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SMF 1.0 Beta 1 Released!

Started by David, September 29, 2003, 09:37:55 PM

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The Simple Machines team is happy to announce that the first beta package of SMF is now ready for all Charter Members!  Thanks go to all the people who contributed in its development, including but not limited to Compuart, [Unknown], Jeff Lewis, Gobalopper, Omar Bazavilvazo, Andrea Hubacher, Joseph Fung, and David Recordon - not to mention all the people who helped with beta testing and language file translations as well as those involved in dreaming this up.

Please do not request a copy of this beta as the license prohibits a Charter Member from distributing their copy, if they do so their Charter Membership will be revoked.  We hope to have a public beta in the near future but if you cannot wait purchase a Charter Membership today.

Thanks for all of your support and ideas over the past few weeks, this software would not be where it is today without all of you! :)
This space for rent.


Wow! :o :D

That was a lot sooner than I thought!


They released it! Wow, infinitely long before I thought it would be!

Abstraction Point Electronic Music Community - We don't bite! Really! I promise!

Check out my newest song: Alive


*cannot wait but cant afford either :'(*

I saw the news at forum-forum that it was gonna be soon ^_^

Does that mean that a public launch is about a month or so away?? *looks hopeful*

congrats to all the team!! I cant wait to for the public release!!!

*edit* also... are these forums gonna update to the beta package? (for more bug testing and feature requests ;))??
*edit2* Has anyone upgraded yet :)?? and when can we see some new SMF powered boards (c'mon you charter members!!!)
Also, are the converters completed and available too?


i dont think its a good idea to run the first beta on a production environment
so it will probably be done on test or small forums, or if the admin is willing to take risks ;)


mmmm... but isn't this forum basically an alpha anyway...?
I guess -being- an alpha would mean it would need some tweaking to upgrade.. I think [Unknown] said it already had some different tweaks to make it run with the rest of the site or something (charter members stuff I guess)
none the less... I'd like to see some demo's from charter members :)
*arg!! cant wait to get my hands onto the code!!*
hurry up and test this thing good charter members!!! so the public version can be released ;D

Jeff Lewis

Yes this forum is running an alpha version.
Co-Founder of SMF


whoo!! heh, I know some stuff... hmmm...
QuoteSimple Machines Community Forum | Powered by SMF 1.0 Alpha.
darn... heheh
So will it be upgraded now/later or at all anytime in the near future?


Quote from: Tyris on September 29, 2003, 11:03:31 PM
whoo!! heh, I know some stuff... hmmm...
QuoteSimple Machines Community Forum | Powered by SMF 1.0 Alpha.
darn... heheh
So will it be upgraded now/later or at all anytime in the near future?

Soon.  I wanted to get the beta ready first.



alright, sweet thanx for the reply ^_^
looks like us non-charter members will still get to do a bit of beta testing ^_^
*looking forward to the upgrade*


Woot! Yeah! Non-Charter Members rock!


Abstraction Point Electronic Music Community - We don't bite! Really! I promise!

Check out my newest song: Alive


Yeah!! go us!!!
*still wish I had a charter membership tho :( cursed school stopping me from having a job!!!*



Abstraction Point Electronic Music Community - We don't bite! Really! I promise!

Check out my newest song: Alive


amen to that (ONLY 4 weeks then exams then NO SCHOOL FOREVER!!!!)



I still have 8 frikkin years!

Abstraction Point Electronic Music Community - We don't bite! Really! I promise!

Check out my newest song: Alive



@ <?php Piranha?>, I got 4 weeks of school... then next year I start a 3 or 5 year uni course (depends what I get into). computer Science, or Computer Science and Law :o
@ Bostasp, daaaamn yoouuuuuuu


Are you disrespecting our dictator?

Abstraction Point Electronic Music Community - We don't bite! Really! I promise!

Check out my newest song: Alive


*bows low to the floor* please accept my most heartfelt apologies!! and please enjoy the SMf beta to your hearts content!!

*edit* At last!! a junior member!! (I got worried when 100 posts didnt do it for me)


ah.... its broken my apache already...
