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Download System

Started by Team, October 31, 2007, 06:55:37 PM

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The paths were incorrect, I fixed them, set "downloads" path to CHMOD 777.
And I still can´t upload anything but small files.
I have the max upload size set to 250 MB. I don´t know where else to check.

Help me out please.


Are there any kind of restrictions for file names, for example Caps or any kind of symbol?


There shouldn't be problems regarding caps etc as html special characters are enabled right through the mod however your 250 MB may be optimistic if you are on shared hosting as there is often a maximum file size set by such hosts  (in the php.ini file) and/or a timeout on php may (depending on your hosting) be allowed to make a custom php.ini file with a higher allowance set in it or be able to alter the setting via a .htaccess file but it's very much a question of host choice in allowing, or not, such alterations.

Please try the mod with smaller files of the file types and names you have in mind and check to see what limits your hosting may impose.


I'm in a semi-dedicated server, if I'm not mistaking.
I'll check with the other mod tp-downloads, which works similar but more primitive.
If not I'll have to ask my host.


Guys, just in case "268440000" is a correct size for 250MB, right?

By the way, I just tried uploading 10MB through the other mod (Tp-Downloads), and nothing.
I suppose this is merely caused by the host.

Eddy Matthews

My host only allows a maximum upload size of 4Mb - Is there any way to FTP files to a directory and then have the program import them?

I tried using the URI setup, but it just ignores the file which is there and adds an entry with a 0Kb filesize....

Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated.



Quote from: vbgamer45 on January 25, 2008, 10:50:50 PM
The mod allows all types of files to be uploaded. The extension is not checked.

alternatively....  where can i set it so i can dissallow certain file types to not be allowed for upload?

i just actually want it to be able to upload one certain type of file type

also.... (this is a question that was buried 6 days ago and was not answered, help? please?)

Quote from: myaicons on January 21, 2008, 01:46:00 PM
does the comment auto approval for this mod work?

this is in the language template for the mod:

$txt['downloads_set_commentsappr'] = 'Comments require approval?';

... but it only allows comments to be approved by the admin before getting posted

it would be nice to have the option for comments to be auto approved....

or is this some flaw in the mod that the author did not put in yet???

also... another question...

where in the files do i edit the code for... post creation after a download has been approved?

i wanted to add a few lines so that i can customize what the post is saying about the download

please assist
i scratch your back you scratch my back...
funny thing about my back is its located on my...

Eddy Matthews

Quote from: Eddy Matthews on January 26, 2008, 04:41:39 PM
My host only allows a maximum upload size of 4Mb - Is there any way to FTP files to a directory and then have the program import them?

I tried using the URI setup, but it just ignores the file which is there and adds an entry with a 0Kb filesize....

Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated.


Can anyone help with this please?



Quote from: vbgamer45 on November 29, 2007, 10:13:02 PM
You can have files stored on remote servers.

How do i do this?


I try yo use this mod in my forum , but dont appear the option in my forum , i use smf 1.1.4 annd dont appear the option in "Home ,Profile , My messages" etc...

how i can put in that part


If you are using a custom theme you will have to modify the index.template.php to include a link or button to the downloads section.
Community Suite for SMF - Grow your forum with SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! - Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


vbgamer! your here!


where in the files do i edit the code for... post creation after a download has been approved?

i wanted to add a few lines so that i can customize what the post is saying about the download


where can i set it so i can dissallow certain file types to not be allowed for upload?

*** damn... hes ignoring all this... great support!  (note in this entire thread he has vague one line answers to the very occational question he feels like answering) funny how hes begging for donations for a mod he barely takes time to give support... yet there are some fabulous mods out there who dont ask for donations and have great support... they should be the ones getting some nice pay pal donations... hmmmm...
i scratch your back you scratch my back...
funny thing about my back is its located on my...


Download System + ftp !!!??

Download System && hide link ...

use foreva!!! >:( ;D :D


@ rtyug 

awsome forum! 
i scratch your back you scratch my back...
funny thing about my back is its located on my...


Quote from: myaicons on January 31, 2008, 06:39:40 PM
vbgamer! your here!


where in the files do i edit the code for... post creation after a download has been approved?

i wanted to add a few lines so that i can customize what the post is saying about the download


where can i set it so i can dissallow certain file types to not be allowed for upload?


function AddDownload()

what formats are needed?
utillize an array


i install this mod , but dont appear the option in the panel "home , profile , etc" , i have this problem with the default theme and make all the modification , appear the options in the adminitrator panel ;)


Quote from: NIBOGO on January 31, 2008, 08:50:33 PM
i install this mod , but dont appear the option in the panel "home , profile , etc" , i have this problem with the default theme and make all the modification , appear the options in the adminitrator panel ;)

i had the same problem... use the mod package parser to see if everything was installed correctly... and if it installed it in the correct theme file.
i scratch your back you scratch my back...
funny thing about my back is its located on my...


Please try:

ACP>Server Settings and set your forum language to English and not English utf8 and to ACP>Features and Options>Basic Settings and uncheck Enable user-selectable language support.


does anybody know how to add a link on the users profile to show their uploaded downloads?
i scratch your back you scratch my back...
funny thing about my back is its located on my...
