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SMF Articles

Started by Team, September 04, 2008, 04:03:00 PM

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Well thank you, but that doesn't really make up for having an "Add image"-field that doesn't add images. Causes a lot of unnecessary confusion amongst users.


i just installed this, but my members can't see the article section.  I see it just fine the users of my forum can't.  any ideas for fixing whatever i've done?


Quote from: tommybishop on October 24, 2009, 05:05:22 PM
i just installed this, but my members can't see the article section.  I see it just fine the users of my forum can't.  any ideas for fixing whatever i've done?
You need to setup permissions under
Admin -> Permissions -> Modify each Group -> Then check the SMF Articles permissions needed
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I think it is not implemented, but this is a suggestion....

In my web, SMF Articles is used for stories, poetry, and sagas....

It would be nice to have "chapters" implemented, just for those large and long srticles/sagas....


You're stepping beyond "Articles" at that point and into the realm of the eFiction fucntionality...

I think, if you want chapters, etc, you should request a separate mod for writing rather than articles. :)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Yes, I'm migrating from efiction.... I like a more integrated thing, and thats the reason I have installed articles mod


but, I think you missed my point.

eFiction is a whole story based system.
SMF Articles is an articles system (similar to articles in a CMS).

You are trying to make SMF articles into something completely different.  Instead of using something and trying to turn it into something else, you should request that someone write a system to do  it the right way straight out.

What you are asking is like someone coming to me and saying "Well, I know that SMF is a forum, but I really want to use it like a photo gallery....

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


just wondering two things, and as i have read maybe its not only me :P

1. The image uploader works perfect for my smf 2.0 installation, but since the image name and thumb are stored in database, can the "main" image be set to show in the template on top and centered? how could this be done? i know dont how difficult this would be.

2. If the first is possible, there could be a "select" primary article image to be the one that displays on top, and then have the multiple image attachment from smf to include more images (if needed) and then added using bbcode as needed.

3. the html bbcode seems not supported by articles.

Thx for the article mod, im planing to use it as not only articles, but for guides as well and multiple images are very case sensitive. thx again for your help.


Well, I'm really thinking not in a thing just like eFiction.... but yes a multi-page article system, as it could be this....

But I know that this is a major change in tables, code, etc.... that's because I told about it as a suggestion, not asking for it. Mod creator is the only one that can see if it fits in the mod.

Thanks anyway.


I have a question, vbgamer, but first, let me just say that the mod installed beautifully on my 1.1.10 forum and, even more importantly, doesn't generate one single error.  (I can't tell you how glad I am of that.)

I hope I'm not guilty of not searching adequately, but I'm not seeing this:  my posters are asking me how to tell if there are new articles (since you can't tell simply by looking up at the button on the nav bar).  This is where I realize that I don't fully understand how to implement the mod.  Must one designate specific boards (or create them) in order for posters to be aware of new articles?  If I were to create specific boards as "article boards" wouldn't they just become part of the main page's category listings (just regular posting boards) and the posters wouldn't even need to access the articles button?

As you can see, I'm quite at a loss as how to set up the Articles mod to its best advantage or how to achieve "new" articles to be made apparent.   :)

Note:  I use this tip on my forum and it works beautifully.  It would be great if it could be modified for the Articles button; that would pretty much solve the problem.  Would you mind taking a look at it?
My apologies, but I am taking a break from accepting PM requests for support.  If I am not currently assisting you, please do not ask as long as this notice is posted.  Thank you.

I Don't Want To Grow Old Alone

It has been proven that Steely Dan reduces the occurrence of road rage, according to an independent study.

A reminder about admin / ftp passwords etc.


At this time there is no way to tell for new articles.

Categories need to be created first on the main articles page. Then articles can be submitted to a category
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Thanks!   :)

I went ahead and installed it on one of my test boards as well, so I'll just play around with it.
My apologies, but I am taking a break from accepting PM requests for support.  If I am not currently assisting you, please do not ask as long as this notice is posted.  Thank you.

I Don't Want To Grow Old Alone

It has been proven that Steely Dan reduces the occurrence of road rage, according to an independent study.

A reminder about admin / ftp passwords etc.


Hi! My can i put recent atricles to my portal? Thank you!


I have an idea useful addition.
option to print articels like print topic.


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I dloaded the latest version and tried to install.

It says:

QuoteThe package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.

Im using RC2 2.0


Quote from: BlueDevil on November 09, 2009, 06:02:43 PM
I dloaded the latest version and tried to install.
Im using RC2 2.0

The mod page doesn't say it's compatible with 2.0 RC2 at this time.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on November 09, 2009, 06:07:34 PM
Quote from: BlueDevil on November 09, 2009, 06:02:43 PM
I dloaded the latest version and tried to install.
Im using RC2 2.0

The mod page doesn't say it's compatible with 2.0 RC2 at this time.

oh snap,   lol.....  i didnt notice it.     


I thought he updated his mods.    I use several mods of his.   Hope he gets them updated.


A number of his mods are updated, but considering it's been less than 24 hours since the release announcement, we've done fairly well I'd say with the number of mods that did get updated :)

I'm sure vbgamer45 will add support soon for 2.0 RC2 for this mod :)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on November 09, 2009, 06:10:21 PM
A number of his mods are updated, but considering it's been less than 24 hours since the release announcement, we've done fairly well I'd say with the number of mods that did get updated :)

I'm sure vbgamer45 will add support soon for 2.0 RC2 for this mod :)

Oh no, dont get me wrong.  Im not pushing at all.   :)
