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Super Admin

Started by Bulakbol, August 04, 2008, 06:44:30 PM

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My mods for SMF - [6].


SMF v2.1.4  Mods : Snow & Garland v1.4, Simple Image Upload v2.0.0,  PHP  v.8.1


Hi Bear.
I've actually moved on to other software, just to further my knowledge in ... other methods.
SMF being my first ever venture, I thought I'd branch out and befriend other communities/knowledge.
I have not totally left SMF, the software ROCKS too much, but since learning other methods, my limited time is focussed elsewhere.
I'm sure somebody will update the mod sometime, with new fantastic code and ideas.
But I suspect it wont be until all of the new n old bugs are gone from the RC.
Well, that's how it should be anyway.

Cheers :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


SMF v2.1.4  Mods : Snow & Garland v1.4, Simple Image Upload v2.0.0,  PHP  v.8.1

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

I always like playing with sword and sabre. But this Sabre™ is quite unique. Hope to see you helping here around whenever you are free or feel like it.  ;D Best of luck in your new endeavor.



I have tested it on a newly installed forum and the spy mode and hide package works, but the admin with nr 1 can be edited and banned by other admins. Can you help me ?




Welcome to SMF.  :)

This prob has been identified before. The 'solution' is either to have only one admin with full powers or wait until 2.0 final is released when Sabre may update the mod once and for all.

Meanwhile, you could try RC2 Emulation so as to install the mod.

I'll be the thousanth person to say this but do you really need anyone other than yourself with full admin powers?
SMF v2.1.4  Mods : Snow & Garland v1.4, Simple Image Upload v2.0.0,  PHP  v.8.1


And really, if you can't trust them with full admin powers, why are you giving them such powers?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


While I don't think I'll be giving anyone admin powers anytime soon, that's because I can often take what's given here and figure things out. Some people here that needed help got burned when they gave someone admin access to help them.

And then there's always the occasional hacker that gets in as admin. Sure there's always backups, if the new guy took any.  This was always one of my favorite mods to put on other peoples boards to give them a measure of confidence when I was doing that. 


The only time I've ever seen a hacker gain admin privileges is on badly configured shared hosting where there were other things able to access the database inappropriately.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.



I get to make this mod work on SMF 2.0 RC4, but I can't make appear in the account settings the option to enable or disable.

Only works with the entire admin group would be able to individually edit the profile.

Does anyone know what takes to show this?

Thanks very much.


I can't remember exactly but configuration was done somewhere in the Features and Options in the Admin section as the mod works only for the member with ID-1 ie. the forum owner.

There is also (somewhere in the admin area) the facility to hide it from other admins.

SMF v2.1.4  Mods : Snow & Garland v1.4, Simple Image Upload v2.0.0,  PHP  v.8.1


Quote from: YogiBear on March 29, 2011, 03:50:02 PM
I can't remember exactly but configuration was done somewhere in the Features and Options in the Admin section as the mod works only for the member with ID-1 ie. the forum owner.

There is also (somewhere in the admin area) the facility to hide it from other admins.

This I know is working, but the original mod can change in profile like hidden member the option spy profile like this "Do you want this member to be a spy?", now working but just for all admin group, if I have 3 admins, all 3 are spy members and I want to choose the profile.

But it's ok, thanks anyway.


Any update?

Thanks in advance

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

I don't think so...

Mr. Pirate

Can someone update this for SMF 2.0 please and thanks!


ZuperAdminRC1, try parse and install manually.Good luck!!
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

Quote from: Mr. Pirate on September 08, 2011, 11:43:14 PM
Can someone update this for SMF 2.0 please and thanks!
This untested and unapproved version of Zuper Admin (version 1.7) for SMF 2.0.


My mods for SMF - [6].
