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Started by Depreciated, July 24, 2008, 03:18:45 PM

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Quote function not working here

I uninstalled Ajax Quick Reply..

Karl this is the nicest improvement to my board to date, you are awesome.. I wish the quote worked.. I had to remove this mod because of quotes....
Rick Lepard

Careful of the simple police


Any way to fix the quote? It is an essential feature.
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I'll have a go at trying to fix it.


Ok, I've managed to fix the quote issue.

v1.1 - 3rd August 2008
o Fixed Quote issue
o Added Brazilian/Brazilian-utf8 support (Thanks to Joomlamz)
o Added Portuguese/Portuguese-utf8 support (Thanks to Joomlamz)
o Added Polish/Polish-utf8 support (Thanks to ccbtimewiz)
o Added Turkish/Turkish-utf8 support (Thanks to [Burak])


Quote from: karlbenson on August 03, 2008, 01:40:55 PM
Ok, I've managed to fix the quote issue.

v1.1 - 3rd August 2008
o Fixed Quote issue
quote issue is still exists at my forum when AJAX Instant Quick Reply is installed.
and there is one issue - when Wysiwyg Quick Reply v1.1 is installed while AJAX Instant Quick Reply is installed - then when i type in field of quick answer and then hit "post" - it gives me "Your message is empty" error. Has anyone encountered such issue?

p.s. sorry for my English.

Sudhakar Arjunan

Great Mod. WYSIWYG is a great technology to in post's as in front page.
But we are unlucky to have it in 1.1.5. - Clear mentioned that it does not have the feature.

Other way we have to wait till SMF Release 2.0 Beta 3.
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Quote issue exists if I select from one of these modes:
"- WYSIWYG (with bbc buttons and smilies)
- WYSIWYG (with bbc buttons only)
- WYSIWYG (with smilies only) (see note)

It works flawlessly if I choose:
"- Non-WYSIWYG (with bbc buttons and smilies)
- Non-WYSIWYG (with bbc buttons only)
- Non-WYSIWYG (with smilies only) (see note)
- Non-WYSIWYG (standard)"

Anyway... I don't see any difference between those WYSIWYG and Non-WYSIWYG modes...  :-\


message to all.

I suspect any remaining quoting issues might be an issue with a cached copy of the javascript file.
Either clear your cache.
or when viewing a topic, hit ctrl + f5 to force a fresh copy of scripts/xml_topic.js to be obtained.

The mod doesn't work well with Ajax quick reply installed. I tried to fix the bugs yesterday but I was unable to fix them.
However the quote issue isn't one of them.  Even when I had it installed, I was able to quote (with the fixed v1.1 wysiwyg quick reply)


I have some problem using QUICK REPLY box, when i trying to quote some discussion system remain in loading status ...
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


Edi, any javascript errors?

Try ctrl+f5 and see if it fixes the issue.


Can this function translated in German and  into the Mystic Jade purely Theme?

Sorry for my bad English it is translated with Google


Hi Karl

I could do with some advice. i installed this mod recenlty after upgrading my forum to 2.0 the mod was initially working but then i have noticed at some point it has stopped working. i have made a few changes since installing. the settings are still in user control panel but the editor is not displayed on the topic pages. i tried unistall and reinstall but no difference.



were there any javascript errors?  they would prevent the wysiwyg quick reply frm working properly.


no, no errors at all. all the back end seems to be installed i can configure options and user preferences, forum defaults etc, but i dont have the quick reply on the topic pages.


Are you using the smf-default core theme?
If not manually edits will be required to that theme.

The only other thing I could suggest is manually checking every single edit. (maybe one got missed due to a chmod/permissions problem?)


The quick reply doesn't seem to be able to handle pasting anything in?

Even text which is large, it looks fine when it goes into the box, but hitting post just screws everything up.
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It uses the same wysiwyg functionality as full-wysiwyg.
The mod loads the functions, but never interferes/alters or re-pastes the code.

Are you in wysiwyg mode?
Are there any javascript errors?
Does the same thing happen in full post mode?


i have the quick reply working now, i uninstalled changed all the permissions of required files and installed. that worked.

one problem i have noticed now, i am not sure if it is related to this mod.

when i quote a post the quoted text does not have a quote box around it.

the quoted text looks like this.

                    quoted text here.

this makes the discussion difficult to follow. any ideas?


That is probably a theme issue if its in posts.

It should not be converting it inside the quick reply wysiwyg itself?


Hmmm.  I installed Beta 4 today, and now the quick reply box layout seems broken (see attached image).  I can't figure out what happened.

Any ideas?
