[This board] Lose subject in reply, if someone already posted.

Started by Cypher7, August 02, 2004, 10:58:17 AM

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I haven't tested in my board as that's beta 5, but here, if you are reading a post and some posts a reply, then you click on reply after that, you get the normal warning that someone else has posted etc, but you lose the subject in the reply box, and also in the inline links...

I tested here...

*edit, you can reply alright though... once you fill in a subject...


Darn, it says "while you were reading"... I see the problem I think...



 ! Fixed typo that made quotefast functionality not work with "s. (Post.php)
! Mozilla now does entities properly with quotefast ;). (Post.php)
! Now, if someone replies while you were reading you still get the subject line. (Post.php)

Not live yet.

