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Started by SimplePortal Team, March 10, 2008, 11:16:07 PM

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Nice mod and well done.

Is it possible to integrate the forum into the centre of the page, instead of having to link to it?


8. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/index.template.php Test failed

what's wrong?

          [ ]


Quote from: pradius on May 26, 2008, 07:12:34 PM
8. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/index.template.php Test failed

what's wrong?
Use the package parser on the mod page to find out what edits have to be made to that file. Make them manually and install the mod, then upload the manually edited file to your ftp. Remember to backup all files that will be edited by the package installer.


Update to 1.2 translate she work Fine
thank you
// Version: 1.2; SPortal
//  Traducao de candidosa2 for

//User Block
$txt['sp-user'] = 'Membro';
$txt['sp-userpost'] = 'Postes';
$txt['sp-userkarma'] = 'Karma';
$txt['sp-userip'] = 'IP';
$txt['sp-usertmessage'] = 'Mensagens totais ';
$txt['sp-usernmessage'] = 'Mensagens novas ';
$txt['sp-userprofile'] = 'Perfil';
$txt['sp-userlogout'] = 'Sair';

//Users Online Block
$txt['sp-online'] = 'Membro Online';
$txt['sp-onlineguest'] = 'Convidados on-line';
$txt['sp-onlineuser'] = 'Membro on-line';
$txt['sp-onlinehuser'] = 'Membro escondidos ';
$txt['sp-onlinetuser'] = 'Membro Totais ';
$txt['sp-onlineouser'] = 'Membro on-line';

//Board Stats Block
$txt['sp-stat'] = 'Quadro Estat&iacute;sticas';
$txt['sp-statmember'] = 'Total Membros';
$txt['sp-statpost'] = 'Total Postes';
$txt['sp-stattopic'] = 'T&oacute;picos totais';
$txt['sp-statcategory'] = 'Categorias totais ';
$txt['sp-statboard'] = 'Total Boards';

//Latest Member Block
$txt['sp-lmember'] = '&Uacute;ltimo Membro';

//Quick Search Block
$txt['sp-qsearch'] = 'Procura r&aacute;pida ';
$txt['sp-qsearchsearch'] = 'Procura ';

//Top Poll Block
$txt['sp-poll'] = 'Top Vota&ccedil;&atilde;o';

//Top Posters Block
$txt['sp-tposter'] = 'Top Posters';
$txt['sp-tposterpost'] = ' postes';

//Top Boards Block
$txt['sp-tboard'] = 'Top Quadro';
$txt['sp-tboardname'] = 'Quadro';
$txt['sp-tboardpost'] = 'Postes';

//Top Topics Block
$txt['sp-ttopic'] = 'Top T&oacute;picos';
$txt['sp-ttopicname'] = 'T&oacute;pico';
$txt['sp-ttopicpost'] = 'Postes';

//Announcements Block
$txt['sp-announce'] = 'An&uacute;ncios';

//Recent Posts Block
$txt['sp-rpost'] = 'Recentes Postes';

//Recent Topics Block
$txt['sp-rtopic'] = 'Recentes T&oacute;picos';

//News Block
$txt['sp-news'] = 'Quadro Not&iacute;cias';

//SMF Shop Recent Purchase Block
$txt['sp-rpurchase'] = 'Recentemente Comprado';

//SMF Gallery Block
$txt['sp-grpicturerandom'] = 'Últimas imagem';
$txt['sp-grpicturelatest'] = 'Random Picture';
$txt['sp-grpictureviews'] = 'Ver:';
$txt['sp-grpicturesender'] = 'Por:';
$txt['sp-grpictureguest'] = 'Visitante';

//SMF Arcade Block
$txt['sp-arcade'] = 'Arcade';
$txt['sp-arcadeplay'] = 'O Top de jogadores';
$txt['sp-arcadewin'] = 'Número de vitórias :';
$txt['sp-arcadelate'] = 'Últimas pontuação elevada por ';
$txt['sp-arcadewit'] = 'Como ';
$txt['sp-arcadeon'] = 'on ';

//Advertise Block
$txt['sp-advertise'] = 'Anuncie';


<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
<add><![CDATA[$txt['mods_cat_sportal'] = 'Portal Settings';
$txt['mods_cat_sportal'] = 'Portal Configura&ccedil;&otilde;es';
$txt['sportalsettings'] = 'Portal Configura&ccedil;&otilde;es';
$txt['lshowdetails'] = '<b>Membro</b> | Mostrar detalhes do membro?';
$txt['aspecificannounce'] = '<b>Anunciar</b> |Usar diferentes anuncios?';
$txt['nshowavatar'] = '<b>Not&iacute;cias</b> | Mostrar avatar?';
$txt['tttype'] = '<b>Top T&oacute;pico</b> | Mostrar por tipo?';
$txt['tttypeselect'] = 'Selecione';
$txt['aannouncetext'] = '<b>Anunciar</b> | Anunciar texto:<div class="smalltext">Anuncios diferentes  devem ser verificados.</div>';
$txt['nnewsboard'] = '<b>Quadro de Not&iacute;cias</b> | Not&iacute;cias Quadro:';
$txt['nnewscount'] = '<b>Quadro de Not&iacute;cias</b> | Not&iacute;cias a mostrar:';
$txt['nnewslength'] = '<b>Quadro de Not&iacute;cias</b>| Comprimento conte&uacute;do da not&iacute;cias:';
$txt['rppostcount'] = '<b>Postes recentes</b> | N&uacute;mero de postes :';
$txt['rttopiccount'] = '<b>T&oacute;picos recentes</b> | N&uacute;mero de t&oacute;picos:';
$txt['ppollid'] = '<b>Top Vota&ccedil;&atilde;o</b> | Mostrar Vota&ccedil;&atilde;o :';
$txt['tppcount'] = '<b>Top Postes</b> | Contagem de postes:';
$txt['tbbcount'] = '<b>Top Quadro</b> | Contagem no quadro:';
$txt['tttcount'] = '<b>Top T&oacute;picos</b> | Contagem no t&oacute;picos:';
$txt['showleft'] = 'Mostrar blocos do lado esquerdo :';
$txt['showright'] = 'Mostrar blocos do lado direito:';
$txt['leftwidth'] = 'Largura bloco Esquerdo:';
$txt['rightwidth'] = 'Largura Lateral bloco direito:';
$txt['showuser'] = 'Mostrar bloco do membro:';
$txt['showusersonline'] = 'Mostrar bloco do membro online :';
$txt['showboardstats'] = 'Mostrar quadro bloco das Estat&iacute;sticas:';
$txt['showlatestmember'] = 'Mostrar bloco do &uacute;ltimo membro:';
$txt['showquicksearch'] = 'Mostrar bloco de Pesquisa r&aacute;pida :';
$txt['showannouncements'] = 'Mostrar bloco de An&uacute;ncios:';
$txt['showboardnews'] = 'Mostrar quadro de Not&iacute;cias no bloco:';
$txt['showrecentposts'] = 'Mostrar poste recentes:';
$txt['showrecenttopics'] = 'Mostrar t&oacute;picos Recentes:';
$txt['showtoppoll'] = 'Mostrar Top Vota&ccedil;&atilde;o:';
$txt['showtopposters'] = 'Mostrar Top Postes:';
$txt['showtopboards'] = 'Mostrar Top Quadro:';
$txt['showtoptopics'] = 'Mostrar Top T&oacute;picos:';
$txt['showrecentpurchase'] = 'Mostrar recentemente comprou:<div class="smalltext">SMF Shop and Stats mod deve ser instalado.</div>';
$txt['showgallery'] = 'Mostrar Galeria:<div class="smalltext">SMF Galeria mod deve ser instalado.</div>';
$txt['showarcade'] = 'Mostrar Arcade bloco:<div class="smalltext">SMF Arcade mod deve ser instalado.</div>';
$txt['advertiselefton'] = 'Mostrar o lado esquerdo anuncio:';
$txt['advertiserighton'] = 'Mostrar o lado direito anuncio:';
$txt['advertiseleft'] = 'Bloco lado esquerdo publicitar conte&uacute;do:';
$txt['advertiseright'] = 'Lateral direita anunciar bloquear conte&uacute;do:';
$txt['advertiselefttype'] = 'Lateral esquerda anunciar codifica&ccedil;&atilde;o tipo:';
$txt['advertiserighttype'] = 'Lateral direita anunciar tipo de codifica&ccedil;&atilde;o:';
$txt['advertisehtml'] = 'Html';
$txt['advertisephp'] = 'Php';
$txt['sp-forum'] = 'F&oacute;rum';]]></add>
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.brazilian.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
<add><![CDATA[$txt['mods_cat_sportal'] = 'Portal Settings';
$txt['mods_cat_sportal'] = 'Portal Configura&ccedil;&otilde;es';
$txt['sportalsettings'] = 'Portal Configura&ccedil;&otilde;es';
$txt['lshowdetails'] = '<b>Membro</b> | Mostrar detalhes do membro?';
$txt['aspecificannounce'] = '<b>Anunciar</b> |Usar diferentes anuncios?';
$txt['nshowavatar'] = '<b>Not&iacute;cias</b> | Mostrar avatar?';
$txt['tttype'] = '<b>Top T&oacute;pico</b> | Mostrar por tipo?';
$txt['tttypeselect'] = 'Selecione';
$txt['aannouncetext'] = '<b>Anunciar</b> | Anunciar texto:<div class="smalltext">Anuncios diferentes  devem ser verificados.</div>';
$txt['nnewsboard'] = '<b>Quadro de Not&iacute;cias</b> | Not&iacute;cias Quadro:';
$txt['nnewscount'] = '<b>Quadro de Not&iacute;cias</b> | Not&iacute;cias a mostrar:';
$txt['nnewslength'] = '<b>Quadro de Not&iacute;cias</b>| Comprimento conte&uacute;do da not&iacute;cias:';
$txt['rppostcount'] = '<b>Postes recentes</b> | N&uacute;mero de postes :';
$txt['rttopiccount'] = '<b>T&oacute;picos recentes</b> | N&uacute;mero de t&oacute;picos:';
$txt['ppollid'] = '<b>Top Vota&ccedil;&atilde;o</b> | Mostrar Vota&ccedil;&atilde;o :';
$txt['tppcount'] = '<b>Top Postes</b> | Contagem de postes:';
$txt['tbbcount'] = '<b>Top Quadro</b> | Contagem no quadro:';
$txt['tttcount'] = '<b>Top T&oacute;picos</b> | Contagem no t&oacute;picos:';
$txt['showleft'] = 'Mostrar blocos do lado esquerdo :';
$txt['showright'] = 'Mostrar blocos do lado direito:';
$txt['leftwidth'] = 'Largura bloco Esquerdo:';
$txt['rightwidth'] = 'Largura Lateral bloco direito:';
$txt['showuser'] = 'Mostrar bloco do membro:';
$txt['showusersonline'] = 'Mostrar bloco do membro online :';
$txt['showboardstats'] = 'Mostrar quadro bloco das Estat&iacute;sticas:';
$txt['showlatestmember'] = 'Mostrar bloco do &uacute;ltimo membro:';
$txt['showquicksearch'] = 'Mostrar bloco de Pesquisa r&aacute;pida :';
$txt['showannouncements'] = 'Mostrar bloco de An&uacute;ncios:';
$txt['showboardnews'] = 'Mostrar quadro de Not&iacute;cias no bloco:';
$txt['showrecentposts'] = 'Mostrar poste recentes:';
$txt['showrecenttopics'] = 'Mostrar t&oacute;picos Recentes:';
$txt['showtoppoll'] = 'Mostrar Top Vota&ccedil;&atilde;o:';
$txt['showtopposters'] = 'Mostrar Top Postes:';
$txt['showtopboards'] = 'Mostrar Top Quadro:';
$txt['showtoptopics'] = 'Mostrar Top T&oacute;picos:';
$txt['showrecentpurchase'] = 'Mostrar recentemente comprou:<div class="smalltext">SMF Shop and Stats mod deve ser instalado.</div>';
$txt['showgallery'] = 'Mostrar Galeria:<div class="smalltext">SMF Galeria mod deve ser instalado.</div>';
$txt['showarcade'] = 'Mostrar Arcade bloco:<div class="smalltext">SMF Arcade mod deve ser instalado.</div>';
$txt['advertiselefton'] = 'Mostrar o lado esquerdo anuncio:';
$txt['advertiserighton'] = 'Mostrar o lado direito anuncio:';
$txt['advertiseleft'] = 'Bloco lado esquerdo publicitar conteúdo:';
$txt['advertiseright'] = 'Lateral direita anunciar bloquear conteúdo:';
$txt['advertiselefttype'] = 'Lateral esquerda anunciar codificação tipo:';
$txt['advertiserighttype'] = 'Lateral direita anunciar tipo de codificação:';
$txt['advertisehtml'] = 'Html';
$txt['advertisephp'] = 'Php';
$txt['sp-forum'] = 'Fórum';]]></add>


Quote from: tfalbb on May 26, 2008, 09:01:02 AM
Quote from: [SiNaN] on May 26, 2008, 08:38:26 AM
Quote from: tfalbb on May 26, 2008, 08:36:44 AM

Wow, interesting. Does this link work for you?


Yes it gets me to the settings page, but as you can see from the screenshot the Simple Portal tab is blank when I use that link. It doesn't show at all when I use the normal method of accessing the admin panel.

Are you sure you are not using english-utf8.php      for me i had to put the SP stuff into my english-utf8.php before mine would work.


How can i change the positions of the blocks in the template? I am trying to swap the position of Top Poll with Advertisement.


Quote from: ruaduck on May 27, 2008, 10:45:31 AM
Quote from: tfalbb on May 26, 2008, 09:01:02 AM
Quote from: [SiNaN] on May 26, 2008, 08:38:26 AM
Quote from: tfalbb on May 26, 2008, 08:36:44 AM
Wow, interesting. Does this link work for you?


Yes it gets me to the settings page, but as you can see from the screenshot the Simple Portal tab is blank when I use that link. It doesn't show at all when I use the normal method of accessing the admin panel.

Are you sure you are not using english-utf8.php      for me i had to put the SP stuff into my english-utf8.php before mine would work.

No, not utf-8. I'm more inclined to think it's a clash with another installed mod. Which file should I check and which lines need to be in there for this to work? I'll check and add the lines manually if need be.


I have installed Simple Portal.. but with the theme i'm using i can't see the "Forum" Button. can anyone help please?


tfalbb, if you go to the mod page and use the package parser it will show you all edits this mod makes.

Quote from: Elia on May 27, 2008, 05:56:56 PM
I have installed Simple Portal.. but with the theme i'm using i can't see the "Forum" Button. can anyone help please?

You need to manually edit the index.template.php in your theme folder. this package parser will give you theme edits


Can someone help me? I have a little problem with my poral.

When i open my site, then my page is very width. Like you see in the image (atthebeginning.jpg)
But after 10 sec or more i changes back to normal Like you see in the image (normal.jpg)

I have also post my sporal.template.php..( if need other file please repley then)

Does somebody know how to fix this one? I would really appreciated it if somebody help me becasue i cound''t!..


Quote from: tfalbb on May 26, 2008, 09:01:02 AM
Quote from: [SiNaN] on May 26, 2008, 08:38:26 AM
Quote from: tfalbb on May 26, 2008, 08:36:44 AM

Wow, interesting. Does this link work for you?


Yes it gets me to the settings page, but as you can see from the screenshot the Simple Portal tab is blank when I use that link. It doesn't show at all when I use the normal method of accessing the admin panel.

Can you attach your Modifications.english.php and ModSettings.php files so that I can check?

Quote from: Sic0 on May 26, 2008, 02:27:35 PM
Nice mod and well done.

Is it possible to integrate the forum into the centre of the page, instead of having to link to it?

Hımmmm, not yet.

Quote from: markvon on May 27, 2008, 12:10:30 PM
How can i change the positions of the blocks in the template? I am trying to swap the position of Top Poll with Advertisement.

Can you attach your SPortal.template.php file?

Quote from: sorosh1 on May 29, 2008, 05:34:56 AM
Can someone help me? I have a little problem with my poral.

When i open my site, then my page is very width. Like you see in the image (atthebeginning.jpg)
But after 10 sec or more i changes back to normal Like you see in the image (normal.jpg)

I have also post my sporal.template.php..( if need other file please repley then)

Does somebody know how to fix this one? I would really appreciated it if somebody help me becasue i cound''t!..

The problem is that you have so so many pictures loading in the center-bottom block. That's why it takes so much time to open the whole page.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


QuoteThe problem is that you have so so many pictures loading in the center-bottom block. That's why it takes so much time to open the whole page.

Thanks [SiNaN]  , I fixd it. Thanks to you I know what the problem was;)

Sudhakar Arjunan

Quote from: [SiNaN] on May 26, 2008, 08:25:53 AM
Quote from: asudhakar on May 25, 2008, 11:55:42 AM
If the link you gave before is the one you use in your site, I'll try to code the block for it.

Yes your are right SiNaN, could you help me Out if possible.

Will look at it, but do not hurry that much.

when you will help me siNaN, am waiting for it siNaN.

ITs just a reminder, Thank you.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
My Smf forum : Discuss ITAcumens :: My SMF Forum


Wow, I can't believe I didn't notice this mod before now. It's really great that TinyPortal is getting some competition, and from what I can see this looks like high quality work. I hope you're not planning on making this a one-man sailing ;)

If it was SMF 2.0 compatible I'd be on it like a... something that really sticks to something.


Things are not like they seem to be. :P

This is so so simple considered to the TinyPortal. Maybe a little brother for Tiny right now.

I'm waiting the end of my finals, then I hope everything will change.

And this is for you asudhakar. Add this code to the one of the advertise blocks and select php as the type:

* Tiny Portal/SMF Arcade - Combined Games and Scrolling Champ Block           *
* Version:              1.0 - for SMFARCADE V2 E2.5.0 on                        *
* File by:            Eric Lawson -                            *
*                                                                             *
* To install:                                                                 *
* Copy the entire contents (crtl+a)(ctrl+c) of this file into a phpblock      *
*                                                                               *
* Edits:                                                                      *
* Change the txt strings to suit your language.                               *
* Set $no_topten = <number of top players to show>                            *
* Set $gamesUrl = <to the same as games url in arcade settings>                  *
* Set $no_games = <number of game icons to show at top of block>                     *
* Set $icons_per_row = <number of icons per row>                              *
* Set $gamesUrl = <to the same as games url in arcade settings>                  *
*                                                                             *
* Uploads:                                                                                                *
* Upload a pic called arcade_block.gif                                        *
* (you can use you own gif - just name it arcade_block.gif) to each:          *
* Themes/<themename>/images/                                                  *
*                                                                             *
* This file is distributed in the hope that it is and will be useful,         *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES; without even any implied warranty of            *
*                                                                             *
global $gamesUrl;

$icons_per_row = 4;
$no_topten = 10;
$gamesUrl = 'http://www.urlinhere/Games/';

$txtplay = "The Top Players"; // change "The Top Players" to your language
$txtwin = "Number Of Wins :";// change "Number Of Wins :" to your language
$txtlate = "Latest High Score by ";// change "Latest High Score set by" to your language
$txtwit = "with ";// change "with" to your language
$txton = "on ";// change "on" to your language

//******NOTHING TO EDIT BELOW HERE********************************************

global $scripturl,$sourcedir,$boardurl,$db_prefix,$modSettings,$settings;

echo '<table width="100%">
            <td align="center">
               <br />
               <a href="',$scripturl,'?action=arcade"><img src="',$settings['images_url'],'/arcade_block.gif" border= "0" alt="Arcade" /></a>
               <br />
$random_games_choice = rand(1,4);
$games_choice = 'games'.$random_games_choice;
$curr_position = 0;

Function games3($no,$curr_position,$icons_per_row)
   global $scripturl,$db_prefix,$gamesUrl;
   //show the latest games
   echo '<div align="center">Latest Games<br />
   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5">

   $sql = "SELECT ID_GAME, game_name, thumbnail, game_directory
               FROM {$db_prefix}arcade_games
               ORDER BY ID_GAME DESC , game_name ASC LIMIT 0,{$no}";
   $result = db_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
   while($game = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $game_thumb = !$game['game_directory'] ?   $gamesUrl.$game['thumbnail'] : $gamesUrl.$game['game_directory']."/".$game['thumbnail'];
      if($curr_position == $icons_per_row)
         echo '</tr><tr>';
      <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=arcade;sa=play;game='.$game['ID_GAME'].'">
      <img src="'.$game_thumb.'" border="0" alt="'.$game['game_name'].'" width="30" height="30" title="Play '.$game['game_name'].'"/></a>

   echo '

Function games1($no,$curr_position,$icons_per_row)
   //show most played games (one score version only)
   global $scripturl,$db_prefix,$gamesUrl;

   echo '<div align="center">Most Played<br />
   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5">

   $sql = "SELECT ID_GAME, game_name, thumbnail, game_directory
               FROM {$db_prefix}arcade_games
               ORDER BY number_plays DESC , game_name ASC LIMIT 0,{$no}";
   $result = db_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
   while($game = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $game_thumb = !$game['game_directory'] ?   $gamesUrl.$game['thumbnail'] : $gamesUrl.$game['game_directory']."/".$game['thumbnail'];
      if($curr_position == $icons_per_row)
         echo '</tr><tr>';
      <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=arcade;sa=play;game='.$game['ID_GAME'].'">
      <img src="'.$game_thumb.'" border="0" alt="'.$game['game_name'].'" width="30" height="30" title="Play '.$game['game_name'].'"/></a>

   echo '

Function games4($no,$curr_position,$icons_per_row)
   //show least played games (one score version only)
   global $scripturl,$db_prefix,$gamesUrl;
   echo '<div align="center">Least Played<br />
   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5">

   $sql = "SELECT ID_GAME, game_name, thumbnail, game_directory
               FROM {$db_prefix}arcade_games
               ORDER BY number_plays ASC , game_name ASC LIMIT 0,{$no}";
   $result = db_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
   while($game = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $game_thumb = !$game['game_directory'] ?   $gamesUrl.$game['thumbnail'] : $gamesUrl.$game['game_directory']."/".$game['thumbnail'];
      if($curr_position == $icons_per_row)
         echo '</tr><tr>';
      <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=arcade;sa=play;game='.$game['ID_GAME'].'">
      <img src="'.$game_thumb.'" border="0" alt="'.$game['game_name'].'" width="30" height="30" title="Play '.$game['game_name'].'"/></a>

   echo '

Function games2($no,$curr_position,$icons_per_row)
   //show best rated games
   global $scripturl,$db_prefix,$gamesUrl;
   echo '<div align="center">Top Rated<br />
   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5">

   $sql = "SELECT ID_GAME, game_name, thumbnail, game_directory
               FROM {$db_prefix}arcade_games
               ORDER BY game_rating DESC , game_name ASC LIMIT 0,{$no}";
   $result = db_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__);
   while($game = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $game_thumb = !$game['game_directory'] ?   $gamesUrl.$game['thumbnail'] : $gamesUrl.$game['game_directory']."/".$game['thumbnail'];
      if($curr_position == $icons_per_row)
         echo '</tr><tr>';
      <a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=arcade;sa=play;game='.$game['ID_GAME'].'">
      <img src="'.$game_thumb.'" border="0" alt="'.$game['game_name'].'" width="30" height="30" title="Play '.$game['game_name'].'"/></a>

   echo '

//Get newest champ or die
$sql = "SELECT game.id_game, game.game_name, game.thumbnail, game.game_directory,
        IFNULL(mem.ID_MEMBER, 0) AS ID_MEMBER, IFNULL(mem.realName,'') AS realName, score.score
        FROM {$db_prefix}arcade_scores AS score
        LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.ID_MEMBER = score.id_member)
        JOIN {$db_prefix}arcade_games AS game ON (game.id_game = score.id_game)
        ORDER BY `champion_from` DESC
        LIMIT 0,1";
if(!($result = db_query($sql,__FILE__,__LINE__)))
   die("Could not get the newest champ");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

//newest champ details
$playerid = $row['ID_MEMBER'];
$player = $row['realName'];
$game_id = $row['id_game'];
$game_name = $row['game_name'];
$score = round($row['score'], 3);
$game_pic = !$row['game_directory'] ?   $gamesUrl.$row['thumbnail'] : $gamesUrl.$row['game_directory']."/".$row['thumbnail'];


$score_poss=0; //players position


<script type="text/javascript">

* Cross browser Marquee II- © Dynamic Drive (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit for this script and 100s more.

var delayb4scrollx=2000 //Specify initial delay before marquee starts to scroll on page (2000=2 seconds)
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function scrollmarqueex(){
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echo '<br />
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         <div id="vmarqueex" style="position: absolute; width: 98%;">
            <div align="center">
               <a href="'
,$scripturl,'?action=arcade;sa=play;game=',$game_id,'"><img src="',$game_pic,'" border="0" alt="',$game_name,'" width="60" height="60"/></a>
               <br />'
,$txtlate,'<br />
               <a href="'
,$txtwit,' ',$score,' ',$txton,'<br />',$game_name,'
               <br />------------------<br />'
,$txtplay,'<br /><br />';
               foreach (
$bp as $out)
'',$score_poss,' - ',$out['link'],'<br />',$txtwin,' ',$out['champions'],'
                       <br /><br />'
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal

Sudhakar Arjunan

Hey siNaN,

Thanks a lot . Really its works so cute .

Fits to my page.

Let me know how to create it as a permanent block towards the right side or left side in the top.

So that i will make it to fit on my screen.

Check out at

Thanks a lot siNaN for this Good Work
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
My Smf forum : Discuss ITAcumens :: My SMF Forum


May I have your SPorta.template.php file?
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal

Sudhakar Arjunan

Quote from: [SiNaN] on May 29, 2008, 10:23:38 AM
May I have your SPortal.template.php file?

Thank you siNaN,

And kindly check out this,

In the above post you saw some attachment file, where he has included menu in the left side.

Which i also would like it , if you could do for my page.

And here is my sportal.template.php page

$gamesUrl = '';
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
My Smf forum : Discuss ITAcumens :: My SMF Forum


I just changed the position and name of the advertise block.

You do not need to have a SPortal.template.php file in DilberMC theme. Just you need one in default theme and it will be enough.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal

Sudhakar Arjunan

I have removed the sportal page in dilbermc theme.
Then i have reloaded the page in default,

Got it done,
i found if i check enabling arcade block, it shows the previous error somethingi in sources/sportal.php @ line 861,
Same if i uncheck one of the left advertisement block,

The arcade block gets vanished.

So i understood, you have added a advertisement block as arcade.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
My Smf forum : Discuss ITAcumens :: My SMF Forum
