Session verification failed. Error

Started by dash, December 07, 2006, 12:49:36 PM

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SMF Version: SMF 1.1
I upgraded my SMF 1.09 to 1.1.
When I clicked "Mark ALL messages as read", I get this error:
QuoteSession verification failed.  Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again.

How can I solve it?

And another question:
I have more than one domain for my forum, but I can add only one domain in the admin-center. How can I declare "dynamic URLs", so that there isn't a different if the user types [nofollow] or [nofollow] (and that the forum doesn't link to [nofollow] because I could only write this domain into the settings.php)

Quote from: dash on December 07, 2006, 12:49:36 PM
SMF Version: SMF 1.1
I upgraded my SMF 1.09 to 1.1.
When I clicked "Mark ALL messages as read", I get this error:
QuoteSession verification failed.  Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again.

How can I solve it?

I have the same problem.


make sure your mark read button link has the sesc=SESSIONID variable...



Where you able to resolve this issue?

Upgrading to 1.1.1 could possibly fix this so I would recommend upgrading if you can.
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


Quote from: SleePy on December 27, 2006, 12:30:06 AM

Where you able to resolve this issue?

Upgrading to 1.1.1 could possibly fix this so I would recommend upgrading if you can.

Upgrade to 1.1.1 for me did not resolve this issue.


Are you using a custom theme or Default theme?
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!

青山 素子

Quote from: dash on December 07, 2006, 12:49:36 PM
And another question:
I have more than one domain for my forum, but I can add only one domain in the admin-center. How can I declare "dynamic URLs", so that there isn't a different if the user types or (and that the forum doesn't link to because I could only write this domain into the settings.php)

You can only use one main URL for your forum, but you can redirect the other domains to the main one you use. If you would like some info on how to do this, just ask.
Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.


I have always had this problem as well. I had it with 1.1RC2 and I have it still with 1.1.1
Mine, however, almost always occurs on Logout alone, no other action.  I am using default theme. (also TP, but I wasn't using TP before). I would really like an answer to this problem as well. Thanks.   


I have only one user reporting this issue as well [Session Verification Failed]...since it's only one member, I'm inclined to think that it's an issue with their fireawall/browser/cookie settings or something along those lines.


I've read a lot of threads about this problem though. And with more than 1 or 2% of users. Even then, that's weird when it's happening to so many.  


This is *very* anoyng message.
I tried to use Password Reminder function and SMF tels me "session problem .. blablabla, try to logout"
WHAT ? to logout ? from where ? :) I'm not logged in.

this is what I did:

File: Sources/Security.php
Line: 523;
added after global ...
return '';

this means that no security checks will be done. We run SMF in intranet so I'm ok.
these guys needs to redo checkSession function because not on all servers it works ok
I have Apache 2.2 with PHP5 and suexec mod_fcgi I don't think that SMF is tested against this config.

I use deafult SMF with default settings, thought that it has to work on default config but...


Thanks for the tip. My forum's on the internet though, so I don't want to leave any security holes open.   :(
