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[Tip] Adding A Biography Section To A Users Profile

Started by Alan S, September 22, 2006, 06:10:58 PM

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Alan S

Been working on this for most of the day. Adds a simple biography section to a users profile. BBC code is allowed in the biography section.

File = $themedir/languages/Profile.english.php


$txt[80] = 'You are not allowed to change this person's profile.';

Add on a new line

$txt['bionotice'] = 'BBC code is allowed in the biography box.';
$txt['bio'] = 'Biography';

File = $themedir/Profile.template.php


// Can they add this member as a buddy?
if (!empty($context['can_have_buddy']) && !$context['user']['is_owner'])
echo '
&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=buddy;u=', $context['member']['id'], ';sesc=', $context['session_id'], '">[', $txt['buddy_' . ($context['member']['is_buddy'] ? 'remove' : 'add')], ']</a>';

echo '
<td colspan="2"><hr size="1" width="100%" class="hrcolor" /></td>
<td><b>', $txt[231], ': </b></td>
<td>', $context['member']['gender']['name'], '</td>
<td><b>', $txt[420], ':</b></td>
<td>', $context['member']['age'] . ($context['member']['today_is_birthday'] ? ' &nbsp; <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/bdaycake.gif" width="40" alt="" />' : ''), '</td>
<td><b>', $txt[227], ':</b></td>
<td>', $context['member']['location'], '</td>
<td><b>', $txt['local_time'], ':</b></td>
<td>', $context['member']['local_time'], '</td>

if (!empty($modSettings['userLanguage']))
echo '
<td><b>', $txt['smf225'], ':</b></td>
<td>', $context['member']['language'], '</td>
     echo '
<td colspan="2"><hr size="1" width="100%" class="hrcolor" /></td>

Add After

//Show the box for the biography

    echo '
<td>', parse_bbc($context['member']['options']['bio']), '</td>

echo '
<td colspan="2"><hr size="1" width="100%" class="hrcolor" /></td>


// Website details.
echo '
<td colspan="2"><hr width="100%" size="1" class="hrcolor" /></td>
<td width="40%"><b>', $txt[83], ': </b><div class="smalltext">', $txt[598], '</div></td>
<td><input type="text" name="websiteTitle" size="50" value="', $context['member']['website']['title'], '" /></td>
<td width="40%"><b>', $txt[84], ': </b><div class="smalltext">', $txt[599], '</div></td>
<td><input type="text" name="websiteUrl" size="50" value="', $context['member']['website']['url'], '" /></td>

Add After

; <td colspan="2"><hr size="1" width="100%" class="hrcolor" /></td>

<td><b>Biography:</b> <div class="smalltext">', $txt['bionotice'], '</div></td> <td><textarea name="default_options[bio]" rows="7" cols="70">', @$context['member']['options']['bio'], '</textarea></td>

I'll most likely make it into mod form if enough people want it on there forum.

Preview Attached.

Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P


Nice, thank you! Does this work in 1.0 or 1.1?


Alan S

I coded it for 1.1 but it should work on 1.0 aswell since not much has changed in the profile. The search code might be a bit different but it will still work.
Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P


Thanks so Much.

This mod is working in 1.1.4  :-*

Edit: But  have problem  :(

8: Undefined index: bio
Dosya: /home/sitecom/domains/ (eval?)
Satır: 297
I Am Simple Machines Hero, Because I LOVE Simple Machines


did you add it to the turkish language file as well as the english one?
Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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Did you mean Profile.Turkish.php?

Yes, I added codes to the Profile.Turkish.php too.
I Am Simple Machines Hero, Because I LOVE Simple Machines

Hoochie Coochie Man

I take this error:

QuoteHoochie Coochie Man   15 Kasım 2007, 23:57:40     3d120b781e91d41587dd16021f82719c;u=284 
8: Undefined index: bio
Dosya: /home/blues/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Who.turkish.php (eval?)
Satır: 287
İnadına SMF 1.1.X

Hoochie Coochie Man

İnadına SMF 1.1.X


you added

$txt['bionotice'] = 'BBC code is allowed in the biography box.';
$txt['bio'] = 'Biography';

to the turkish language file?  what abut turkish-utf8 if you use UTF8?
Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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I had the same problem.  When you [add after] in the third step, make sure you don't have any extra ';' listed.  I found an extra ';' in my Forum Profile Information section and went in to delete it.

Since I had some confusion with how to place it, I coded it as below.  The ';' that was with the original code, should've been taken out.

// Website details.
echo '
<td colspan="2"><hr width="100%" size="1" class="hrcolor" /></td>
<td width="40%"><b>', $txt[83], ': </b><div class="smalltext">', $txt[598], '</div></td>
<td><input type="text" name="websiteTitle" size="50" value="', $context['member']['website']['title'], '" /></td>
<td width="40%"><b>', $txt[84], ': </b><div class="smalltext">', $txt[599], '</div></td>
<td><input type="text" name="websiteUrl" size="50" value="', $context['member']['website']['url'], '" /></td>
<td colspan="2"><hr size="1" width="100%" class="hrcolor" /></td>
<td><b>Biography:</b> <div class="smalltext">', $txt['bionotice'], '</div></td>
<td><textarea name="default_options[bio]" rows="7" cols="70">', @$context['member']['options']['bio'], '</textarea></td>

After I fixed the problem, I hadnt had any far.

Hoochie Coochie Man

Quote from: BlackMage on November 29, 2007, 10:47:30 PM
you added

$txt['bionotice'] = 'BBC code is allowed in the biography box.';
$txt['bio'] = 'Biography';

to the turkish language file?  what abut turkish-utf8 if you use UTF8?

Yes I added it to "languages/Profile.turkish.php"
I'm not using "UTF8"
İnadına SMF 1.1.X

Hoochie Coochie Man

"marinesct" your conclusion is not solved my problem.
I'm still taking this error:

8: Undefined index: bio
File: /home/blues/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Who.turkish.php (eval?)
Line: 305
İnadına SMF 1.1.X

Hoochie Coochie Man

I take this error:

QuoteHoochie Coochie Man   15 Kasım 2007, 23:57:40     3d120b781e91d41587dd16021f82719c;u=284 
8: Undefined index: bio
Dosya: /home/blues/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Who.turkish.php (eval?)
Satır: 287

I solved my promlem myself..
Alan you must change this:
<td>', parse_bbc($context['member']['options']['bio']), '</td>

To that:
<td>', @$context['member']['options']['bio'], '</td>

and there is no error message again..
İnadına SMF 1.1.X


without parse_bbc around it, any bbcode in a bio will appear as plaintext

the @ does not fix the error, it only suppresses it.
Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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Hoochie Coochie Man

Quote from: BlackMage on December 05, 2007, 05:05:10 PM
without parse_bbc around it, any bbcode in a bio will appear as plaintext

the @ does not fix the error, it only suppresses it.

Well, I don't know another way to disappear the error.
Show me if you know a way..

Beside, i don't need to BBC in bioagraphy anyway..
İnadına SMF 1.1.X


Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life

Hoochie Coochie Man

İnadına SMF 1.1.X


I need help.....Getting same error as Hoochie with the exception that my error states Who.english.php and not Who.turkish.php....


8: Undefined index: bio
File: /Themes/default/languages/Who.english.php (eval?)
Line: 287

Running SMF 1.1.4

Any help would be appreciated.....

Hoochie Coochie Man

İnadına SMF 1.1.X


Thanks, Hoochie.  Problem is....I want to use BBC......

I'm trying to figure out why the error is specifying Who.english.php....or in your case Who.turkish.php.  Should something be added to this file?

Sorry, I'm a newbie here.....
