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SMF Gallery

Started by Team, September 16, 2006, 07:13:02 PM

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VBgamer, could you pleeeeeaaaaasssse make a latest-item-ssi-function for smf 2.0 that I can use for my frontpage??? That would be awesome!!!


Sure just keep bugging me so I do not forget.
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


;D will do that! No seriously, please don't haste for me! I ment it would be great for a next release!



I am using smf 2.0 rc1 with the Lite version of Gallery.
When I push the - Add Comment  - button I a http 406 error with the following text in the browsers address bar.;sa=comment;id=4 [nofollow]

I am using a custum theme.

Any thoughts?

Would be great. The gallery is functioning fine, the only thing, that users cannot add comments like it is now.

my website: [nofollow]

Thanks a lot!


movingmagic, see the code that vbgamer posted for me. Replaces your semicolons with ampersans; I tried it on your URL and it works.


Hi Saleem,

Thanks a million for your answer. I will try that now. Today, strange enough, when I try to add a comment, the error message is different from yesterday:

Not Acceptable

An appropriate representation of the requested resource /~id90522/kattenforum/index.php could not be found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

So I don't know what the f*ck is happening here, but I will first try out your solution.

Thanks again



Thanks Saleem, and VBgamer,

This was the solution for my problems with adding comments in the Gallery Lite version of the Gallery.

Thanks a zillion!!!!

I am happy now!!!

Nice day to all



VB Gamer, thanks first for making this mod available. I have just installed SMF2.0 RC1 for a friend on his site as a tester and I loaded your Gallery mod but the button it comes up with is small and has no writing on it. I am using BlackRain V2 theme for RC1 and the buttons are white writing until you mouse over and they go yellow. I did look everywhere to see if I could find where the little buttons are in the theme folder but had no luck.

I hope you can give me and idea as to how I can fix this please? :)
You are more than welcome to visit my site.

PES Hero

Ok, I've translated this mod to Spanish, here are the modifications you have to do in order to translate your gallery to Spanish.




Add before:

//Begin SMF Gallery Text Strings
$txt['smfgallery_title'] = 'Galería para SMF';
$txt['smfgallery_menu'] = 'Galería';
$txt['smfgallery_version'] = '1.0 Lite';
$txt['smfgallery_admin'] = 'Configuración de la galería';

$txt['permissiongroup_smfgallery'] = 'Galería para SMF';

$txt['permissionname_smfgallery_view'] = 'Ver la galería';
$txt['permissionhelp_smfgallery_view'] = 'Permite a los usuarios acceder a la galería.';
$txt['cannot_smfgallery_view'] = 'No tienes permisos para ver la galería.';

$txt['permissionname_smfgallery_add'] = 'Subir imágenes';
$txt['permissionhelp_smfgallery_add'] = 'Permite a los usuarios subir imágenes a la galería.';
$txt['cannot_smfgallery_add'] = 'No tienes permisos para subir imágenes a la galería.';

$txt['permissionname_smfgallery_edit'] = 'Editar sus propias imágenes';
$txt['permissionhelp_smfgallery_edit'] = 'Permite a los usuarios editar las imágenes que ellos mismos han subido.';
$txt['cannot_smfgallery_edit'] = 'No tienes permisos para editar imágenes.';

$txt['permissionname_smfgallery_delete'] = 'Borrar sus propias imágenes';
$txt['permissionhelp_smfgallery_delete'] = 'Permite a los usuarios borrar las imágenes que ellos mismos han subido.';
$txt['cannot_smfgallery_delete'] = 'No tienes permisos para borrar imágenes.';

$txt['permissionname_smfgallery_comment'] = 'Dejar comentarios';
$txt['permissionhelp_smfgallery_comment'] = 'Permite a los usuarios escribir comentarios en las imágenes.';
$txt['cannot_smfgallery_comment'] = 'No tienes permisos para dejar comentarios.';

$txt['permissionname_smfgallery_report'] = 'Reportar imágenes y comentarios';
$txt['permissionhelp_smfgallery_report'] = 'Permite a los usuarios reportar las imágenes y comentarios inapropiados.';
$txt['cannot_smfgallery_report'] = 'No tienes permisos para reportar contenidos.';

$txt['permissionname_smfgallery_autoapprove'] = 'Aprobar automáticamente las imágenes';
$txt['permissionhelp_smfgallery_autoapprove'] = 'Las imágenes que suban los usuarios se mostrarán automáticamente sin necesidad de ser aprobadas por parte de los administradores.';

$txt['permissionname_smfgallery_manage'] = 'Administrar la galería';
$txt['permissionhelp_smfgallery_manage'] = 'Permite a los usuarios adminstrar la galería y todo su contenido.';
$txt['cannot_smfgallery_manage'] = 'No tienes permisos para administrar la galería.';

//END SMF Gallery Text Strings




Add before:

//Begin SMF Gallery
$txt['whoall_gallery'] = 'Viendo la <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=gallery">Galer&iacute;a</a>.';
//END SMF Gallery Strings


Find (there are four of them):

<tr class="windowbg"><td><b>Has SMF Gallery helped you?</b> Then support the developers:<br />
    <form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="SMF Gallery">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it is fast, free and secure!" />
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<br />You can also upgrade to the SMF Gallery Pro edition at <a href="" target="blank"></a>

And replace with:

<tr class="windowbg"><td><b>&iquest;Te ha ayudado SMF Gallery?</b> Entonces ayuda a los desarrolladores:<br />
    <form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="SMF Gallery">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it is fast, free and secure!" />
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<br />Puedes mejorar la galer&iacute;a instalando <a href="" target="blank">SMF Gallery Pro</a>.


// Copyright link must remain. To remove you need to purchase link removal at
echo '<div align="center"><span class="smalltext">Powered by: <a href="" target="blank">SMF Gallery</a></span></div>';

And replace with:

// Copyright link must remain. To remove you need to purchase link removal at
echo '<div align="center"><span class="smalltext">Proporcionado por <a href="" target="blank">SMF Gallery</a></span></div>';

This is a bug that I've found and fixed. Find:

if ($modSettings['gallery_set_showcode_htmllink'])
echo '<tr><td width="30%">', $txt['gallery_set_showcode_htmllink'], '</td><td> <input type="text" value="<img src=&#34;' . $modSettings['gallery_url'] . $context['gallery_pic']['filename']  . '&#34; />" size="50" /></td></tr>';

And replace with:

if ($modSettings['gallery_set_showcode_htmllink'])
echo '<tr><td width="30%">', $txt['gallery_txt_htmllink'], '</td><td> <input type="text" value="<img src=&#34;' . $modSettings['gallery_url'] . $context['gallery_pic']['filename']  . '&#34; />" size="50" /></td></tr>';

Create the PHP file ./Themes/default/languages/Gallery.spanish.php and add inside...

SMF Gallery Lite Edition
Version 2.0
Copyright 2008

License Information:
SMF Gallery is NOT free software.
This software may not be redistributed.

Links to must remain unless
branding free option is purchased.

Gallery Spanish Text Strings
Translated by PES Hero

//Gallery.template.php Strings

//Title string
$txt['gallery_text_title'] = 'Galer&iacute;a';

//Main gallery table strings
$txt['gallery_text_galleryname'] = 'Nombre del &aacute;lbum';
$txt['gallery_text_gallerydescription'] = 'Descripci&oacute;n';
$txt['gallery_text_totalimages'] = 'Im&aacute;genes';
$txt['gallery_text_reorder'] = 'Reordenar';
$txt['gallery_text_options'] = 'Opciones';

$txt['gallery_text_adminpanel'] = 'Panel de administraci&oacute;n de la galer&iacute;a';
$txt['gallery_text_addcategory'] = 'A&ntilde;adir una categor&iacute;a';
$txt['gallery_text_editcategory'] = 'Editar categor&iacute;a';
$txt['gallery_text_delcategory'] = 'Borrar categor&iacute;a';
$txt['gallery_text_settings'] = 'Configuraci&oacute;n';
$txt['gallery_text_permissions'] = 'Permisos';
$txt['gallery_text_imgwaitapproval'] = 'Im&aacute;genes esperando aprobaci&oacute;n: ';
$txt['gallery_text_imgcheckapproval'] = 'Revisar las im&aacute;genes aprobadas';

$txt['gallery_text_imgreported'] = 'Im&aacute;genes reportadas: ';
$txt['gallery_text_imgcheckreported'] = 'Revisar los reportes';
$txt['gallery_at'] = ' el ';

$txt['gallery_write_error'] = '&iexcl;No se puede escribir en esta parte de la galer&iacute;a! ';
$txt['gallery_text_myimages'] = '[Mis im&aacute;genes]';
$txt['gallery_text_search'] = '[Buscar]';
$txt['gallery_text_edit'] = '[Editar]';
$txt['gallery_text_delete'] = '[Borrar]';
$txt['gallery_text_unapprove'] = '[Desaprobar]';
$txt['gallery_text_approve'] = '[Aprobar]';
$txt['gallery_text_up'] = '[Subir]';
$txt['gallery_text_down'] = '[Bajar]';
$txt['gallery_text_reportpicture'] = '[Reportar imagen]';
$txt['gallery_text_delcomment'] = '[Borrar comentario]';

$txt['gallery_text_filesize'] = 'Tama&ntilde;o: ';
$txt['gallery_text_by'] = 'Por:';
$txt['gallery_text_date'] = 'Fecha: ';
$txt['gallery_text_comments'] = 'Comentarios';
$txt['gallery_text_views'] = 'Vistas: ';

$txt['gallery_text_addpicture'] = 'Subir una imagen';
$txt['gallery_text_returngallery'] = 'Volver a la galer&iacute;a';

//Online strings
$txt['gallery_who_viewgallery'] = ' est&aacute;n viendo este &aacute;lbum.';
$txt['gallery_who_viewpicture'] = ' est&aacute;n viendo esta imagen.';
$txt['gallery_who_members'] = 'Miembros';
$txt['gallery_who_hidden'] = 'Ocultos';

//Form Strings
$txt['gallery_form_title'] = 'T&iacute;tulo:';
$txt['gallery_form_description'] = 'Descripci&oacute;n:';
$txt['gallery_form_icon'] = 'URL del icono para el &aacute;lbum:';

$txt['gallery_warn_category'] = 'Cuidado, esto borrar&aacute; esta categor&iacute;a y todas las im&aacute;genes, comentarios y puntuaciones que contenga.';

$txt['gallery_form_addpicture'] = 'Subir una imagen';
$txt['gallery_form_category'] = '&Aacute;lbum:';
$txt['gallery_form_keywords'] = 'Palabras clave:';
$txt['gallery_form_uploadpic'] = 'Imagen a subir:';
$txt['gallery_form_maxwidth'] = 'Anchura m&aacute;xima de ';
$txt['gallery_form_maxheight'] = 'Altura m&aacute;xima de ';
$txt['gallery_form_pixels'] = ' p&iacute;xeles';
$txt['gallery_form_additionaloptions'] = 'Opciones adicionales:';
$txt['gallery_form_allowcomments'] = 'Permitir comentarios en esta imagen.';
$txt['gallery_form_notapproved'] = 'Tu imagen no aparecer&aacute; en la galer&iacute;a para otros usuarios hasta que sea aprobada.';
$txt['gallery_form_editpicture'] = 'Editar imagen';
//View picture
$txt['gallery_text_picstats'] = 'Estad&iacute;sticas de la imagen:';
$txt['gallery_text_height'] = 'Altura:';
$txt['gallery_text_width'] = 'Anchura:';
$txt['gallery_text_postedby'] = 'Subida por ';
$txt['gallery_text_addcomment'] = 'Escribir un comentario';
//Delete picture
$txt['gallery_warn_deletepicture'] = 'Cuidado, esto borrar&aacute; tu imagen, y no podr&aacute;s recuperarla.';
$txt['gallery_form_delpicture'] = 'Borrar imagen';

$txt['gallery_form_comment'] = 'Comentario:';

$txt['gallery_form_reportpicture'] = 'Reportar imagen';

//Gallery admin pics
$txt['gallery_form_managecats'] = 'Administrar categor&iacute;as';
$txt['gallery_form_approveimages'] = 'Aprobar im&aacute;genes';
$txt['gallery_form_reportimages'] = 'Im&aacute;genes reportadas';

//Settings page
$txt['gallery_set_description'] = 'Te permite cambiar diversos par&aacute;metros de la galer&iacute;a.';
$txt['gallery_set_maxheight'] = 'Altura m&aacute;xima permitida: ';
$txt['gallery_set_maxwidth'] = 'Anchura m&aacute;xima permitida: ';
$txt['gallery_set_filesize'] = 'Tama&ntilde;o m&aacute;ximo de archivo: ';
$txt['gallery_set_path'] = 'Ubicaci&oacute;n de la galer&iacute;a: ';
$txt['gallery_set_url'] = 'URL de la galer&iacute;a: ';
$txt['gallery_set_whoonline'] = 'Mostrar qui&eacute;n est&aacute; viendo las im&aacute;genes.';
$txt['gallery_set_images_per_page'] = 'Im&aacute;genes por p&aacute;gina:';

$txt['gallery_shop_settings'] = '<b>Configuraci&oacute;n de los Shop Points</b><br /><span class="smalltext">S&oacute;lo si el m&oacute;dulo SMF Shop est&aacute; instalado.</span>';
$txt['gallery_shop_picadd']  = 'Cada imagen a&ntilde;ade estos puntos: ';
$txt['gallery_shop_commentadd'] = 'Cada comentario a&ntilde;ade estos puntos: ';

// BBC and Image Links code
$txt['gallery_txt_image_linking'] = 'Enlaces de las im&aacute;genes';
$txt['gallery_set_showcode_bbc_image'] = 'Mostrar el BBCode';
$txt['gallery_set_showcode_directlink'] = 'Mostrar el enlace directo';
$txt['gallery_set_showcode_htmllink'] = 'Mostrar el  c&oacute;digo HTML';

$txt['gallery_txt_bbcimage'] = 'BBCode';
$txt['gallery_txt_directlink'] = 'Enlace directo';
$txt['gallery_txt_htmllink'] = 'C&oacute;digo HTML';

$txt['gallery_set_commentschoice'] = 'Permitir a los usuarios decidir si se pueden dejar comentarios en sus im&aacute;genes o no.';
$txt['gallery_set_permissionnotice'] = 'No olvides configurar los permisos referidos a la galer&iacute;a para cada grupo de usuarios.';
$txt['gallery_set_editpermissions'] = 'Editar los permisos';

//Approve list
$txt['gallery_app_image'] = 'Imagen';
$txt['gallery_app_title'] = 'T&iacute;tulo';
$txt['gallery_app_description'] = 'Descripci&oacute;n';
$txt['gallery_app_date'] = 'Fecha';
$txt['gallery_app_membername'] = 'Usuario';

//Report list
$txt['gallery_rep_piclink'] = 'Enlace la imagen';
$txt['gallery_rep_reportby'] = 'Reportada por';
$txt['gallery_rep_comment'] = 'Comentario';
$txt['gallery_rep_viewpic'] = 'Ver imagen';
$txt['gallery_rep_deletepic'] = '[Borrar imagen]';
$txt['gallery_rep_delete'] = '[Borrar reporte]';

//Search Page
$txt['gallery_search_pic'] = 'Buscar una imagen';
$txt['gallery_search_for'] = 'Buscar por:';
$txt['gallery_search_title'] = 'Buscar en los t&iacute;tulos';
$txt['gallery_search_description'] = 'Buscar en las descripciones';
$txt['gallery_search_keyword'] = 'Buscar por palabras clave';
$txt['gallery_search'] = 'Buscar';

$txt['gallery_searchresults'] = 'Resultados de la b&uacute;squeda';

//My Images
$txt['gallery_myimages'] = 'Mis im&aacute;genes';
$txt['gallery_myimages_app'] = 'Im&aacute;genes aprobadas';
$txt['gallery_myimages_notapp'] = 'Im&aacute;genes no aprobadas';

$txt['gallery_save_settings'] = 'Guardar la configuraci&oacute;n';
//Gallery.php Strings
$txt['gallery_error_cat_title'] = 'Tienes que poner un nombre para el &aacute;lbum.';
$txt['gallery_error_no_pic_selected'] = 'No has seleccionado ninguna imagen.';
$txt['gallery_error_pic_notapproved'] = 'Esta imagen no est&aacute; aprobada a&uacute;n y no tienes permisos para verla.';
$txt['gallery_error_no_title'] = 'Tienes que poner un t&iacute;tulo a la imagen.';
$txt['gallery_error_no_cat'] = 'Tienes que seleccionar un &aacute;lbum.';
$txt['gallery_error_invalid_picture'] = 'No es un archivo de imagen v&aacute;lido.';
$txt['gallery_error_img_size_height'] = 'La imagen excede las dimensiones m&aacute;ximas. La altura era:  ';
$txt['gallery_error_img_size_width'] = ' La anchura era: ';
$txt['gallery_error_img_filesize'] = 'La imagen excede el tama&ntilde;o m&aacute;ximo de archivo. El m&aacute;ximo permitido es ';
$txt['gallery_error_no_picture'] = 'No se encontr&oacute; ninguna imagen subida.';
$txt['gallery_error_noedit_permission'] = 'No tienes permisos para editar esta imagen.';
$txt['gallery_error_nodelete_permission'] = 'No tienes permisos para borrar esta imagen.';
$txt['gallery_error_no_comment'] = '&iexcl;Tienes que escribir alg&uacute;n comentario!';
$txt['gallery_error_not_allowcomment'] = '&iexcl;Esta imagen no permite comentarios!';
$txt['gallery_error_no_com_selected'] = 'No has seleccionado ning&uacute;n comentario.';
$txt['gallery_error_no_user_selected'] = 'No has seleccionado ning&uacute;n usuario.';
$txt['gallery_error_no_report_selected'] = 'No has seleccionado ning&uacute;n reporte.';
$txt['gallery_error_no_search'] = 'Debes introducir alg&uacute;n t&eacute;rmino de b&uacute;squeda...';
$txt['gallery_error_search_small'] = 'El t&eacute;rmino de b&uacute;squeda debe tener m&aacute;s de tres caracteres.';

$txt['gallery_guest'] = 'Visitante';
$txt['gallery_text_oldpicture'] = 'Imagen antigua';

$txt['gallery_nocatabove'] = 'No hay ninguna categor&iacute;a sobre &eacute;sta.';
$txt['gallery_nocatbelow'] = 'No hay ninguna categor&iacute;a bajo &eacute;sta.';

$txt['gallery_nopicsincategory'] = '&iexcl;No hay im&aacute;genes en este &aacute;lbum!';

$txt['gallery_text_posts'] = 'Mensajes:';
$txt['gallery_text_pages'] = 'P&aacute;ginas: ';

// Latest Version: 
$txt['gallery_txt_latestversion'] = '&Uacute;ltima versi&oacute;n: ';
$txt['gallery_txt_yourversion'] = 'Tu versi&oacute;n: ';
$txt['gallery_txt_version_outofdate'] = '&iexcl;La versi&oacute;n de tu galer&iacute;a no est&aacute; actualizada!'


I think that's all, I hope that vbgamer45 adds it to the official package. ;D


stupid question time...sorry

but is this the same as smf hacks gallery or is it a different animal all together?
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.0+ with various mods and TinyPortal


This is the lite edition of SMF Gallery.
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro

Father Luke

Was curious if this creates folders that are owned by the server.
Nothing bugs me more than a folder I cannot delete on my own website.

If so? I won't be using this.


- -
Father Luke


Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


I have no errors with installing or uninstalling this mod but after the uninstallation this morning, the main menu tab (Gallery) and the admin link (Gallery Configuration) are still in place. Do they need to be removed from the database or somewhere manually? I made sure to remove it from the permission section, and also emptied the cache.

Thank you.


What version of SMF are you running?
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro

Father Luke

Thanks vbgamer45!

- -
Father Luke



Yeah if you are using SMF2beta4 probably a cache issue. Try emptying on the forum.
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


I have emptied the cache and so on for a few times now. I am trying on two different computers with two different browser. I will keep on trying to remove it. It there a location where those links info installed?



Quote from: rii on February 14, 2009, 10:12:26 PM
I have emptied the cache and so on for a few times now. I am trying on two different computers with two different browser. I will keep on trying to remove it. It there a location where those links info installed?

Those two links are stored in Sources/Admin.php and Sources/Subs.php
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro
