Move Topic Notification [SMF 2.0 Supported]

Started by Nibogo, March 19, 2007, 06:58:51 PM

Previous topic - Next topic


Quote from: flamechica on August 14, 2009, 05:38:41 PM
I am running SMF 2.0 RC1.2 and I see the option to PM the member when I move the topic, but they aren't getting the PM. All tests were successful when I installed it and there are no errors in the error log
And the same here :(
What is the reason?



Thanks, now the notification works, but there is a few issues...
* The PM subject (title) is always the same as moved topic title (i thought it should be taken from $txt['movetopic_notify_subject'], wich i think is also should accept [TOPIC] variable).
* Variables [BOARD] and [TOPIC LINK] does not expanded in PM body:
QuoteThe topic you created at General Discussion named Test has been moved to [BOARD]. Please understand that this has been done to keep order in the forum..


I posted a russian translation few posts ago, perhaps you would like to add it to the package 

Surfez Couvert

Quote from: MrCreatoR on November 23, 2009, 06:34:01 AM
Thanks, now the notification works, but there is a few issues...
* The PM subject (title) is always the same as moved topic title (i thought it should be taken from $txt['movetopic_notify_subject'], wich i think is also should accept [TOPIC] variable).
* Variables [BOARD] and [TOPIC LINK] does not expanded in PM body:
QuoteThe topic you created at General Discussion named Test has been moved to [BOARD]. Please understand that this has been done to keep order in the forum..


I posted a russian translation few posts ago, perhaps you would like to add it to the package 

I confirm variables [BOARD] and [TOPIC LINK] don't work on SMF 2.0 RC2. Waiting for update.

Well, here's the french translation for the MOD :

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.french-utf8.php">
<search position="end" />
// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Begins
$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'Notification par PM';
$txt['movetopic_auto_prevboard'] = '[PREVBOARD]';
$txt['movetopic_auto_topic2'] = '[TOPIC]';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'Entrer le texte de notification qui sera transmis par PM au créateur du sujet.';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = 'Bonjour,' . "\n\n" . 'Le sujet \'[TOPIC]\' que vous avez créé en section \'[PREVBOARD]\' a été déplacé vers la section \'[BOARD]\', ceci uniquement dans le cadre de la réorganisation régulière du forum.' . "\n\n" . 'Voici le lien vers nouvel emplacement : [TOPIC LINK]'. "\n\n" . 'Merci pour votre participation.';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'Déplacement d\'un de vos sujets';
// vMoveTopic Notify by PM Mod Die


1.2 - 08 Mar 2010
o Added support for SMF 2.0 RC3
o Replaced commands now you can use {topic}, {prev_board}, {subject} and {board}.
o Added explanation of each command in the Move Topic Page.
o Mod renamed to "Move Topic Notification"

Please all the translations need to be updated, only these line:

$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'Please enter the notification text, which will be sent to the original poster by pm.<br />{topic} - Link to the Topic Url<br />{new_board} - Link to the New Board<br />{subject} - Subject of the Topic<br />{prev_board} - Previous Board';

Leave the <br />

RC2 don´t work :/

PM´s look this:
QuoteThe topic you created at {prev_board} named {subject} has been moved to {new_board}. Please understand that this has been done to keep order in the forum..



I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Russian translation:

this for languages-utf8.xml (encoded to UTF8 w\o BOM)
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.russian-utf8.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
// Move Topic Notification by
$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'Отправлять ЛС автору с уведомлением о перемещении темы';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'Пожалуйста, введите текст уведомления, которое будет отправлено автору темы.<br />{topic} - Ссылка на тему<br />{new_board} - Ссылка на новый раздел<br />{subject} - Название темы<br />{prev_board} - Предыдущий раздел';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = 'Тема {subject}, созданная Вами в разделе {prev_board}, перемещена в {new_board}. Пожалуйста, отнеситесь к этому с пониманием — на форуме должен поддерживаться порядок.' . ".\n\n" . '{topic}';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'Перемещённая тема';
// Move Topic Notification by

and this for languages.xml (encoded to ANSI):
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.russian.php" error="skip">
<search position="end"></search>
// Move Topic Notification by
$txt['moveTopic5'] = 'Отправлять ЛС автору с уведомлением о перемещении темы';
$txt['movetopic_notify_desc'] = 'Пожалуйста, введите текст уведомления, которое будет отправлено автору темы.<br />{topic} - Ссылка на тему<br />{new_board} - Ссылка на новый раздел<br />{subject} - Название темы<br />{prev_board} - Предыдущий раздел';
$txt['movetopic_notify_default'] = 'Тема {subject}, созданная Вами в разделе {prev_board}, перемещена в {new_board}. Пожалуйста, отнеситесь к этому с пониманием — на форуме должен поддерживаться порядок.' . ".\n\n" . '{topic}';
$txt['movetopic_notify_subject'] = 'Перемещённая тема';
// Move Topic Notification by


Unfortunately, with the Russian translation isn't so simple. I also painted the above in detail, as it should be done - in different files with different encodings! :)

Otherwise, the use of Russian (not UTF8) translation users see strange characters (or simply question marks).


This is a very helpful mod for my forum and it does work... but often when doing this I get the error "Hacking attempt...". The error log says this

x'ing out personal info

INSERT INTO smf_personal_messages
         (ID_MEMBER_FROM, deletedBySender, fromName, msgtime, subject, body)
      VALUES (316, 1, SUBSTRING('xxxxx', 1, 255), 1269496452, SUBSTRING('xthreadx', 1, 255), SUBSTRING('The topic you created at [url=]xBoardx[/url] named xthreadx has been moved to [url=]xBoardx[/url]. Please understand that this has been done to keep order in the forum..

[iurl=][/iurl]', 1, 65534))
File: /home/xxxxx/public_html/Sources/Subs-Post.php
Line: 845'

Any advice/help would be appreciated.


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I installed the MOD but I can't find where to edit it... or to enable it. When the MOD got installed it redirected me to the "Miscellaneous" page but I don't see anything in there that is related to the MOD... No errors during installation... What could be happening?
