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Move Topic Notification [SMF 2.0 Supported]

Started by Nibogo, March 19, 2007, 06:58:51 PM

Previous topic - Next topic


NIBOGO, the mod turkish translation is suck and very bad.
Can you update from this ?
$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'İleti gönder';
$txt['movetopic_auto_prevboard'] = '[PREVBOARD]';
$txt['movetopic_auto_topic2'] = '[TOPIC]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'Konuyu başlatana taşıma ile ilgili bilgiyi buraya yazınız.';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = '[PREVBOARD] bölümünde oluşturduğunuz [TOPIC] isimli konu [BOARD] bölümüne taşınmıştır. Forumun daha düzenli olması için yapılan bu değişikliği lütfen anlayışla karşılayın.' . ".\n\n" . '[TOPIC LINK]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'Konuyu Taşı';

And in my forum(2.0 rc1) , pm not sended. Are you forget one code ? =)
So Long


Awesome update, thank you very much!!


// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Begins
$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'Notificar por MP';
$txt['movetopic_auto_prevboard'] = '[PREVBOARD]';
$txt['movetopic_auto_topic2'] = '[TOPIC]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'Digite o texto de notificação, que será enviado para o autor original via mensagem privada.';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = 'O tópico que você criou no fórum [PREVBOARD] com o título [TOPIC] foi movido para o fórum [BOARD]. Não leve para o lado pessoal, estamos apenas organizando melhor o fórum :).' . ".\n\n" . '[TOPIC LINK]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'Tópico movido';
// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Die


// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Begins
$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'Notificar por MP';
$txt['movetopic_auto_prevboard'] = '[PREVBOARD]';
$txt['movetopic_auto_topic2'] = '[TOPIC]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'Digite o texto de notificação, que será enviado para o autor original via mensagem privada.';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = 'O tópico que você criou no fórum [PREVBOARD] com o título [TOPIC] foi movido para o fórum [BOARD]. Não leve para o lado pessoal, estamos apenas organizando melhor o fórum :).' . ".\n\n" . '[TOPIC LINK]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'Tópico movido';
// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Die
l: simple p: machines

Sudhakar Arjunan

Keep the good work.

Nice and Useful Mod nibogo.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
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Thanks [Daydreamer] and Sakas for the translations ;)

@[Daydreamer]: It's true I make a fatal mistake when I package it and I forgot to add the code of sends the PM :P fixed in the new version

1.1 - 23 June 2009
o Fixed a big bug on SMF 2.0 RC1 & SMF 2.0 RC1-1. Please upgrade (Uninstall the last version and install this one)
o Changed the strings in Turkish and Portuguese
o Fixed a little bug in the installation with the greek language


CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


i cannot get it working on RC1-1

edited my files manually, it shows the checkbox to send a notify to user, but they don`t receive the pm


I just tried to upload this mod but it says not comaptible to 1.1.10 even tho the package says so.

صلاح الدين

Thanks NIBOGO its super mod,
but the mod didn't work in my forum , because there isn't a way to active this:'Notify the author of his topic has been moved by PM in':
this is the Translation to Arabic

// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Begins
$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'ارسال تنبيه عبر الرسائل الشخصية';
$txt['movetopic_auto_prevboard'] = '[PREVBOARD]';
$txt['movetopic_auto_topic2'] = '[TOPIC]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'من فضلك ادخل تقرير التنبيه هنا, الذي سيتم ارساله لصاحب الموضوع الاصلي بواسطة الرسائل الشخصية.';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = 'الموضوع الذي ارسلته في منتدى [PREVBOARD] بعنوان [TOPIC] تم نقله الى منتدى [BOARD]. من فضلك نرجوا التفهم بان الموضوع تم نقله للمنتدى المناسب له.' . ".  " . '[TOPIC LINK]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'موضوع منقول';
// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Die


// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Begins
$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'ط§ط±ط³ط§ظ,, طھظ†ط¨ظٹظ‡ ط¹ط¨ط± ط§ظ,,ط±ط³ط§ط¦ظ,, ط§ظ,,ط´ط®طµظٹط©';
$txt['movetopic_auto_prevboard'] = '[PREVBOARD]';
$txt['movetopic_auto_topic2'] = '[TOPIC]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'ظ...ظ† ظپط¶ظ,,ظƒ ط§ط¯ط®ظ,, طھظ,ط±ظٹط± ط§ظ,,طھظ†ط¨ظٹظ‡ ظ‡ظ†ط§, ط§ظ,,ط°ظٹ ط³ظٹطھظ... ط§ط±ط³ط§ظ,,ظ‡ ظ,,طµط§ط­ط¨ ط§ظ,,ظ...ظˆط¶ظˆط¹ ط§ظ,,ط§طµظ,,ظٹ ط¨ظˆط§ط³ط·ط© ط§ظ,,ط±ط³ط§ط¦ظ,, ط§ظ,,ط´ط®طµظٹط©.';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = 'ط§ظ,,ظ...ظˆط¶ظˆط¹ ط§ظ,,ط°ظٹ ط§ط±ط³ظ,,طھظ‡ ظپظٹ ظ...ظ†طھط¯ظ‰ [PREVBOARD] ط¨ط¹ظ†ظˆط§ظ† [TOPIC] طھظ... ظ†ظ,ظ,,ظ‡ ط§ظ,,ظ‰ ظ...ظ†طھط¯ظ‰ [BOARD]. ظ...ظ† ظپط¶ظ,,ظƒ ظ†ط±ط¬ظˆط§ ط§ظ,,طھظپظ‡ظ... ط¨ط§ظ† ط§ظ,,ظ...ظˆط¶ظˆط¹ طھظ... ظ†ظ,ظ,,ظ‡ ظ,,ظ,,ظ...ظ†طھط¯ظ‰ ط§ظ,,ظ...ظ†ط§ط³ط¨ ظ,,ظ‡.' . ".  " . '[TOPIC LINK]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'ظ...ظˆط¶ظˆط¹ ظ...ظ†ظ,ظˆظ,,';
// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Die

or in this files

صلاح الدين

Quote from: NIBOGO on July 21, 2009, 03:32:55 PM
Thanks for the translation and you must enable this option in the move topic window not in features and settings
If you want I post the arabic translation to your mods in the topics of each mod
thanks for the explain, but how?
this photo after the install


Quote from: BlueDevil on July 15, 2009, 11:02:28 PM
I just tried to upload this mod but it says not comaptible to 1.1.10 even tho the package says so.

Same here. Is this mod compatible with 1.1.10?

It is a very useful mod and I hope it is. Thanks!


Quote from: NIBOGO on July 28, 2009, 05:59:29 PM
Yes it is

But when I tried to install it, it said not comaptible to 1.1.10?


same here says not compatible with 1.1.10

is there anychance u could get it compatible...

You can't fool a sufficiently talented fool.
In Design Phase!

Mods I am designing,  No refresh Collapse Categories , Poll Redesign , Pure CSS Breadcrumb , Profile Statuses, Profile Views.


I am running SMF 2.0 RC1.2 and I see the option to PM the member when I move the topic, but they aren't getting the PM. All tests were successful when I installed it and there are no errors in the error log


Quote from: flamechica on August 14, 2009, 05:38:41 PM
I am running SMF 2.0 RC1.2 and I see the option to PM the member when I move the topic, but they aren't getting the PM. All tests were successful when I installed it and there are no errors in the error log

To my happens me the same, the instalacion was correct, but no envia the mp, that can be happening? A greeting and Graces, expect his answer, since me serious very util this Mod.


The same problem here... i Have SMF 2.0 RC 1.2 and it doent send the MP , i hace installed the last version of this mod...


Great mod, thanks.

Russian translation:

Quote$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'Отправить уведомление по ЛС';
$txt['movetopic_auto_prevboard'] = '[PREVBOARD]';
$txt['movetopic_auto_topic2'] = '[TOPIC]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'Пожалуйста, введите текст уведомления, это сообщение будет отправлено автору темы используя личные сообщения.';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = 'Созданная Вами тема [url=http://[TOPIC LINK]][TOPIC][/url] в [PREVBOARD] перенесена в другой раздел: [BOARD]. Это сделано для соблюдения порядка на форуме. Спасибо за понимание.' "\n\n" 'Перейти в тему: [TOPIC LINK]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'Ваша тема перенесена';
