Blinking Text

Started by Chris.T, September 23, 2004, 06:57:20 AM

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are there future Plans to support Blinking Text ???
like this [blink]let me blink[/blink]
Best Regards Chris


This would be better off as a mod...

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this so it will work in all browsers without Javascript. There is a <blink> tag that will do this, but it doesn't work in IE (does work in Netscape, Mozilla and Firefox, and possibly other browsers as well). However, if you use the <marquee> tag with the scrollamount and scrolldelay values set just right, you can simulate blinking text (scrollamount = how many pixels the text moves, scrolldelay = how often (in milliseconds) to move the text).
Michael Eshom
Christian Metal Fans
