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Started by Bulakbol, January 28, 2008, 07:44:55 PM

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Quote from: JohnyB on September 07, 2008, 06:38:25 AM
You can do that in SMF 2.0 betas but not in 1.1.5. Sorry.

OK, kool thanks 8)
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Just downloaded the version for Beta 4.

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/xxxxx/public_html/boards/Packages/temp/MCLegendDB2B3.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xxxxx/public_html/boards/Sources/Packages.php on line 899


Try creating a temp folder and chmod to 777.
Please do not PM me for support · My Mods and Theme · SMF Coding Guidelines · Modifications Approval Guidelines


Already have a temp folder at 777


I installed this on 1.1.6, and it displays the default admin/mod colors, as well as my four other non-colored groups.  However, I do not have the "Membergroup display arrangement" under features and options so I can't add anything to it or change the order.


  I'mm looking at the mod again for Beta 4. I'll get back to you.

  In your Sources/ModSettings.php,
Code (look for) Select
// Stats, compression, cookies.... server type stuff.
and make sure that the following lines are added. Otherwise add it. It should look like this.

// MCLegendII
array('text', 'arrange_mclegend'),
// Stats, compression, cookies.... server type stuff.

Please do not PM me for support · My Mods and Theme · SMF Coding Guidelines · Modifications Approval Guidelines


Hi Johnny,

I hope you can help me as well as you've helped the others.

I've applied your mod, all seems well, but I cannot get the boxes to show below the users online.  We are on 1.1.5 version of SMF

I am attaching my BoardIndex.php from the theme WOW-DK d 1.1.2.

You'll see we have numerous groups that are colored, yet I cannot get your boxes to show.

Again, any help will be greatly appreciated.


Here you go dkinser. The easiest edit.

Please do not PM me for support · My Mods and Theme · SMF Coding Guidelines · Modifications Approval Guidelines


Thank you very much Johnny :)

In that code you added, is that where I would change the color of the brackets to match the color of the groups?  I saw your earlier post on changing that, but I can't find the line that you say to change.

Again, thanks for your help.


Hi Johnny.
I am trying to help someone to install your mod but I am having a hard time finding what to edit in the Dark Night theme. Is it possible to get some help from you? 
Here is the BoardIndex.template.php.


Try it yourself. After installing this mod, open dark night theme's BoardIndex.template.php and
Code (find) Select
<td class="windowbg2">', $context['show_who'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=who">' : '', '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/online.gif" alt="', $txt[158], '" border="0" />', $context['show_who'] ? '</a>' : '', '</td>
Code (replace) Select
<td rowspan="2" class="windowbg2">', $context['show_who'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=who">' : '', '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/online.gif" alt="', $txt[158], '" border="0" />', $context['show_who'] ? '</a>' : '', '</td>

Code (find) Select
// Show YaBB SP1 style information...
Code (replace) Select
if (!empty($context['membergroups']))
echo '
<td colspan="2" class="windowbg2" width="100%">
<span class="smalltext">[' . implode(']&nbsp;&nbsp;[', $context['membergroups']) . ']</span>

// Show YaBB SP1 style information...

To change the color of the brackets to match the color of the groups, you have to do two file edits. Sources/BoardIndex.php
Code (find) Select
$link = '<a href="'. $scripturl . '?action=membergroups;sa=members;group='. $row['ID_GROUP']. '" style="color: '. $row['onlineColor']. ';">'. $row['groupName']. '</a>'; 
$link = !empty($row['onlineColor']) ? '<span style="color: '. $row['onlineColor']. ';">'. $row['groupName']. '</span>' : $row['groupName'];

Code (replace) Select
$link = '<a href="'. $scripturl . '?action=membergroups;sa=members;group='. $row['ID_GROUP']. '" style="color: '. $row['onlineColor']. ';">['. $row['groupName']. ']</a>'; 
$link = !empty($row['onlineColor']) ? '<span style="color: '. $row['onlineColor']. ';">['. $row['groupName']. ']</span>' : $row['groupName']. ']';

and in Boardindex.template.php
Code (find) Select
<span class="smalltext">[' . implode(']&nbsp;&nbsp;[', $context['membergroups']) . ']</span>
Code (replace) Select
<span class="smalltext">' . implode('&nbsp;&nbsp;', $context['membergroups']) . '</span>
Please do not PM me for support · My Mods and Theme · SMF Coding Guidelines · Modifications Approval Guidelines


Thank you JohnnyB, I appreciate your help  ;)


Hi JohnnyB ...

is the script for dark night theme the same with triton theme ? i cant find the first script it is ..


Same problem as bros....

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/#######/#####/########/Packages/temp/MCLegendDB2B3.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/########/#####/#########/Sources/Packages.php on line 899


@dkinser and chadon
You are both welcome.

Try the attached BoardIndex.template.php

@Atheo and bros
Try the new package. Let me know hoe it goes.
Please do not PM me for support · My Mods and Theme · SMF Coding Guidelines · Modifications Approval Guidelines


Hello there JohnyB.
Could you please edit my BoardIndex.template.php in order i am able to use ur mod?

Thanks in advance!



Quote from: JohnyB on September 19, 2008, 04:53:48 AM
@dkinser and chadon
You are both welcome.

Try the attached BoardIndex.template.php

@Atheo and bros
Try the new package. Let me know hoe it goes.

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/xxxx/public_html/boards/Packages/temp/MCLegendDB2B3.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xxxx/public_html/boards/Sources/Packages.php on line 899

Yes, I have a temp folder. It is CHMOD 777


Johnny which package do you mean?


Why does this keep showing my key twice? [nofollow]


I uploaded a new package. Minor changes. If it still give you error, I suggest to talk to your host.

The mod was probably installed twice. If you don't know how to delete the duplicate, attach your BoardIndex.template.php and I'll remove it for you.
Please do not PM me for support · My Mods and Theme · SMF Coding Guidelines · Modifications Approval Guidelines
