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Download System

Started by Team, October 31, 2007, 06:55:37 PM

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I had an interesting problem come up. I installed SMF with unicode support, and I can post Japanese text in the forums, but when I put Japanese text in the download system upload form, it comes up as question marks in the title, and {huh} smileys in the description. Does download system do something to not allow unicode?


I have an question. I installed the mod and made the modifications to the template.

But there is one thing. When I made a change in the config and I safe this I getting redirected to the Forums. The same when I added an download,

Also when some one has downloaded an file he or she is getting redirected to the forums.

The Search is not working it redirects me to the forum home

How to changes ?

Many thanks

. SMF Bridge Support, Downloads and Joomla Video Tutorials


@ magitek

While your forum may be running well with Japanese as your chosen language to add mods to it each mod will have to be checked, and if necessary edited/translated, to add Japanese language support to it...few (if any) mods come with such language support in place. The effect you mention merely shows that this mod does not include Japanese language support. Few mod developers (if any) are likely to be fluent in Japanese so it is not possible for most of them to add such support to their mods...members do help to provide such translations and when available they tend to be added to mods.

@ Livebox

Please use the Package Parser to check that all edits and additional files added by the mod are in place.


Quote from: TrueSatan on January 23, 2008, 07:07:42 PM
@ Livebox

Please use the Package Parser to check that all edits and additional files added by the mod are in place.

All ready don this. THis is the reason I ask  ;)

. SMF Bridge Support, Downloads and Joomla Video Tutorials


in admin control panel the error is:

Table 'U5263562.smf_down_file' doesn't exist
File: /mounted-storage/home63c/sub004/sc39290-JEEJ/www/smf/Sources/Downloads.php
Line: 3067

Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 1.1.4, while your database is at version 1.1.3. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.

pls help
Eager to Learn SMF


First upload the following files to the forum root

Then run the upgrade.php.

The files are from the

. SMF Bridge Support, Downloads and Joomla Video Tutorials


@ Livebox

You signature etc suggest that you still have the (discontinued) Joomla bridge in place so I'll have to leave this for vbgamer to consider if/how that might be affecting the situation you would be my strong suspicion that it was causing the problem.


This is not the Simplemachines Bridge.  ;)

. SMF Bridge Support, Downloads and Joomla Video Tutorials


Quote from: taurean on January 24, 2008, 04:34:31 AM
in admin control panel the error is:

Table 'U5263562.smf_down_file' doesn't exist
File: /mounted-storage/home63c/sub004/sc39290-JEEJ/www/smf/Sources/Downloads.php
Line: 3067

Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 1.1.4, while your database is at version 1.1.3. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.

pls help
Mod is not fully installed re run the install. The database tables were never created
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Quote from: TrueSatan on January 24, 2008, 08:23:38 AM
@ Livebox

You signature etc suggest that you still have the (discontinued) Joomla bridge in place so I'll have to leave this for vbgamer to consider if/how that might be affecting the situation you would be my strong suspicion that it was causing the problem.

The issue is the same with the Mambo Bridge. It is not only with Joomla! and the Joomlahacks bridge

. SMF Bridge Support, Downloads and Joomla Video Tutorials


Yes, I know that the mod may not have Japanese language support as far as translated $txt strings, but the weird part is that the problem isn't the Japanese language, it's the Japanese characters, which are included in the unicode standard. The forum handles unicode text perfectly fine, and as a result, Japanese characters show up fine. But for some reason, if you upload an item to the download mod, it seems to not like the unicode characters.

So I guess my question is really directed to vbgamer45, is there anything in your mod that you know of that is restricting text from forms to only write to db/show ASCII?


It doesn't work well for me.

I'm trying to upload a 7zip file (10MB).

I get the following message:
No download selected.


7zip is not one of the filetypes this mod supports.


Quote from: TrueSatan on January 25, 2008, 09:20:41 PM
7zip is not one of the filetypes this mod supports.

Then which are those filetypes besides .zip?


From the file Downloads.php:

$validTypes = array(
1 => 'gif',
2 => 'jpeg',
3 => 'png',
5 => 'psd',
6 => 'bmp',
7 => 'tiff',
8 => 'tiff',
9 => 'jpeg',
14 => 'iff',

That's the only list of file type restrictions I see so, on the face of it, I may have been wrong in thinking the mod wasn't accepting your file for a file type restriction reason...reading through the rest of the topic it seems that the only other reports I can see of such events are due to the paths and permissions being wrongly set or the file being larger than the host allows.

Failing that I'll have to let vbgamer look into your problem.


I can´t upload rar either.
And I don´t want to check for zip.

This is odd, I´ll try settings downloads directory to 777.
I have Cpanel just in case there´s something I need to fix.


The mod allows all types of files to be uploaded. The extension is not checked.

Shoulds like a permission issue. Check that the download paths are correct
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on November 10, 2007, 11:07:09 PM
Upload the zip to this will tell you all the files it edied and where they go.

I have already done this, and cannot upload any files, no add download button, not even as admin.

As you can see, all permissions are set.

I also tried logging in and registering an account thru anonymouse, but I still cant find a way to upload any files, even tho all permissions are set to allow it?

Im using SMF 1.1.4
Darkster theme

Is there something im missing?

Can you help?

Thanks in advance!



There WAS something I was missing...............

Just stumbled upon the (MyFiles) button on the top right side.

There it explains the uploading process.

Sorry for the unnecessary post!

GEEZ I feel like such a noob!  :P
