EtkiWeb MC

Started by TosTos, April 30, 2007, 12:39:06 PM

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Link to the theme

My best Theme. It supports English and Turkish.
Theme has 17 different colors if you download file. There are lots of featurein Admin/Currenttheme
You can choose 3 different kinds of logos. Flash logo, image logo or just your web page name. All can be set from Admin.
You can let your members to pick up colors. If you don't let them, they use only your choice.
You can make anouncemants, or give advertisements in each topic after the first message. You can arrange them from admin, too. You can use html codes.
You can write your copyright, or any html code under the theme copyright, and this feature can be also set from admin.
You can arrange page width from admin.
Your members can chose their favorite teams, or horoscopes.
If you get personal messages, you notice that by sound, and image warning. There are more features.
However, I need to solve the problem about Mozilla Firefox users.
Demo: user name deneme password 999999
To see all mods applied on it, use with user name deneme and pass 123456
1. tamamiyla ingilizce ve Turkce olmasi
2. Tema icin 3 cesit logo bulunmakta. Bu logo secenegini admin bolumunden resim logo, flash logo veya sadece yazi logo olarak secme imkaniniz bulunmakta
3. Admin bolumunden tema genisligi ayarlanabilmesi
4. Tema copyright inin altina admin bolumunden kendi copyright inizi yazabilir veya html kod ile baska yazi veya resim koyabilirsiniz.
5. Tema 17 renkten olusmakta. Renkleri renk kutucugu olarak gosterebilir, veya secim cubugu olarak gosterebilirsiniz. Ayni sekilde bu ayar ve uyelere renk secme ozgurlugu tanima ayari admin bolumunden yapilmakta.
6. Her konudaki ilk mesajdan sonra reklam admin bolumunden ayarlanabilmekte. Html kod veya resim koyabilirsiniz. Bunu anons yapmak icinde kullanabilirsiniz.
7. Uyeleriniz burclarini ve takimlarini, hatta favori ulke takimlarinida secebilecekler
8. Aktiflik seviye deneyim
9. Ozel mesajda sesli ve mektup uyarisi
10. Vbuletinde oldugu gibi asagiya kayan ek secenekler tusu
11. Cok ugrastigim, EtkiWeb e hediye dizayn :)
Sorun: Temada mozilla kullanciilari sorun yasayacaklar. ve admini Turklord bu sorunu halletmeye calisacak. Daha once Diamond daki bir sorunu cozmustu.
Resimleri buyuk boyutta gormek icin uzerine tiklayin.
Temaya ulasim:


where is the user-friendly part...?!


Do you mean this one? Click on the user name.


I realized that, I forgot to change one line to adjust the header avatar. If user has large avatar, he sees two avatars at a time. I corrected this problem, but I couldn't upload the new file. from index.template.php,You just need to find, and erase echo '<div class="avatar_box">', $context['user']['avatar']['image'], '</div>';

Arkadaslar ustte verdigim kodu index.template de aratin, bulun ve silin. Uyenin avatari buyuk oldugunda avatar 2 tane gorunuyor. Silerseniz duzelecek.


I mean:

- user-friendly
- usability
- accessibility
... etc

(search google)


If you want Shout Chat mod
Use this mod , and
for the theme esrarengiz elite
search for
// Show a vB style login for quick login?
Add the below before that code

echo '
<td align="center" colspan="2">';
if (function_exists('smfshout'))
echo '

Do the same for EPIC2 and EtkiWeb
But, for EPIC1
Search for
// Don't show a login box, just a break.
      echo '
   <br />';
add the below after that code
// Ultimate ShoutBox Mod
if (function_exists('smfshout'))

echo '

Do the same for Esrarengiz


Because there is a problem in SMF theme site, I am giving corrections here. I will reupload the theme with the corrections. One correction is above. Another one is to see the PM image better when you get personal messages. Open your index.english.php file from languages. And replace $txt['pm_short']='My Messages' with $txt['pm_short']='PM'
Temadaki duzeltmeleri simdilik buradan yapmak zorundayim. Sanriim SMF de sorun var. Sonra temayi yeniden yukleyecegi. Simdilik duzeltmeleri el ile yapiniz. Bunun icin ilk duzeltmeyi unutmayin. Avatar ile ilgili duzeltme. Ozel mesaj gonderdiginizde ozel mesaj flash resmi altta kaliyor. Onu duzeltmek icin languages klasorundeki index.turkish.php dosyasinda  $txt['pm_short']='Mesajlarým' i $txt['pm_short']='PM' ile degistirin.


How to do this?

I try to add this feature to another theme too but gives me a error... in message alternate part
Can you explain how to do that?

Thank You
I´m Portuguese Yeah
