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nneonneo's Shoutbox

Started by nneonneo, December 26, 2006, 06:58:11 PM

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@jossanaijr: Good to hear :)

@crucify: Manual install instructions: upload all of yshout/ folder from archive to forum base, so it looks like /path/to/forum/yshout/...

Then, edit Themes/default/languages/Modifications.*.php as detailed on the mod page, and also edit Themes/*/index.template.php as detailed on the mod page (or, as detailed by install.xml).

Make sure the yshout folder has the right permissions -- chmod 755 is the usual value.

The package manager was clearly not able to unpack the yshout folder (for unknown reasons), so that is something that you (rightly) did manually. However, seeing that message even after the files are uploaded makes me suspect that the Javascript is either inaccessible or not linked in index.template.php.
Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion) me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!


@ Spike Saunders

I'm using:
      #yshout {
         height: 400px;
         overflow-y: scroll;
         overflow-x: hidden;

It's working fine, although I'd like for the scrollbar to start at the bottom initially.


@bobbbb (and Spike): For code to scroll to the bottom:
This code is adapted from
In yshout/js/yshout.js:
add var chatscroll = new Object();

  chatscroll.Pane = function(scrollContainerId){
    this.bottomThreshold = 20;
    this.scrollContainerId = scrollContainerId;
    this._lastScrollPosition = 100000000;

  chatscroll.Pane.prototype.activeScroll = function(){

    var _ref = this;
    var scrollDiv = document.getElementById(this.scrollContainerId);
    var currentHeight = 0;
    var _getElementHeight = function(){
      var intHt = 0;
      if( =;
      else intHt = scrollDiv.offsetHeight;
      return parseInt(intHt);

    var _hasUserScrolled = function(){
      if(_ref._lastScrollPosition == scrollDiv.scrollTop || _ref._lastScrollPosition == null){
        return false;
      return true;

    var _scrollIfInZone = function(){
      if( !_hasUserScrolled ||
          (currentHeight - scrollDiv.scrollTop - _getElementHeight() <= _ref.bottomThreshold)){
          scrollDiv.scrollTop = currentHeight;
          _ref._isUserActive = false;

    if (scrollDiv.scrollHeight > 0)currentHeight = scrollDiv.scrollHeight;
    else if(scrollDiv.offsetHeight > 0)currentHeight = scrollDiv.offsetHeight;


    _ref = null;
    scrollDiv = null;

var divScroll;

somewhere in yshout/js/yshout.js (preferably right above "// Set off the AJAX call to load the chat form into the empty yShout div")

var divScroll = new chatscroll.Pane('shouts');
function setupChat() {


function startRefresh() {
if (!refreshSet) {
setTimeout("doRefresh()", refreshTime);
refreshSet = true;

function schedRefresh() {
if (refreshSet) {
setTimeout("doRefresh()", refreshTime);

function startRefresh() {
if (!refreshSet) {
refreshSet = true;

function schedRefresh() {
if (refreshSet) {
setTimeout("doRefresh()", refreshTime);

Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion) me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!


I finally had the shout box installed thru manual install on SMF 1.1.3 default theme..

But it has no border on all 4 sides, and scroll bar is not visible. It also collapses into zero shouts after some period of inactivity.

Kindly let me know what border options to place under:
#yshout fieldset {
         border: none;

And how to make the scroll bar visible, and how to toggle the auto-collpase.

Spike Saunders

Well Imade those modifications... but can't upload em lol.

I'm not sure why, but like I said the yshouts folders chmod'd 755, but I can't change it to 777, or anything inside it (files are 666). All I get is access denied errors, which is a first, since I've ran this site for the last two years with vB and never run into chmod denials. I can not delete the folder either... Only thing that would work, if I choose to, is uninstall the modification and then manually install it or add my edits into the existing package so that it will install like that.


@ruelnov: The shoutbox isn't supposed to auto-collapse. That would be a bug. Which browser, and what's the URL? If I have time before I leave (for vacation, probably no Internet for me next week) I will look at it.

@Spike: Strange...this is definitely a hosting thing :P
Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion) me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!


QuoteBut it has no border on all 4 sides, and scroll bar is not visible.
Does it? Mine not too...


It's not supposed to have a border on any side; it isn't supposed to have a scroll bar. Perhaps you are thinking of the other shoutbox.
Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion) me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!

Spike Saunders

I don't think it's hosting really.
I think it's the fact that the package installer sets up the folders itself, and something within doesn't allow for any edits... okay so maybe that is hosting lol.  Still it's weird, and does not make a lick of sense! lol.


i have an error, i installed this mod, but i receive this error:

the shoutbox don't charge, i don't know why.... pls help me...

i installed all reading this:

and i put the text on lenguaje file.... !

srry for my english



@Spike Saunders: Yes, I agree it is quite weird.
@bobbbb: Good to hear :)
@Reco-X: Again, this is a symptom of many potential problems. Have you checked the server error log?

...and just so everyone knows: I'm leaving (in an hour :P) for a vacation. I will thus not be checking this forum for about a week, so if something blows up, try reading this thread (a lot of various issues are covered and resolved here, but I realize it is quite long), or leave it/uninstall it until I can help you :)

See you all later!
Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion) me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!

Spike Saunders

I wondered how long it would be till you took a break from this. :) Have fun.
Hope to see 1.09 when you return!... Lol j/k.

Just an update. I redid 1.08 again. This time it was manual, no package installer, so no chmod denial errors. I did the edits for the anonymous button and scroll. However the stuff you wrote down in this post, does not seem to do anything. The chat still doesn't want to scroll to the bottom after each new one lol. Oh well. :) Works like this for now.



Quote from: nneonneo on July 27, 2007, 07:41:12 PM
@ruelnov: The shoutbox isn't supposed to auto-collapse. That would be a bug. Which browser, and what's the URL? If I have time before I leave (for vacation, probably no Internet for me next week) I will look at it.

@Spike: Strange...this is definitely a hosting thing :P
Quote from: nneonneo on July 27, 2007, 07:41:12 PM
@ruelnov: The shoutbox isn't supposed to auto-collapse. That would be a bug. Which browser, and what's the URL? If I have time before I leave (for vacation, probably no Internet for me next week) I will look at it.

here's the url:

Shout Box placed just above the Info Center, same result if placed at its default position, and same result with IE6 or Firefox.

What I mean by no borders on all 4 sides is that it doesn't look like a BOX indeed. It has shout lines, but no borders on its sides.


Quote from: nneonneo on July 28, 2007, 12:42:36 AM
...and just so everyone knows: I'm leaving (in an hour :P) for a vacation. I will thus not be checking this forum for about a week, so if something blows up, try reading this thread (a lot of various issues are covered and resolved here, but I realize it is quite long), or leave it/uninstall it until I can help you :)
I will also be here able to check the thread and maybe able to help with a few things ;)

Quote from: ruelnov on July 28, 2007, 06:30:45 AM
What I mean by no borders on all 4 sides is that it doesn't look like a BOX indeed. It has shout lines, but no borders on its sides.
Because this shoutbox is so customizable, you're able to put the shoutbox in any design. You can place it anywhere! Simply create a table that the borders are seen and put the shoutbox inside of the table ;)


Quote from: nneonneo on July 27, 2007, 07:41:12 PM
@ruelnov: The shoutbox isn't supposed to auto-collapse. That would be a bug. Which browser, and what's the URL? If I have time before I leave (for vacation, probably no Internet for me next week) I will look at it.

Border problem solved.

auto-collapse of shout box also resolved.

My remaining problem is the lack of smileys, even after creating another default directory with smiley set under Forum/Smileys/Default directory.

Am using the latest version of nneonneo's shout box.


Nneonneo is on vacation...
Quote from: nneonneo on July 28, 2007, 12:42:36 AM
...and just so everyone knows: I'm leaving (in an hour :P) for a vacation. I will thus not be checking this forum for about a week, so if something blows up, try reading this thread (a lot of various issues are covered and resolved here, but I realize it is quite long), or leave it/uninstall it until I can help you :)

Spike Saunders

Bobbb, or Brian or anybody else.

Has anybody got the code modification to work? I'm still have the issue with the shoutbox not scrolloing to the nearest entry first. Once that's fixed this will be perfect for my usage. :)


I don't know how to do everything with this shoutbox and scrolling stuff is not one of them. I can help with making some code work. What code modification you need help with?

Spike Saunders
