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Re: 2.0 Update Part 3

Started by MkC, November 01, 2007, 09:43:18 AM

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During my tests to adapt my mods in smf 2.0 I discovered the following function:

function db_insert($method = 'replace', $table, $columns, $data, $keys, $file = false, $line = false, $disable_trans = false, $connection = null)
   global $smfFunc;

   if (empty($data))

   if (!is_array($data[array_rand($data)]))
      $data = array($data);

   $queryTitle = $method == 'replace' ? 'REPLACE' : ($method == 'ignore' ? 'INSERT IGNORE' : 'INSERT');

   foreach ($data as $key => $entry)
      $data[$key] = '(' . implode(', ', $entry) . ')';

   $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
      $queryTitle INTO $table
         (" . implode(', ', $columns) . ")
         " . implode(', ', $data), $file, $line, $connection);

Correct version:
function db_insert($method = 'replace', $table, $columns, $data, $file = false, $line = false, $connection = null)
   global $smfFunc;

   if (empty($data) || empty($columns))

   if (!is_array($data[array_rand($data)]))
      $data = array($data);

   $queryTitle = $method == 'replace' ? 'REPLACE' : ($method == 'ignore' ? 'INSERT IGNORE' : 'INSERT');

   foreach ($data as $key => $entry)
      $data[$key] = '(' . implode(', ', $entry) . ')';

   $smfFunc['db_query']('', "
      $queryTitle INTO $table
         (" . implode(', ', $columns) . ")
         " . implode(', ', $data), $file, $line, $connection);

This function it is ended or in the course of developpement?



Ok my question to you is this.  Who did you get 2.0?  You're not a Chater Member and you're definately not a beta tester.
Follow me on Twitter

"HELP!!! I've fallen and I can't get up"
This moment has been brought to you by LifeAlert


omg ! i see a black flag with a skull in it! xD
solo el mas paranoico sobrevive


Quote from: JayBachatero on November 01, 2007, 11:06:20 AM
Ok my question to you is this.  Who did you get 2.0?  You're not a Chater Member and you're definately not a beta tester.
Oh my god whom one hang me high and short.
But what makes the police, fast I am testing the version 2.0, which we put me in prison....
It is cool, no panic I have never diffused a version Beta....
Just like that in the functions database for why package them not to have prevu the insert function?

Oh mon dieu que l'on pende haut et court
Mais que fait la police, vite je teste la version 2.0, que l'on me jette en prison.....
C'est cool, pas de panique, je n'ai jamais diffusé une version beta
Je voulais juste savoir pourquoi dans les fonctions associées au package il n'etait pas prevu l'insert.


Well, considering that you're using an illegal version of SMF 2.0, either obtained from a charter member who leaked, or using a leaked copy from the internet, do realize that you will receive no support for it, as 2.0 support is limited to active charter members and beta testers in a specific 2.0 support board.  The notable exception would be if you coadmin a board with a charter member -- but even then they must field all support requests.
Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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SMF 2.0 is currently only available for Charter Members - you are not, nor have you ever been, a Charter Member, and therefore should not have access to the code. Please explain to us how you got access to it.
Michael Eshom
Christian Metal Fans


Quote from: Oldiesmann on November 01, 2007, 02:27:14 PM
SMF 2.0 is currently only available for Charter Members - you are not, nor have you ever been, a Charter Member, and therefore should not have access to the code. Please explain to us how you got access to it.
u can get a vbulletin forum for "free"... so i dont think thats too hard to get a beta of smf...
solo el mas paranoico sobrevive


please do not condone the use of piracy here.. it will only lead to fighting and such.  Thanks

Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

Useful Links:
Online Manual!
How to Help us Help you
Settings Repair Tool


QuoteWell, considering that you're using an illegal version of SMF 2.0
Quoteplease do not condone the use of piracy here..

When we do not know we do not accuse....

I have legally all the beta since the branch 1.1, downloaded here even.

Furthermore when we do not respect licenses (joomla for example) we come not to qualify the others of pirates....

I allowed to indicate a correction, by using my pseudo own, the question was only there because I was surprised to see something so badly written. It has been quite a while since I need no more support of the team smf....


Quand on ne sait pas on n'accuse pas

J'ai acquis légalement les versions bétas depuis le début de la branche 1.1, en les téléchargeant ici.

De plus quand on ne respect pas les licenses (joomla par exemple), on ne qualifie pas les autres de pirates....

Je me suis permis d'indiquer une correction en utilisant mon propre pseudo, la question était là uniquement parce que j'ai été surpris de voir cette fonction aussi mal ecrite. Il y a bien longtemps que je n'ai plus besoin du support de la team smf..


Quote from: MkC on November 01, 2007, 03:16:07 PMWhen we do not know we do not accuse....

I have legally all the beta since the branch 1.1, downloaded here even.

Furthermore when we do not respect licenses (joomla for example) we come not to qualify the others of pirates....

I allowed to indicate a correction, by using my pseudo own, the question was only there because I was surprised to see something so badly written. It has been quite a while since I need no more support of the team smf....
Either furnish proof that you are AUTHORIZED to have a copy of SMF 2.0 to any project manager, or expect to continue receiving this treatment.  It's that simple.

And if you don't, I'm quite sure that you'd be served with a DMCA, much like vBulletin does when they find unauthorized copies of their software.

Ignorance is not bliss, nor is it an excuse for stupidity.
Doug Hazard
* Full Stack (Web) Developer for The Catholic Diocese of Richmond
(20+ Diocesan sites, 130+ Church sites & 24 School sites)
* Web Developer, the NAIA's only HBCU Athletic Conference
* Former Sports Photographer and Media Personality and Former CFB Historian
* Tech Admin for one 2.9M+ post and one 11.6M+ post sites. Used to own a 1M+ post site.
* WordPress Developer (Junkie / Guru / Maven / whatever)


Quote from: Oldiesmann on November 01, 2007, 02:27:14 PM
you are not, nor have you ever been, a Charter Member, and therefore should not have access to the code. Please explain to us how you got access to it.

From your awkward grammatical construction, I will assume that English is not your primary language.

Please explain where you got the copy of SMF 2.0? You say that you downloaded it from here, but, since you are not a charter member, this is not probable.... At least not with the account you are currently using to post.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


You get tired not you will have no name of the member charter (those this are prevenus moreover). Thanks to each of your interventions, maintaining we know what it costs to help in the improvement of the product.
Beautiful spirit...  :D

For Douglas: everybody is not dishonest as you....


N'espérer pas que je donne le nom du charter membre ( ceux ci sont prevenus).
Merci à tous pour vos interventions, maintenant on sait ce qu'il en coûte de vouloir aider à l'amélioration du produit.
Bel esprit....
Pour Douglas: tout le monde n'est pas malhonnête comme vous....


Quote from: ALEJO on November 01, 2007, 02:54:49 PM
Quote from: Oldiesmann on November 01, 2007, 02:27:14 PM
SMF 2.0 is currently only available for Charter Members - you are not, nor have you ever been, a Charter Member, and therefore should not have access to the code. Please explain to us how you got access to it.
u can get a vbulletin forum for "free"... so i dont think thats too hard to get a beta of smf...

That doesn't mean it's legal. We have a right to enforce our rules. If you started using a pirated copy of vBulletin and wanted to get support for it, I'm sure you'd run into the same treatment (if they didn't get you in a lot more trouble).

Quote from: MkC on November 01, 2007, 03:38:34 PM
You get tired not you will have no name of the member charter (those this are prevenus moreover). Thanks to each of your interventions, maintaining we know what it costs to help in the improvement of the product.
Beautiful spirit...  :D

For Douglas: everybody is not dishonest as you....


N'espérer pas que je donne le nom du charter membre ( ceux ci sont prevenus).
Merci à tous pour vos interventions, maintenant on sait ce qu'il en coûte de vouloir aider à l'amélioration du produit.
Bel esprit....
Pour Douglas: tout le monde n'est pas malhonnête comme vous....

Douglas is not dishonest. You, on the other hand, are.

There is no way you could have download SMF 2.0 from this site.
Michael Eshom
Christian Metal Fans


@MkC, I want you to do something, only for a little while.

Imagine that you are creating something, anything at all. You work extremly hard at it, maybe spend nights without sleep at all or very little sleep. Then you spend more time trying to perfection it by fixing all the bugs that the beta tester that try your product first, report to you.
Then your product, which is not ready yet for public release, that you have spent so many time, hard work and sweat, it gets stolen and ilegally gets spread over the net, wouldn''t you want to know who did it and how so you can put a stop to it to protect your hard work?

So please, contact the project managers and tell them about it, how did you get hold of it.
These guys work wonders at creating such an amazing software, or a kick ass software like Douglas would say, and they give it way to everyone for free, when it is worth quite some money. So let us try and help out these guys in every way we can by putting an end to this stealing of these guys hard work.

I hope that you will do the right thing
All the best


@Oldiesman: sorry to disappoint you but I downloaded my version here even, thus you teach me that the download here even is illegal.....
If I do not make a mistake, Oldiesman, it is you who forbid other modeurs to distribute a product already existing under license GPL to be to redistribute again. A reference in honesty.....
@babjusi: I downloaded all my versions here even, and I diffuse nothing, I indicated simply that functions are badly written....
To contact the project managers, Olidesman answers generally that by threats of lock of Web site, maintaining thanks to you each knows that you should not help you....

@Oldiesman: Désolé de vous décevoir mais j'ai telechargé ma version ici même, donc vous m'apprenez que le téléchargement ici même est illégal.....
Si je ne me trompe pas, Oldiesman, c'est vous qui interdisez à d'autres developpeurs de distribuer un produit déjà existant  sous license GPL d'être redistribuer à nouveau. Une référence en matière d'honnêteté.....
@babjusi: J'ai téléchargé toutes mes versions ici même, et je ne diffuse rien, j'indiquais simplement que des fonctions sont mal écrites....
Pour ce qui est de contacter les chefs de projets, Olidesman ne répond en général que par des menaces de fermeture de site web, maintenant grâce à vous chacun sait qu'il ne faut pas vous aider....


I am finding no way to download SMF 2.0 Beta 1 From THIS site, And I am with OM, He is right, you are not authorized to use that copy neither you will get support for it.


Quote from: Dragooon on November 02, 2007, 05:37:33 AM
I am finding no way to download SMF 2.0 Beta 1 From THIS site, And I am with OM, He is right, you are not authorized to use that copy neither you will get support for it.
it's hoax? :
Tourist....  8)

S'agit il d'un Hoax:
Touriste....  8)


Quote from: MkC on November 02, 2007, 05:55:52 AM
Quote from: Dragooon on November 02, 2007, 05:37:33 AM
I am finding no way to download SMF 2.0 Beta 1 From THIS site, And I am with OM, He is right, you are not authorized to use that copy neither you will get support for it.
it's hoax? :
Tourist....  8)
What does that topic have to do with this? I meant, There is no way for YOU to download SMF 2.0.


Quote from: Dragooon on November 02, 2007, 05:57:14 AM
What does that topic have to do with this? I meant, There is no way for YOU to download SMF 2.0.

QuoteSimple Machines are proud to annouce that today, 25th August 2007, the first beta release of SMF 2.0 is in the hands of our Charter Members.

Misleading advertising?
It is better and better....

Instead of you occupy affairs of the others and with selling what you do not master to try of you occupy of your site, your members will there be very happy:

Publicité mensongère?
C'est de mieux en mieux....

Au lieu de vous occupez des affaires des autres et de vendre ce que vous ne maitrisez pas essayer de vous occupez de votre site, vos membres en seront très heureux:


You're just being rude... there's no need for that, is it? You're acting like a kid!
