I moved my forums (PLEASE HELP)

Started by JayHaxor, March 29, 2008, 11:54:03 PM

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I was running a php nuke site before and I was working on my new site (smf) in a different directory. hxxp:www.clan-nj.com/site/ [nonactive]. Now I moved all the files from site into /public_html/ now i'm getting this error

QuoteTemplate Parse Error!
It seems something has gone sour on the forum with the template system. This problem should only be temporary, so please come back later and try again. If you continue to see this message, please contact the administrator.

You can also try refreshing this page.

which can be found at hxxp:www.clan-nj.com [nonactive].

Here is my Settings.php

* Settings.php                                                                    *
* SMF: Simple Machines Forum                                                      *
* Open-Source Project Inspired by Zef Hemel ([email protected])                    *
* =============================================================================== *
* Software Version:           SMF 1.1                                             *
* Software by:                Simple Machines (http://www.simplemachines.org)     *
* Copyright 2006 by:          Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
*           2001-2006 by:     Lewis Media (http://www.lewismedia.com)             *
* Support, News, Updates at:  http://www.simplemachines.org                       *
* This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under   *
* the terms of the provided license as published by Simple Machines LLC.          *
*                                                                                 *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it is and will be useful, but      *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES; without even any implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY    *
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                            *
*                                                                                 *
* See the "license.txt" file for details of the Simple Machines license.          *
* The latest version can always be found at http://www.simplemachines.org.        *

########## Maintenance ##########
# Note: If $maintenance is set to 2, the forum will be unusable!  Change it to 0 to fix it.
$maintenance 0; # Set to 1 to enable Maintenance Mode, 2 to make the forum untouchable. (you'll have to make it 0 again manually!)
$mtitle 'Maintenance Mode'; # Title for the Maintenance Mode message.
$mmessage 'Okay faithful users...we\'re attempting to restore an older backup of the database...news will be posted once we\'re back!'; # Description of why the forum is in maintenance mode.

########## Forum Info ##########
$mbname 'New Jersey Servers '; # The name of your forum.
$language 'english'; # The default language file set for the forum.
$boardurl 'http://clan-nj.com'; # URL to your forum's folder. (without the trailing /!)
$webmaster_email '[email protected]'; # Email address to send emails from. (like [email protected].)
$cookiename 'SMFCookie463'; # Name of the cookie to set for authentication.

########## Database Info ##########
$db_server 'localhost';
$db_name 'guess';
$db_user 'guess';
$db_passwd 'guess';
$db_prefix 'smf_';
$db_persist 0;
$db_error_send 1;

########## Directories/Files ##########
# Note: These directories do not have to be changed unless you move things.
$boarddir '/home/fbzxbaiy/public_html'; # The absolute path to the forum's folder. (not just '.'!)
$sourcedir '/home/fbzxbaiy/public_html/Sources'; # Path to the Sources directory.

########## Error-Catching ##########
# Note: You shouldn't touch these settings.
$db_last_error 1206675154;

# Make sure the paths are correct... at least try to fix them.
if (!file_exists($boarddir) && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/agreement.txt'))
$boarddir dirname(__FILE__);
if (!
file_exists($sourcedir) && file_exists($boarddir '/Sources'))
$sourcedir $boarddir '/Sources';

$db_character_set 'utf8';



Happy Ramadan


I did that, i set everything to the reccomended settings, do I have to remove it?


yes you should remove it.but error is still there....make backup of default theme and upload fresh copy of default theme.
Happy Ramadan


It's not working, before I removed it i set everything to the default it told me too, the my sql data base is correct, what am I doing wrong?


its template error why you don't  upload new default theme it will reset everything.
Happy Ramadan


Will I have to redo all my mods and forums and posts and everything?

EDIT: now its not showing anything.. hxxp:www.clan-nj.com [nonactive]

EDIT: Okay i made it lead to the default template, I'm going to reinstall the default template

What the heck happened to my forums? It's all messed up?


Happy Ramadan


Yup, i just got it, thanks so much man you rock. Fast reply, your the ownage :D:D:D:D:D


and please don't PM unless i asked you please...it will not help..
have a nice day
Happy Ramadan
