

just upload everything over the old ones, if it doesnt work in 1 time, just overwrite the language files again
it should work after that, if you upload RC3 ;)


I upgraded my forums last night (since I didn't work that day or the day after) and all went well..
Had no problems. Only had to make a few tweaks..
I even was able to change the theme I was using to use that new ajax loader and theme changes in rc2 added into my custom theme.
Only problem I have right now is with uploading files and stuff. But I am blaming that on my isp right now.. Because it was working for a while then it stopped...
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


There is a problem to copy files for mod in SMF 1.1 RC3.

I tried to upgrade my HidePost mod. If I copy a file using the directory name, the file is not copyed after installing the mod.
      <require-dir name="Sources" destination="$boarddir" />

If I copy a file using the file name, the file is copyed and is empty after installing the mod.
      <require-file name="Sources/HidePost.php" destination="$sourcedir" />


hi friends  :)

a friend of mine is upgrading his 1.1 RC2 install and asked me to have a look of why some pages aren't working.
they're returning an error like this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: () in /*/*/*/*/Sources/Register.php on line 107

so I looked at the code and I've seen some line are changed with other call to functions like this:
'name' => ucwords(strtr($matches[1], '_', ' ')),
'name' => $func['ucwords'](strtr($matches[1], array('_' => ' ', '-utf8' => ''))),
or like this:
if (strlen($row['firstBody']) > 128)
if ($func['strlen']($row['firstBody']) > 128)

any suggestions of what may have caused the error?

sorry for the n00bish question  ;)


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many tnx! it was probably edited by my friend: I substituted with the original one and (I think) all is ok  ;D


Okay, I just got done restoring my previous build, since the overwrite function lost all of my avatars and attachments.

One problem that I have been experiencing is the package manager says that the chmod permissions need to be changed for certain directories or files, but it doesn't specify which files those are. When I attempt to let SMF change the permissions required within the admin panel, it won't accept the user/pass, the very same one that works with my FTP client (InterArchie), as well as CyberDuck.

I'm not suggesting that the issue deals directly with the upgrade files, it did upgrade the forums, but lost (deleted, actually) all of the attachments and user avatars in the process. I also wasn't able to uninstall what few mods in place before the upgrade process, due to the package manager issues outlined above.

So I'm having some huge problems uninstalling what few mods I have, three or four, I think, since the Package manager is looking for an FTP user/pass, and I submit it, but it just  times out on me.

Has ayone experienced this behaviour? If so, what remedies might you suggest? I really, really don't wish to do a clean full install, but at this point, it may be the only solution that I see.

Thanks for your thoughts,



Not cool, again a new bug found, this time in Babylon

Its pretty simular to the once i found before,

I get this when i press Quote, normally the post i quote appears at the buttom at Quick-Reply, not this green bar shows up again

Green bar also found in:
Stats center with expanding month, with Babylon and Default
Message with editting with quick-edit button in Babylon and Default

Already did:
Reup Sources map
Reup all theme files
