Recurring Events in Calendar

Started by gentleman, December 26, 2004, 01:07:26 PM

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Please add recurring events in calendar.

- I want an event to happen every week.
- every month
- every 3 months
- every year.


I'd like to second that request.  I would also like to be able to put in specific times and duration for an event. 

SMF is great forum-ware, developing the calendar would really make it shine.



Yes, i would like to have that as well.
(Found this request while searching for that mod ... )

And: SMF Rulez !
Migration from YaBB1G was a little difficult, but the perfect decision !!!


I would also like to be able to post an event without making a forum post.  Some events just don't need much of an explaination (IE College Spring Semester Begins)


MikeMill, 1.1 will have unlinked events.

The calendar is something I'm trying to improve over time - but it's a slow process as there is always higher priority things to get to first :/
I'm only a half geek really...


Thanks Grudge.  I know how it is, too many things to code note enough caffeine to keep you awake long enough to code it all ;)


Quote from: MikeMill on January 08, 2005, 12:13:10 PM
caffeine to keep you awake long enough to code it all ;)

Yuck, caffeine.  I'll take egg nog or Sprite, thank you very much :P.

Recurring events could be nice, but the interface... well, I'm not sure.  And there are other problems.  Ideally, spanned events, recurring events, etc... would all be in the database just once.



Yeah, I'm another who will want both recurring and unlinked events.


Yeah I'll pitch in my voice for at least re-occuring events, hopefuly numbers will convence others.


It's not a case of having the convince us per se, but a case of finding the time on many things. There are loads of features I'd like to have in SMF, but then there are only so many hours in the day - it's a balancing act - especially as every new feature involves a lot of testing etc.
I'm only a half geek really...


Speaking off the calendar one thing I noticed is that the holiday's don't clean themselves up at all.  Is this so you can go back so many years and see all the holidays?

Quote from: [Unknown] on January 09, 2005, 06:51:11 AM
Yuck, caffeine.  I'll take egg nog or Sprite, thank you very much :P.
psycho :)


I'm only a half geek really...


Any plans to change that?  I mean after 2 years its not really relevent any more and not worth the database space (though it does only take up a little bit of room).  It would be interesting (though a pain in the arse) to somehow tell it how to calculate a particular event.  Then you wouldn't have to put say Easter's date in for every year.  But of course there are more important things :)


... and if the 24-hour-day does not provide enough time, we take the night as well ...  ;)
(i am into event-technique: same problem with less time than work plus an audience, who is not willing to wait any longer for the show ...  :) )

But there's one item i noticed in the SMF 1.0 Calendar:
The "next birthdays" section in board index shows a birthday from today's date but next month as "actual" (bold).
This means if today's date is 2005-01-09, and there is a birthday on 2005-02-09, that will appear first in the list and bold ...
So i deactivated the "next birthdays" for the moment, it does not happen with "next events", as far as i could find out.

Anyway, me and my community as well want to thank all SMF coders for a grrrreat piece of work !


The setting is not meant to be above 30.  We may, however, fix it so that doesn't work - still, I'm not horribly worried about that problem just right now (because I really don't consider a birthday over a month away to be "upcoming".)



Another thing I'd like to see is being able to set different lengths of time for the upcoming value for the different types of events.  A week is enough for birthdays but not enought of events.  A month may be enough for an event but way too much for a birthday.  Again just something I'd like to see eventually :)


How about being able to add new holidays? Though this will come with recurring and unlinked events I guess :)


Another vote for recurring events. I'd like to mark events that take place for example "the first thursday every month".


--can't wait till the day we can stop manually entering recurring events again and again.

Ed Teune

Since haven't posted in a while, great job on SMF, been using YaBBSe for a couple years, finally upgraded old site and installed SMF on new customer's site.

I actually like tying calendar events to a message explaining the event in the message board. But what I would really like to do is tie recurring events to the same message.
You know, wednesday yoga class for the next three months with a message you can drill down to but don't have to recreate a dozen times.

Now that would be cool.


I love smf, and I love the calendar.  What I'd like to be able to do with the calendar is have recurring events, like something happening every Tuesday, or something that happens every 1st Monday of the month.

Thanks for all your awesome work!


agreed. this feature has been roundly favored and requested for quite a while.


Consider this one more request to bump up recurring events.

I'm ready to dump Invision Power Board (1.3.1) and that is the only feature that you are lacking that I can't live without.


- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


If it is, I will be dumping Invision for sure.

weekend camper

another vote to make this a feature in 1.1



Count my vote for unlinked and recurring events in version 1.1 too!! :)


I came into browse around to see if this very subject could be added to the calendar. I see St Patrick's day and a few mainly American recurring events, but I would like to add more localised recurring events to the calendar, like St Andrew's, St George's & St David's day. Maybe even good old Burns night or Guy Fawkes. A feature like this would really be the proverbial icing on the cake. Meanwhile, good work you are all doing here! Great stuff!
Ped ;D


Any update on this thread?  Where is it on the list of "things to do"?



if you add Grudge's Manage Holiday mod, you can do just what you're looking for...   it allows you to export the current holiday list, (text file) modify it and import the modified list (with the option of deleting the old ones and using just the items in your import or adding the import list to what already exists)

I added UK, Canada, Jewish and pagan holidays to my list in a matter of 20 minutes (mostly typing into the text file)

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


And yet another vote for recurring events.
(I've tried about a dozen of forum systems and have finally found SMF. "Hallelujah". The only thing I'm missing are recurring events and ignore topics of no interest...)


i've heard it's coming out in 1.1


I'm only a half geek really...


Heh, with 1.1 in Beta, I am patient enough to see features added into the dev's "to-do" list for the following version.  I agree and vote in favor of, more advanced recurring events abilities.

I will have to download and try the beta of 1.1, I'm hoping the events linked to forums is an option rather than being ditched altogether.  One of the reasons for going to SMF was a constant complaint about having to post to an events calendar and a forum to discuss the event.
I know everything, I can't remember it all.


You'll have to wait a few months to get hold of the 1.1 beta I'm afraid unless you're a charter member - it is coming some point in the future though :)
I'm only a half geek really...


Quote from: Kindred on April 22, 2005, 02:52:21 PM

if you add Grudge's Manage Holiday mod, you can do just what you're looking for...   it allows you to export the current holiday list, (text file) modify it and import the modified list (with the option of deleting the old ones and using just the items in your import or adding the import list to what already exists)

I added UK, Canada, Jewish and pagan holidays to my list in a matter of 20 minutes (mostly typing into the text file)

Oops, sorry Kindred just saw this  :o

I will check it out ASAP (Thanks)



The current recurring events in 1.1 is nice, but it would be awfully convenient to be able to select the recurrance schedule rather than just have it span over a number of days.  For example:
Start Date -
End Date -
           all, weekdays, s m t w t f s
             1 2 3 4
                     all, weekdays, s m t w t f s
            all, 1,2,....12
                      1 2 3 4
                               all, weekdays, s m t w t f s
Another option might be to have a mini-calendar to click-slect (including ctrl/shift).

Just a thought... sounds like a ton of work!



(Yet Another Vote For A Recurring Events Functionality In The Next Version).

We could *really* use one that lets us create "First Saturday of the Month" style events.

Thanks to everyone making SMF rock!
(Currently): Joomla 1.0.12 | SMF 1.1 Final | Bridge 1.16 | Life .31 Alpha
"Am I really the only one to ever wonder what a Wookie would look like shaved?"


any updates on this requested feature?? i have 1.1 RC3..


I'll have to add my vote, recurring events is what I was searching for.
signatures are boring.


I add my vote as well for recurring events in calendar.  :)


What's the status on adding recurring events?
SMF 1.1.6


I'd love to see recurring events added to the calendar.  Is this something that we can hopefully see in 2.0?

SMF 1.1.6


I think doing this and making the holidays a sort of 'file' would be far superior, too.
Elliquiy Adult Role playing is a mature roleplaying community with some 500,000 posts in over 100 boards.

I don't know everything.  Please ask questions in the support forums instead of PMing me!


a mod has been created.  go check - it rocks


Original post was 2004, it's 2012 now and still no recurring events.

I think it's time to fix that :)  There's other thread on this too, but I think this was the best one to bump since it shows how long people have wanted this feature for.  Also, the mod mentioned in this thread does not work in SMF 2 so once again we are without any options for recurring events in calendar.  It would be great to see this functionality added to the calendar included with SMF and indeed at this point it is a necessary feature for the calendar to be competitive with other software.


Nice necro, kwolf, thanks. :D

(just kiddin' btw.)

Okay. Well, the calendar functionality is having an overhaul for SMF 3.0. As soon as it's shaped up a bit, it will be known and open to the community for feedback and improvements. Them recurring events are going to have their time.
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Recurring event is definitely a good feature - 1 extra vote.


Almost 2015 and recurring events in the calendar capability has still not been added.

It's been almost 10-years now...


There are simply not enough people that use the calendar to be honest. It might seem like it but it's actually a very vocal minority that even uses it, let alone that specific facet of it if it existed.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.



I had a recurring events mod for 1.1.x.

When I stopped developing it and handed the mod off to someone else... Who eventually dropped it as well, I believe there were a total of 3 people who loudly complained maybe 5.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


This would be a helpful addition, lots of clubs meet one day a month all year, I have fire drill every week .............



I used to have it via a mod in smf 1.x now I have started from scratch with 2.09 I cant add that functionality :( We used it quiet a lot.



Any hints as to when the recurring event capability would make it to the development roadmap?


well, not for 2.1....

and for 3.0, the calendar will likely be removed from the core and turned into an official add-on mod...   so - possibly then.   (which means, not any time soon)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Many thanks for the prompt response and clarification!!

