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Spoiler Show & Hide

Started by ciberwing, February 05, 2008, 12:25:19 AM

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Thanks. I'll try to modify it.

NOTE: Neither am I. lol :)
QuoteIf you are dying for a solution it may be wise to seek medical attention.
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Thanks for this mod!  I was getting tired of waiting for the author of the other to reupload a non corrupted version.  This works perfectly!


Quote from: ciberwing on February 27, 2008, 08:58:55 AM
Hehe, i think you have an error with the package that you have installed, because my package doesn't have the text "Spoiler (highlight to read)"...

Be sure to uninstall  all the spoiler related packages and delete the installer packages (not only unistall, delete also....) from the server, then re download the package from here:

Good Luck!

I have tested it and works perfect =)

Thanks. I don't have another spoiler tag installed, however I went through my packages and noticed that I do have something called "Hide Tag 1.6.1" that's installed. When I went to uninstall it, I got an error message that reads, "Unable to find package file!"

So then I went to my list of packages and sure enough there is no such package listed. But there must have been at one point. I don't see that same file in the Mods section and I'm not sure how to go about removing it manually. I would think this is what the problem is with using the spoiler tag (????).

Anyone have any suggestions?


Quote from: Lotis on March 15, 2008, 11:16:44 PM
Quote from: ciberwing on February 27, 2008, 08:58:55 AM
Hehe, i think you have an error with the package that you have installed, because my package doesn't have the text "Spoiler (highlight to read)"...

Be sure to uninstall  all the spoiler related packages and delete the installer packages (not only unistall, delete also....) from the server, then re download the package from here:

Good Luck!

I have tested it and works perfect =)

Thanks. I don't have another spoiler tag installed, however I went through my packages and noticed that I do have something called "Hide Tag 1.6.1" that's installed. When I went to uninstall it, I got an error message that reads, "Unable to find package file!"

So then I went to my list of packages and sure enough there is no such package listed. But there must have been at one point. I don't see that same file in the Mods section and I'm not sure how to go about removing it manually. I would think this is what the problem is with using the spoiler tag (????).

Anyone have any suggestions?

OK... then, your problem is that you have installed another mod related with the spoiler tag and you haven't unistalled it yet... you should try to unistall manually if your smf can't do it by himself (trough the admin area)... ensure to search in your smf folder for backups...

another solution if u don't have installed another mods, is to download a fresh copy of smf (latest version) and replace from it the source file Subs.php to your smf folder...

Good Luck!



great.. :D installed on my forum


Nice little mod, thanks for writing it.


can i use this mod for smf 1.1.5?


sorry, can anybody help me? i got a problem with the spoiler tag in another Theme (enterprise).

i made the Modification for other themes (see aboth), but it dont works:
the spoiler-text is still to see (but not the tag itself)  :-[



Yeah, but in the standard-theme it works!  :-\


OK, I'm not actually a support guy, but there are couple of things you could do, daysleeper.

1. give the link to your forum with enterprise theme, so we could see what's the problem. it seems unclear to me.
2. you could contact ciberwing - who made this mod - through e-mail; click on mail icon under his avatar. i'm sure he won't mind.

QuoteIf you are dying for a solution it may be wise to seek medical attention.
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I like the bigger button?
why not leave me the letters I have the forum in Spanish and do not leave

Inscribe tu foro en el Top Zelda Master y gana mas visitas!

Foro Zelda Master ¡Disfruta La Leyenda! Click en la firma


great mod! I have installed it on my smf 1.1.5 and my members are enjoying it.

one question, is there a way i can disable clicking spoiler tag form guests?




Hi. I've been having some inexplicable trouble with this mod as of late. It's been interfering with my AJAX chat system and I've got no idea what's goin' on.

Anyway, what's happening is when I open the chat while the mod is installed, I see

Notice:  Undefined index:  spoiler_show in /home/azhtek1/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1619

This refers to the section of the mod in Subs.php,

Spoiler Show & Hide

'tag' => 'spoiler',
'before' => '<div class="spoiler-wrapper"><div class="smallfont"><input type="button" value="' . $txt['spoiler_show'] . '" onclick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display != \'\') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display = \'\';this.innerText = \'\'; this.value = \'' . $txt['spoiler_hide'] . '\'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display = \'none\'; this.innerText = \'\'; this.value = \'' . $txt['spoiler_show'] . '\'; }" /></div><div class="spoiler-content"><div style="display: none;">',
'after' => '</div></div></div>',
'block_level' => true, ),

END Spoiler Show & Hide

Apparently, it's the 'before' statement that's causing the issue, since it's the little blighter on line 1619, but I don't know.

I didn't have this problem till about an hour ago, and I haven't changed anything in Subs.php as of late. Anyone have any ideas?


I installed this mod and it works just fine! But i wanted to add the button so that its not required to insert the code all the time, it's not even in the default theme :S

Any manual way to do it?

Edit: Okay, i added it. How do i position it?


Hello, I istalled this mod on my forum, and it works great :D

Anyway, is there any means to have a customizable and variable text on the button?

I'll made an example based on the "quote" tag.

If I write [quote]Salve[/quote] with no arguments... it will show like that:


but I can also put:[quote="My friend July"]Salve[/quote]

Quote from: My friend JulySalve

I'd like something like that on the button... how can I pass the variable text?

Thank you! :)


Just tested it with SMF 1.1.7 and it works.

I've added the danish language so here's an unofficial update for the danes out there ;)
Spoiler - Show and Hide

Open your Subs.php file and search for 'tag' => 'quote',
Take a look at all the arrays starting with 'tag' => 'quote', and see if you can get anything out of them.

Titanio Verde

Is there still space for some support?

I updated to SMF 1.1.7 the week before, and since then my log errors are getting full of:
Quote8: Undefined index: spoiler_show
Archivo: /home/www/
Línea: 1596

Yes! The same error as Azhtek. And I think that the Subs.php respective line is exactly the same.
Quote/* Spoiler Show & Hide */
            'tag' => 'spoiler',
            'before' => '<div class="spoiler-wrapper"><div class="smallfont"><input type="button" value="' . $txt['spoiler_show'] . '" onclick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display != \'\') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display = \'\';this.innerText = \'\'; this.value = \'' . $txt['spoiler_hide'] . '\'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[0].style.display = \'none\'; this.innerText = \'\'; this.value = \'' . $txt['spoiler_show'] . '\'; }" /></div><div class="spoiler-content"><div style="display: none;">',
            'after' => '</div></div></div>',
            'block_level' => true,
         /* END Spoiler Show & Hide */

I reinstalled the mod many times, but it doesn't make any difference. And my free hosting allows me only 10 MB of database size, and after four days the error log's table is very big, unabling access to my forum. -.-

Here is my forum: [nonactive]

Thanks beforehand!

EDIT: Fixed. I remembered that there was no text for Modifications.php on spanish_es (my forum's language).
So I just copypasted the respective text from Modifications.spanish.php to Modifications.spanish_es.php. No more heroes error logs.

Maybe Azhtek has the same trouble than me.

Ciberwing, anda, añade el idioma spanish_es para la próxima versión (si es que la hay).
Por si no lo he dicho antes, gracias por este mod. Todos los foros deberían tener algo así.


am i the only one getting this error? (saw this on my error logs)

8: Undefined index: spoiler_show
File: /home/MYNAMEHERE/public_html/forum/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 1596

8: Undefined index: spoiler_hide
File: /home/MYNAMEHERE/public_html/forum/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 1596


Quote from: pinoypetfinder on December 02, 2008, 02:05:49 AM
am i the only one getting this error? (saw this on my error logs)

8: Undefined index: spoiler_show
File: /home/MYNAMEHERE/public_html/forum/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 1596

8: Undefined index: spoiler_hide
File: /home/MYNAMEHERE/public_html/forum/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 1596
Try to have a look at Titanio Verde's post and see if you need to fix the same thing as he did.
