now that it works, how can I tweak my mambo page with SMF stuff..

Started by BrandonMiller, December 22, 2004, 05:23:45 PM

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I'd like to put the latests posts and the upcoming calendar entries (abreviated for space) on my mambo front page,..





Well, seeing as I installed the rest for you, I can finish that off for you.  The first is a module I have already created, and the second I can do shortly.



the engineer in me wants to tinker - I don't see how those work as in where is the code? I'd kinda like to make it the last 3 topics instead of 5. I thought maybe it was tied to the list on the forum but it doesn't seem to be. Very cool, but I'd just kinda like to know how ya did it other than it's magic ;)


Quotethe engineer in me wants to tinker - I don't see how those work as in where is the code? I'd kinda like to make it the last 3 topics instead of 5. I thought maybe it was tied to the list on the forum but it doesn't seem to be. Very cool, but I'd just kinda like to know how ya did it other than it's magic

In your modules folder, you'll find a file named mod_recentTopics.php.

In that, you'll find this line:

$num_recent = 5;

Just change it to whatever you wish.


I'm goood..

I forgot to back it up and somehow sent it and it wrapped when I saved it (damn you notepad, that is one feature I wish was not there!!), I allready broke your mod_smf_recentPosts.php file  :o
