The upload folder is full ???????????

Started by drgeep, July 13, 2008, 05:56:56 PM

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While trying to "Reply" to a thread with an image attached ... I get the following:

"The upload folder is full.  Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator."

Help, please ... what to do when one gets the above error message:

File size limit (for images) is 500KB and the image (.png) file being uploaded is only 185KB - and - I am already an administrator and do not know how to fix this problem.

Any help much appreciated.
dr geep


Go to Admin -> Attachments and Avatars -> Attachment settings. Find the 'max size of attachment folder' setting and increase its value.


Thank you Aaron.
That fixed it.
I had it set to 10 MB but 100K+ per image eats this up pretty quick.
Now it is set 20 MB and (hopefully) I can remember to increase it the nexct time I need more space.
Thanks again for the correct and speedy reply.
dr geep
