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Started by live627, June 24, 2008, 01:11:04 PM

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Marcus Forsberg

Swedish translation:

$txt['permissiongroup_drafts'] = 'Utkast';
$txt['permissionname_save_drafts'] = 'Kan spara meddelanden i utkast';
$txt['only_new_topics'] = 'Kan endast spara nya ämnen i utkast.';
$txt['error_draft_not_saved'] = 'Ett fel inträffade och utkastet sparades <b>inte</b>.';
$txt['draft_saved'] = 'Utkastet sparades utan problem.';
$txt['draft'] = 'Utkast';
$txt['showDrafts'] = 'Visa utkast';
$txt['no_drafts'] = 'Du har inga utkast att visa.';
$txt['last_saved'] = 'Senaste sparade';
$txt['lastSaved'] = 'Senast sparade';
$txt['delete_draft_confirm'] = 'Vill du verkligen radera utkastet?';
$txt['save_as_draft'] = 'Spara i utkast';
$txt['draft_saved_short'] = 'Utkast sparat';
$txt['loadDrafts'] = 'Ladda utkast';
$txt['hideDrafts'] = 'Dölj';
$txt['post_draft_confirm'] = 'Är du säker på att du vill posta detta utkast?';
$txt['drafts_postIt'] = 'Posta!';

Cal O'Shaw


I've just had two of our moderators report that when they are working on a sticky topic and create a draft, when they post it the sticky attribute is lost.

Have you encountered this, or is this mayhap an attribute not currently captured?



Charles Hill

I'm pretty sure that all those basic topic attributes were saved with drafts in v1.07.... I am unsure, though.  I'm going to revise this mod after I release Blog Community 2.0.1 Beta.

Cal O'Shaw

Grazie mille!

Both for the rapid reply as well as planning to look into this.  We're running on 1.07, btw.

Not to press in the slightest, but to give our moderators feedback, do you have any sort of time frame in mind (weeks or months works quite well)?  It's appreciated that you volunteer to do this sort of thing.

Charles Hill

Let's go with 2-3 weeks :)

Sudhakar Arjunan

I have one request. Once you go for the updated version , kindly help us providing the auto update function from earlier version to current version which will be highly useful. Instead of uninstalling and installing the drafts mod.
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Charles Hill

Just updated to 1.08!

*fixed* issue with posting a draft from the drafts page in your profile (it would not undo htmlspecialcharacters)
*fixed* now compatible with Blog Community 2.0.2 Beta


Can the new version be installed as an upgrade or do we need to unistall the older version first?

Charles Hill

Sorry.  Have to uninstall the previous version.  But it's only like 8 edits :)

Cal O'Shaw


Did you find anything about sticky topics becoming unsticky that you were able to address in 1.08?


Charles Hill

I just did a test save of a topic with the sticky this topic checkbox checked... then went to the show drafts page... went to modify and it was still checked.  Then I went back to the drafts page and posted the draft as a topic from there.  It was stickied.  So I guess it didn't need addressing :)

Cal O'Shaw

Unfortunately, I just finished my test and it didn't work.

Went into a sticky topic and did the following (text of the post, used as a test progress):

test of 1.08.  Using REPLY to create a post. (done)  Then using save as draft. (done)  Then checking to see if topic is still sticky. (done)  Then going into draft and posting draft. (done)  Then checking if still sticky. (fail)

Cal O'Shaw

Clarification:  I did not use the POST IT! link.  I edited the post, then clicked Post.

Sorry for lack of clarity.

Charles Hill

You can't use drafts when editing something you've already posted.  You can use drafts when modifying a draft though :)

Cal O'Shaw

I understand that.  I did not do that.

-went to a sticky topic
-went to last post
-clicked "reply" button
-typed the test message as above, without the () results.
-clicked "save as draft"
-went to board index
-checked topic was still marked as sticky (yes)
-went to my profile
-clicked on "Show Drafts (1)"
-clicked on "Modify"
-edited the draft, adding in () result data.
-clicked on "post"
-went to board index
-checked topic was still marked as sticky (NO)

Do you get the same results with these steps?

Charles Hill

Replies can't be sticky?

Cal O'Shaw

Well, if I reply in a sticky topic and just hit post, the topic stays sticky.  If I save the reply as a draft, then finish it and post it, it makes the topic unsticky, requiring manual "make sticky".

I don't think that should happen.

Charles Hill

Ooooooh.... I did not understand what you were saying.  ya you're right.  That shouldn't happen.  I'll fix it :)

Cal O'Shaw

Sudhakar Arjunan

Hi you have came with 1.0.8 Draft Version. Could  i know the 8 edits you have did so that i could manually upgrade the package with mod parser.

Because when i try to uninstall 1.0.7 Draft, it show two error.

1.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php   Test failed
5.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/Post.template.php   Test failed

So i would like to manually update the mod.
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