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[SMF Converter] YaBB SE 1.5.4

Started by JayBachatero, January 08, 2007, 11:25:48 AM

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Try to run that query from phpmyadmin or another tool.
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Now the field which is missing is clarified. I compared field names in database with field names used in sql-query and most are different!

I attach an image of the first field names of yabbse_members. So in yabbse database there is memberName and in sql query it is member_name. Nearly no naming is correct.


It seems the over this thread scattered convert.php and yabbse_to_smf.sql all work on very old mysql versions and the one which you can get in download secition has wrong table namings in .sql file (and as I have seen in php, too). Is there a version with fixed table namings? If not I think I will try to fix the namings by myself.


Is there an interest to become the converter in download section functionally? I have renamed all table / item entries to really existing in YaBBSE 1.5.4 but the converter still fails. I am willing to contribute, but I need help because I am not comfortable with SMF. My proposal: if there is interest, please open a GitHub starting with the code of the converter which is downloadable here. I will contribute my renamings and test everything which is stepping on, possibly contributing more.

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

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Oh - I have not recognized this before! As I can see there is no converter YabbSE to SMF 2.1 - but I think (if conversion to 2.0 works) this is a minor problem... I will test - thank you!
