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Google Tagged

Started by Yağız..., July 14, 2008, 01:52:17 PM

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GoogleTagged v2.1
By [n3rve] | SONSiVRi | Yağız..

Every time a visitor is brought to a topic by a major search engine (Google/Yahoo/MSN/Ask/AOL/AllTheWeb), this modification grabs the search terms that were used and stores them.

Eg A visitor may have just searched for 'harry potter'.  If the visitor then clicked on a link to a topic on your forum, that url is often passed to the forum. eg
The script then grabs 'harry potter' and stores them as tags.

A random selection of each topics tags are shown at the bottom each topic. The more visitors who are brought to the topic by the same search terms, the more hits each tag gets, the larger it appears.  Tags which the match those of the visiting users search are also shown in a different color.

This mod will ONLY function properly if your forum
- is public (eg Most/all of your topics/posts must be viewable to guests so they can be spidered)
- does NOT have a robots.txt which disallows all spiders (as spiders would not be able to spider your site)
- That your forum is relatively well spidered already

The http_referer header isn't always sent by the browser.
Not all servers accept http referrer. It doesn't require register_globals to be on.

Includes two admin settings
o Enable/Disable GoogleTagged Mod
o Setting multiple searchterms are stored to individually or together (not recommended)
Admin Tag Management featuring..
o (Un)Ban tags
o Reset Tags (Sets hits for each tag at Zero)
o Optimize Tags (Removes tags for deleted topics and general optimization)
Filtering Of Keywords
o Words' length can be set in GoogleTagged settings, default is 3 minimum and 20 maximum.  Bad characters are stripped allowing only [-a-Z0-9].
o Automatic removal of lots of Common/Bad Terms ('the','them','d**k' etc)
Per-Topic Tag Cloud
o Show random tags of each topic (default 20)
Random Tags (default 50)
Show All Topics Related To A Tag (Paginated), sorted by 'hits'.

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.

You are welcome to contribute via GitHub:

Language Support
o English /utf8
o Turkish /utf8      Thanks to SONSiVRi
All translations are welcome.

This mod is licensed under MIT License

Yağız... ©2010
[n3rve] ©2006 - 2008


wow marvelous good seo mod, you develop too smf 2.0 version?

Entra y aprende a ser un webmaster
--Si pides ayuda al menos agradece el soporte recibido----


Quote from: frony on July 15, 2008, 12:34:32 AM
wow marvelous good seo mod, you develop too smf 2.0 version?

Thanks to Karl Frony ;)
A 2.0 version may be made available.

Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


congratulations,i wait smf 2.0, this mod increase the web trafic :)

Entra y aprende a ser un webmaster
--Si pides ayuda al menos agradece el soporte recibido----


Quote from: frony on July 15, 2008, 03:13:44 PM
this mod increase the web trafic :)

Yes and no...

Initially all it does is tell you which search terms are leading to which threads.

However - later on once Google starts going to the tagged pages themselves (which show the topics tagged by that search term) - it becomes an indexed page itself.  Very interesting at the least.

eg, here's a list of links which go to my GoogleTagged pages directly, I've had the mod on there a few weeks and have about 3,000 search terms linking in so far (only 300+ have been indexed as yet):

High Steaks - meat is life


good job.congratulations. thanks :D


My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.


Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


translate to portuguese and brazilian

can puty here demo...i try to install default smf she not work

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_admin'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_menu'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_manage'] = 'Gerenciar GoogleTagged';
$txt['permissionname_googletagged_manage'] = 'Gerenciar GoogleTagged';
$txt['permissiongroup_googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.brazilian.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_admin'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_menu'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_manage'] = 'Gerenciar GoogleTagged';
$txt['permissionname_googletagged_manage'] = 'Gerenciar GoogleTagged';
$txt['permissiongroup_googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese-utf8.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" /><![CDATA[]]></search>
$txt['googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_menu'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_admin'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_manage'] = 'Gerenciar GoogleTagged';
$txt['permissionname_googletagged_manage'] = 'Gerenciar GoogleTagged';
$txt['permissiongroup_googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.brazilian-utf8.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" /><![CDATA[]]></search>
$txt['googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_menu'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_admin'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_manage'] = 'Gerenciar GoogleTagged';
$txt['permissionname_googletagged_manage'] = 'Gerenciar GoogleTagged';
$txt['permissiongroup_googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';


Thanks for the huge translation joomlamz, I'll be updating the mod shorlty.

Quote from: joomlamz on July 19, 2008, 02:28:24 PM
can puty here demo...i try to install default smf she not work

Did you have a problem installing the mod?
If you got Test Failed results on specific files, you can attach them here so I make the manual modifications.

Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


hey n3rve,
I did usefull things for me, I dunno are there any users wants them too?
- changing display count in tags cloud
- displaying total tags in tags cloud
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.


here is Turkish translation

Code ($languagedir/Modifications.english.php) Select

$txt['googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_admin'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_menu'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_manage'] = 'GoogleTagged Yönetim';
$txt['permissionname_googletagged_manage'] = 'GoogleTagged Yönetim';
$txt['permissiongroup_googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';

Code ($themedir/languages/GoogleTagged.english.php) Select

$txt['googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged';
$txt['googletagged_random50'] = 'GoogleTagged (50 Rastgele)';
$txt['googletagged_search'] = 'GoogleTagged ile yakalanan başlıklar ';
$txt['googletagged_subject'] = 'Konu';
$txt['googletagged_startedby'] = 'Başlatan';
$txt['googletagged_replies'] = 'Yanıtlar';
$txt['googletagged_views'] = 'İzlenme sayısı';
$txt['googletagged_pages'] = 'Sayfalar: ';

$txt['googletagged_admin'] = 'GoogleTagged Yönetim';
$txt['googletagged_admin_bantag'] = '[Yasaklı Etiket]';
$txt['googletagged_admin_error'] = 'Yasaklı etiket atama yetkiniz yok';
$txt['googletagged_admin_reset'] = 'Bütün etiketlerin izlenme sayısını sıfırla';
$txt['googletagged_admin_optimize'] = 'Etiketleri optimize et';
$txt['googletagged_admin_settings'] = 'Ayarlar';
$txt['googletagged_adminsbannedwords'] = 'Yasaklı etiketler';
$txt['googletagged_admin_addbannedwords'] = 'Yasaklı etiket ekle';
$txt['googletagged_admin_addwordban'] = 'Yasaklı etiket ekle';
$txt['googletagged_admin_removebannedwords'] = 'Yasaklı etiket sil';
$txt['googletagged_admin_nobannedwords'] = 'Yasaklı etiket bulunmuyor';
$txt['googletagged_googletagged'] = 'GoogleTagged etkin/etkisiz';
$txt['googletagged_together'] = 'Arama kriterlerini birlikte (parçalamadan) sakla';
$txt['googletagged_empty'] = 'Henüz hiçbir başlık GoogleTagged ile etiketlenmedi!<br />';
$txt['save'] = 'Ayarları kaydet';
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.


Now, I've got some little work :)
Thank you so much [John_Stewart].

Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Quote from: SONSiVRi on July 20, 2008, 11:16:36 AM
hey n3rve,
I did usefull things for me, I dunno are there any users wants them too?
- changing display count in tags cloud
- displaying total tags in tags cloud

Omg i want them !


version 1.1.4  Black45 Theme - Instant install - Not an issue Nice

I will followup with results.

Good Job and I hope it helps my rankings.


can't we hide Google tagged button from our members or guests................. or do it help us to get on first page on google search....................


Quote from: Realinfo on July 24, 2008, 01:01:21 AM
can't we hide Google tagged button from our members or guests................. or do it help us to get on first page on google search....................

Find in "$themedir/index.template.php"
// The [GoogleTagged] Button

Add something like shown as belove after this row
if ($context['user']['is_logged'])
if ($context['user']['is_guest']) 
if ($context['allow_admin'])

You will see example usage in that file, look around of find criteria.
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.


Quote from: Realinfo on July 24, 2008, 01:01:21 AM
Can't we hide Google tagged button from our members or guests?
This will have to be done manually? The next release will have an option as to who should be able to view the button. As for now, you'll have to do this manually.

Code (Find) Select

// The [GoogleTagged] Button
echo ($current_action == 'tagged' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'tagged' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=tagged">' , $txt['googletagged']  , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'tagged' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

Replacing the above code with this will not display the button to anyone who isn't logged on
Code (Replace with) Select

// The [GoogleTagged] Button
if ($context['user']['is_logged'])
echo ($current_action == 'tagged' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'tagged' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=tagged">' , $txt['googletagged']  , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'tagged' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

Replacing the above with the following wouldn't show the button to anyone except Administrators
Code (Replace with) Select

// The [GoogleTagged] Button
if ($context['allow_admin'])
echo ($current_action == 'tagged' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'tagged' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=tagged">' , $txt['googletagged']  , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'tagged' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

Quote from: Realinfo on July 24, 2008, 01:01:21 AM
Or do it help us to get on first page on google search?

Please refer to the Mod's introduction at the first post of this thread.

* [n3rve] will like to thank SONSiVRi for the translation and follow up of this mod.

Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Thanks to those who translated these mods to support;
  • Portuguese            Thanks to Joomlamz
  • Brazilian                       Thanks to Joomlamz
  • Turkish                         Thanks to SONSiVRi
  • Spanish                        Thanks to [John_Stewart]
  • Spanish_Latin       Thanks to [John_Stewart]

1.4 has been released, I updated the mod today and it now supports the above languages, also -the bug reported by SONSiVRi has also been resolved. The next version will be released as soon as I have completed development, it will be compatible with 2.0 and all features from 1.4 with more will be added.

Thank you

Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo
Former Marketing Co-ordinator, Simple Machines.
ralph [at] simplemachines [dot] org                       
Quote"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


btw [n3rve]
I found these variables defined but not using anywhere
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.
