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SMF 2.0 Beta 2 Released to Charter Members

Started by Grudge, January 20, 2008, 01:25:32 PM

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青山 素子

Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.

In SMF 1.1.x Karma isn't AJAX, I think it would be a great place for a little ajax.  Is this in the current 2.0 beta 2?

Quote from: Motoko-chan on January 21, 2008, 10:39:34 AM
Quote from: Bad-Dj on January 21, 2008, 04:33:09 AM
Oh and "Added paid subscription feature - only currently supporting PayPal" i think SMF would be the first FREE forum to have this a core code :p

Even nicer is that other gateways can be supported, all that is needed is a bit of code to make a file that fits the paid subscription API. I think we'll be seeing a few third-party contributions in this area.

Grudges paid subscription mod for smf 1.0-1.1 works with other payment gateways, I use it with  His mod is the basis for the core paid subscriptions code in 2.0 - so it shouldn't be a big deal to add o-ther payment options.


Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Please tell me there's some good signature controls in the newest. 

Thanks to the people who made mods, but the mods aren't complete -- we need to be able to turn them off completely, and "0" shouldn't be the number for "unlimited" but actually "0" -- else we can't limit an element to "none" but instead have to go with 1 letter.


Would somebody be nice enough to get me a screenie of my birthday contest in the beta?  Otherwise, I'd be glad to wait.

Help me win an iPod, or maybe a Wii!


QuotePlease tell me there's some good signature controls in the newest. 

There are some new signature controls, yes. 
Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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So does 2.0 include permission profiles and group inheritance?


Quote from: shentino on January 23, 2008, 02:50:00 PM
So does 2.0 include permission profiles and group inheritance?

Yes, it does. That was announced here. :)


Good news, Good news....

I can't wait.

I believe I will picking up a charter membership soon...


Important question...

What of the templating? Are their still major changes coming as far as theme templates?


Yes.  Beta 3 should see some big changes to the templates.

Tony Reid

Quote from: Thantos on January 23, 2008, 10:34:00 PM
Yes.  Beta 3 should see some big changes to the templates.


You say ....big changes?

Is it worth continuing with mods for smf2 - or are you going to release notes on the changes in advance?


Tony Reid

Ol' Wombat

Yeah, already had a bit of a rocky road with Beta 2 but Grudge knows what he is doing!


Tony, most likely there wont be a Beta 2 to Beta 3 template changes since there will be too many changes.
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Tony Reid

Tony Reid


Quote from: JayBachatero on January 24, 2008, 04:30:52 AM
Tony, most likely there wont be a Beta 2 to Beta 3 template changes since there will be too many changes.

You're evil :P Presenting Beta 2 and talking 'bout Beta 3? :P That hurts  O:)
Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P
