RSS Feed Poster

Started by Team, January 11, 2007, 07:46:04 PM

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Smoky "Rider" Blue

possible.. who knows at this time? only vbgamer.  ;)

as for the newer smf release, it depends on how far i can get this and if it wont error out on me like it has been.  >:( :)

**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**


Howdy Smoky  :)

Im sure noone will mind if you add your own little tweaks here to share with everyone.
We do it all the time.
No need to have to take over a mod to help its development and users  ;D

Besides, Ive only just installed this, and I dont want these errors Ive been reading about to ruin my buzz!! lol

Ive run a search through this thread that was fruitless, so does anyone know how to increase the amount of characters the mod produces?
Meaning I'd like for it to print more of the feed.

Thank You very much :)

Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


Yeah you're right buddy.
I noticed that in my first 20 mins of using it. Sometimes it pays to wait a bit before you ask questions aye?  lol

Thanks for gettin back to me :)

Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)

Smoky "Rider" Blue

Im sure noone will mind if you add your own little tweaks here to share with everyone.
We do it all the time.
No need to have to take over a mod to help its development and users 

yeps i would, except i am sure you have noticed when you downloaded the mod, that it is unsupported by the author, vbgamer, and i have put in some considerable time with it as well. since i asked him about me having the mod, i am hardly taking it over. but since he has given me still, no response, i can not take it on.

i would love to help you or anyone else out, but the best way to do that, is if you have any questions etc., to stop by my site so i can keep track.. however, since vbgamer wont release it, im not too sure at all now if i will support someone else's mod. its a 2 part issue Sabre and i am sure that you do understand this..

but i am glad that you figured out a bit of it, the one thing you can depend on, is if you add a feed, you are at the mercy of the feed source.. if it is slow, the your postings will be as well..

however i have been toying with a new option, and depending on how things go with the beta i may submit my own for it, when the time comes.

i do hope you enjoy this mod tho!!  ;)
**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**


Be good to see how your lil project turns out.
Thanks for the reply.

Now the search function regarding cron jobs is poor here.
I get 1 result after a search, and find more while breezing through lol

Can somebody explain how the fake cron job works?
What Im looking to understand is how it functions.
Does it load itself, or only load if I run it through my browser etc.. ?
Could you use a cron job from another site(free online cron), and how would you go about it?
Would you add the url to your site, or to the cronrss.php ?
Before I dive into this myself, a little understanding to get a heads up is always good. :)
Thank You very much :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


It's a day later, and I've noticed it only runs once it's loaded through the browser
eg.   h**p://

Does anyone know of a proggy or add-on that you can automate to visit that link at certain intervals?
Of if you can load it via ftp etc etc ??

Also how some of the posts have html, how can we change this to not show that, but to convert what it ='s grabbing??
Allow the bot to use html ??

Off to work now, but I'll look into these options also tonight.

Thank You :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)

Smoky "Rider" Blue

its called a cron job Sabre  ;)

if you are wanting custom support, you are more than welcome to come check out PixelbyPaint, and see what all is there for the feeder.  :)

as far as the rest of your post, i have been attempting to sort, but again, you are at the mercy of what ever feeds you are obtaining. i do see a few options, but as i keep saying this mod hasnt been turned over to me, i can only offer support. however i am getting close for figuring the entire thing out and making some a bit better for when the beta goes with a rc.. until then i wont be willing to share on this mod..

i know that with what i have, which is a mode in progress, a beta mod, i do not feel it is ready for any testers as of yet.. when it is ready i will make an announcement and/or submit to smf, depending on how i feel on things about it.  O:)
**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**


In searching the net I found other fake cron progs out there that seem to work. You can probably use them to execute the cronrss.php or it might be a place to look at to figure out how to make this Mod work right.

Out side of that all I can recommend is creating a real cron job. It works like a charm. The best example of how to make this work for the Feed Poster was found here.

Here's Nite's example of what a cron job for cronrss.php should look like.
16 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/midessa/public_html/forum/cronrss.php > /dev/null 2>&1
31 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/midessa/public_html/forum/cronrss.php > /dev/null 2>&1
46 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/midessa/public_html/forum/cronrss.php > /dev/null 2>&1
01 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/midessa/public_html/forum/cronrss.php > /dev/null 2>&1

The first thing you want to do is SSH into your server with PuTTy or some other telnet/ssh program.

Type "locate /bin/php", without the quotes, to make sure what path your PhP folder is in. On many Linux servers its /usr/local/bin/php but not on all. Also you need to know exactly what the full path to your cronrss.php is.

I suggest that you open notepad or some other editor and modify the code above to fit your server.  Then copy it to your clipboard.

On most Linux servers the crontab -e command uses the vi or vim editor and it can be a PitA if your not familiar with it.

Type crontab -e in your SSH window. Once its opened type "p" for paste and the code you copied to your clipboard should be pasted into the cron job file. Once its pasted you should be taken back to the command line, if not, hit your escape key then type ":wq" this should save and exit the file.

After that everything should be working fine. Provided that the people that wrote the feed got all their XML coding correct.
* Garou grumbles something rude about the people at Blizzard not knowing how to write an RSS feed. Grr


Very nice Garou :)

I havent touched putty for years!  Glad to see it has a productive side to it lol ;)

Will give it a whirl tonight.

Good work mate :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


the mod clearly doesn't work.  vbgamer doesn't appear to be active or about.  Can't you just take a modified version ( or patched ) under your wing?  Or does he hold some kinda of IP on it?  Presumably as its free to download he probably doesn't. 

( apologies to go on about this...but i like the potential functionality of this mod but wish it actually worked :d

Smoky "Rider" Blue

Garou, i do appreciate your help, but my cron job looks nothing like that..  ;)

i have something planed for the newer smf release, and i have patched up the feeder as best as i can for now.. but again, nothing in stone.. due to upgrades on sites i do maintain..  i havent had time in the last 3 days to continue on it, and i do have excelent help from a friend of mine Harsh Reality.

we are at the mercy of the out-source of it via the sites we all use to obtain the feeds, so there is little to do with what it looks like coming out.. unless i can find a way to create a switch that will notice, say for instance, we all use the html support from the tick boxes, but yet the source code is showing from the feeds that use the html format, that the mod will notice and correct itself..

as far as vbgamer turning it over to me, yes, its what i can call respect. i would not like it if someone asked me for one of my mods and i didnt reply, for them to "assume" that they could, because then it wouldnt look good on either of our parts..

i like the mod as well and think it is very helpfull.. the reason i ask people to read and post on my site is so that i can keep up with the "wish" list for the mod.. i hope you understand..

and as for Dirtrider, he created a topic in the help wanted area here, and contributed to the cause of finding a way to make the mod behave more stable.. is it fair if i give out advise that he has paid for?? im just wondering on this myself. please think about it, and if i am right, post where i can keep up with it..

otherwise i will not know.. i do appreciate the interest in this and hope for the best..  :)

**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**


Sorry Smoky if that's not the one your using. I stole it right out of VB Gamers forum from another user. I'm using it on 2 different servers and it works like a charm for me and apparently the person that originally posted the cron job listed.  In fact its the only way Ive been able to get it to work since 1.1.6.

Well except for one 1.1.4 board that we had it set up on, then upgraded to 1.1.5, then to 1.1.6. It still works with the fake cron enabled and no cron job running. I find that odd but if it works I'm not going to complain.

After all there has been too much complaining here about the fake cron not working but little has been said about how to actually get the Feed Poster to work without it. Rather then sit here and whine about it, I took the initiative to find out what it takes to make the mod work and by my own nature I felt a need to pay it forward to the rest of the community that wants to use this mod. After all I have received my fair share of help from this community over the last few years. Its the least I can do.

The truth is that the Feed Poster Mod does work, in at least one of the intended ways, even if the fake cron part does not. It just means that people have to be willing to go that extra step. Now they have some instructions that will hopefully help them to get there.

VB is a great guy and has done a lot of good work to help the SMF/TP community. Just because he hasn't updated this particular mod yet doesn't contradict that at all. I really wish he would do the update, release it to Smoky, or at the very least just take the time to tell her no. None the less he still has my respect for all the other good deeds he has and continues to do for the community.

I do want to say though that Im proud of you Smoky for not wanting to step on  VB's toes by just snatching his mod. It is the respectful thing to do. However that doesn't mean you couldn't release a mod that does the same thing. In fact Ive come across several mods for SMF that do the same thing. Just a thought. :)

Smoky "Rider" Blue

Currently working on it  Garou ;)
**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**


Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)

The Saviour

Does anyone know if this is currently working on 1.1.7...other than the fact the feed poster keeps pulling the same feed?

Wouldn't the trick be to just pull one feed at a time...and then wait a significant amount of time before pulling the next?  This way the feed has a chance to update before the feed poster pulls the exact same feed it has posted already.

Any input is greatly appreciated...


Yes the feed poster works with 1.1.7 When I patched it didn't cause any conflicts anyway. My guess is that with a fresh install you my have to hand edit a file or two but it should work just fine, you know minus the fake cron.  ;)

You can set the update time in the settings manager from a minimum of 15 minutes to I'm guessing infinity, as long as you figure it out in minutes.  ;D

The Saviour

Thanks Garou...

I installed this mod via the Package Manager...and there were no errors.

I went into the settings and setup my feed.

I unticked fake cron jobs and saved my settings.

I opened my browser and entered the address to cronrss.php in the browser's address bar and it came back with "the requestedpage could not be found" on my site.

I went to my site's cpanel to see if the file was there...and it is.

I hope there's someone here that can help me get this thing working...and I thank you for your quick replies...


Hey there Garou,

while everybodies sissy fitting around how to offer assistance here, do you mind if I contact you via IM, and sort out the cron job how youve done it?

Your assistance will shed light on the matter for me, as Im walkin in the dark lol

Thank you :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


The Saviour,
If you are pointing to the right directory (most likely then my next guess is to check the chmod (file attributes) on the file. If you are on a Linux server then go ahead and set it to 777. On a windows server I believe you have un-check the read only and hidden fields under the file properties.

My cronjob looks just like this substituting my_account for my actual account name.

16 * * * * /opt/lampp/bin/php /home/my_account/public_html/forums/cronrss.php > /dev/null 2>&1
31 * * * * /opt/lampp/bin/php /home/my_account/public_html/forums/cronrss.php > /dev/null 2>&1
46 * * * * /opt/lampp/bin/php /home/my_account/public_html/forums/cronrss.php > /dev/null 2>&1
01 * * * * /opt/lampp/bin/php /home/my_account/public_html/forums/cronrss.php > /dev/null 2>&1

If your still having problems, its most likely due actually locating the server php directory or how your server has cron set up but Ill do what I can.

Smoky "Rider" Blue

good of you to help Sabre out Garou

       Thank you!  ;)

Savior, did you get this taken care of yet?

Sorry, i have been off for a while..
**Take the time to remember friendships and family.. Sometimes it's all we have, and missed very much**
